T w e n t y- n i n e

355 17 4

Gray's POV

I already got dressed but my head was still hurting like crazy, making it uncomfortable for me to get any sleep at all. I already took some meds but it's not helping the pain go away.

I took a glass of water that one of the maids put in my bedside table and drank it all in one gulp.

*knock* *knock*

"Gray-san? It's Wendy. I brewed up something for you to drink"

"Come in" I said while massaging my head with my fingers.

"Did you already take the medicine?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, it's not helping"

"That's strange. Your headache is much worse than I thought" She handed me a cup with a strange green liquid, making me raise my brow.

"It's made with medicinal herbs I bought from the market. I heard it's a good cure for headaches" She explained with a smile.

Yeah if it's a normal headache.

"Thanks" I muttered while staring at the medicine.

"About what happened today—" I started.

"Juvia told us what happened" She cut off "It was a bit reckless of her to do that but thank God you and Natsu were there. Lucy-san said she'll be tightening the security"


Did Juvia lie for me?

"U-uh yeah" I cleared my throat "She was pretty reckless"

I lifted the cup to my lips and drank the bitter liquid slowly until there was nothing left.

"How was it? Is it still hurting?" Wendy asked worriedly.

"Just a little now" I lied "It worked like a charm, thanks"

"No problem" She took the empty cup from my hands and smiled "I'll go tend to Natsu-san now. Get plenty of rest, okay?"

I nodded.

"I'll be going now"

After Wendy left, I was still left suffering from the endless pain thumping in my head. I feel like it just gets worse by the minute.

"S-stop being a bitch you s-stupid wolf" I groaned "Whatever I can't stand it!"

I sat down the ground and closed my eyes, trying to concentrate despite the endless pain in my head and tried searching for that strange flow of power coursing through my body.

My eyes squeezed tighter when my headache got twice as painful. Beads of sweat started trickling down my forehead and my breathing became ragged.

Talk to me you pain in the ass wolf. How the hell do you make this pain go away?!

After about five minutes, I still couldn't get a hold of my wolf and the pain was only becoming worse and worse so I stopped, passing out on the floor.

Another knock echoed in my room but I really didn't care who it was at the moment so I didn't answer and just placed my elbow above my head, staring blankly at the ceiling and silently praying to God that this pain would all go away.

The door opened and a soft, familiar voice spoke.

"Gray-sama are you in there? J-Juvia couldn't sleep so I thought I might visit you to check on how you're doing...."

I finally felt my wolf stir at the sound of our mate's voice.

When she finally caught site of me, she gasped.

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