T h i r t y - e i g h t

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Juvia's POV

We're currently standing in front of a small cottage where the nurse from the clinic lives.

It was quite far from the palace so we had to take a carriage. We were amazed to find out that she lives inside the woods with her mother and yes, though it might be true that the forest looks quite beautiful during the day but when the sun sets, it starts to feel a little creepy.

Just thinking about it gives Juvia the chills.

"I'm very sorry to make you come all this way b-but wow!" The blonde woman's eyes sparkled in admiration ''I-I can't believe I'm actually meeting the Sky Sorceress! I'm Emily by the way!" The woman introduced herself.

Wendy blushed.

"I-It's nice to meet you too. My name is—"

"Wendy Marvel. A prodigy in medicine. You also have a cat named Carla that's always with you right?" Emily cut off with a smile. It was clear she idolized Wendy a lot.

The young dragon slayer looked stunned.

"Yes, that's right. I've heard about your mother."

As soon as the subject of her mother was brought up, Emily's face began to drop.

"She's been very weak and has been unconscious for the past few days." She informed us sadly.

Wendy-san put a hand on her shoulder and gave a reassuring smile.

''I'll help you as best as I can."

"Thank you so much." The woman smiled, gratefulness evident in her eyes "I'm really thankful and I'm also really sorry about all this."

"Oh no, no. It's really okay. I don't have any plans today anyways.'' Wendy said.

"Oh I almost forgot!" Emily suddenly exclaimed ''I ran out of herbs! I was supposed to take them to the clinic today! I have to go to the market.''

"I'll buy them for you. Just tell me what kind." Juvia offered ''You should stay with Wendy-san and look after your mother."

''Okay hold on, I'll write them down for you. Thanks so much!"

"It's not a problem." Juvia smiled as she watched the girl hurry back inside the cottage.

"Gray-san, you should go with Juvia. I'll stay here and take a look at the patient." Wendy-san said to Gray-sama.

"I was already planning to." Gray-sama replied and walked towards me "Who knows what's gonna happen if I leave you again." He sighed as he placed a hand on my head.

Juvia frowned.

"Hey, Juvia can take care of herself! Juvia doesn't need Gray-shamaa oww!"

Gray-sama cut me off by pulling my cheeks.

"I don't care. I'm still going to go with you either way."

Upon hearing those words, Juvia's heart started to beat faster.

"Are you ill? Your face is turning red."

The Lost Heiress (A Gruvia Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt