T w e n t y - t h r e e

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Gray's POV

"Erza? As in Erza Scarlet?" Natsu asked.

"Yes, Erza as in Erza Scarlet, Natsu" The man named Jellal confirmed "Erza has told me so much about you"

"Prove to us that you're Erza's companion" I demanded.

"Well if you want, I can contact her. She's in this party" He suggested.

"Gray, you meant the person you're supposed to meet is Erza Scarlet?! Damn man, you got some real connections" I ignored Natsu and focused on the mysterious man instead.

"Contact her"

"Don't be so impatient" Jellal chuckled "I'm not here to cause you any harm nor expose your weakness—"

I glared at him which made him shut the hell up.

"I told you, contact her" I said again.

He sighed and grabbed a rectangular object from his pocket "I'll contact her through here so don't fret"

We waited until he spoke.

"Erza, I met him in the toilet" He looked at both of us and groaned.

"It was just a coincidence... No, not so far but they're itching to kill me... "

"What am I now, your messenger? Fine." He put back the device in his pocket.

"It's made by sound magic, it can let you speak to the other person" He began.

"We didn't ask" Natsu stated.

"I was just saying" He looked at me "She will meet you by the garden"

I nodded.

"Why are you both so uptight? I'm seriously only here by coincidence"

Coincidence my ass, he obviously hid his presence so that he can observe us.

"Dude, first of all, you're creepy. And who the hell wouldn't be on their guard if a stranger overhears a private conversation?" Natsu pointed out "That's a pretty dumb question. Besides, I don't even know who Mystogan is. Is that some lame nickname you came up with?" Natsu snickered.

"Now that's just rude" He frowned "I felt offended but I'll let it slide since I take it that you guys aren't very updated on the news"

"We are updated, maybe you're just not as popular as you think" Natsu said smugly.

"I'm done playing nice, I'm not going to let you—"

"Enough" I groaned. I looked at Natsu and glared "Stop picking fights with people like a little kid, Natsu"

Next I turned to Jellal.

"I'm not going to apologize for my companion's behavior because I also feel the same way"

"Whatever" He crossed his arms.

"You're a mysterious man but I'll trust your words for now"

His mildly startled reaction is enough to tell me that my actions caught him off-guard.

"Though you are very rude, you're not like what I heard from the rumors" He said "But I like it. It's a pleasure meeting you"  He smiled.

"It's already pretty much obvious but I'm Gray Fullbuster" I introduced myself and held my hand out "The pleasure is mine"

The moment we shook hands, I used a fraction of my power to summon my wolf in my subconsciousness and as we locked eyes with each other, my wolf stared at him and bared his fangs, a warning to not try and do anything foolish or else we'll have his head.

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