F i f t e e n

427 19 2

Juvia's POV

Gray-sama and I walked through the busy streets quietly. Him, looking forward and keeping a blank expression on his face while I just stare at him. His fist would occasionally clench and unclench and sometimes, his eyes would turn into crimson slits.

After all the commotion, we stopped by an old abandoned alley where we know no one would bother going into. Gray-sama looked like he could murder anyone who looked at him so Juvia had to calm him down to not make people get the wrong impression. It took quite a while but at least now, he's pretty calm. I guess...

"G-Gray-sama, is there anywhere else you would like to go to?" Juvia asked with a smile.

Gray-sama didn't answer. 

"Gray-sama Juvia's fine. Those guys didn't do anything. Look at me. I'm fine. You don't have to worry"

Again, no reply.

"Gray-sama are you planning to stay quiet the rest of the day?"

"... "

Gahhhh!!! This is frustrating! It's like talking to a wall! Why is Gray-sama even ignoring me in the first place?!

"Fine. Suit yourself" Juvia crossed her arms and fastened her pace to avoid Gray-sama.

Juvia walked ahead for about ten minutes before I looked back and immediately stopped in my tracks.

Gray-sama is gone.

Where did he go?!

A surge of panic flowed through my veins and my heart started beating in rapid motions.

Why am I so worried? Nothing could've happened right? Maybe he just bought something. Yeah, that's right

But why am I still not at ease?

My feet started walking back on it's own.



A hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Stop yelling. I'm here" Juvia turned around, and boy was she glad to see it was Gray.

Juvia breathed a sigh of relief "Gray-sama don't do that! You scared me!"

Gray-sama didn't reply and instead, held out his hand.

"What are you staring at? Let's go back"

"Can't you at least tell me why you suddenly disappeared?"

"I just bought something then the next thing I know, you were yelling like I was kidnapped"

"But you disappeared so suddenly and you kept ignoring me!"

"Fine" Gray-sama sighed "I won't do it again so let's go back, shall we?"

Juvia was still frustrated but took his hand anyways. When our skin made contact and Gray-sama intertwined our fingers together, it happened almost immediately but her chest tightened and butterflies erupted in her stomach, for an instance, she forgot why she was even getting frustrated at him.

What is happening to me?

"What's wrong?" Gray-sama asked worriedly.

Juvia just gave a small smile "It's nothing, Juvia just feels weird"

Gray-sama raised a brow "Do you have a fever?"

"N-no, I don't think so. It's nothing, don't mind Juvia"

The Lost Heiress (A Gruvia Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin