T w e n t y - t w o

368 17 3

Gray's POV

"This dinner just has to happen on a full moon huh?" I frowned as I looked at the blasted moon in the dark sky.

"Are you sure you can handle it? Even your eyes are switching to red" Natsu asked, a look of concern evident in his eyes.

"Don't worry about it. I'll just inject some more" I shrugged.

Though I may have said that, in all honesty, I'm not even sure if I can hold out until the stupid party is over. I can feel my wolf constantly wanting to take over and it's not a good sign.

"Natsu! Gray!" A familiar voice called out. My eyes widened and I immediately turned my back to hide my crimson eyes.

"L-Lucy! Can't you knock before entering?!"

"What the hell? You expect me to knock when we've been looking all over for you?! Where the hell have you guys been?" I can already imagine a frown forming on her face.

"And Gray, why is your back turned?" I gulped.

"I'm not completely dressed you know" I said casually "You just barged in"

"Oh... Sorry!" She blushed  "Anyways, you better not disappear during the party got it? My dad wants to introduce you all to the guests so as you can see your presence is highly required! Don't even think of bailing out!"

"Yes princess" I groaned.

"Natsu watch over him" She demanded.

"Gray's a grown ass man, Lucy. I'm not his babysitter"

"And here I thought I can count on you! Gray you better show up okay? I'm leaving now bye!"

I heard the door slam shut and sighed a breath of relief.

"That was close"

I looked at Natsu and found a hint of pink in his cheeks. I rolled my eyes.

"Hand me the injection first before fawning all over your crush, Romeo" He blushed harder and frowned.

"I wasn't blushing!" He handed me the injection and I chuckled.

"She looked really pretty tonight" He mumbled to himself.

"Keep your lewd thoughts to yourself lover boy" I said back.

"I— I wasn't being lewd!"

"Woah woah, I was just messing with you. Stop getting all defensive geez"

I sat on the bed and injected the needle on my arm. After a while, I slowly felt my wolf start to subside until I'm completely back to my normal self.

"I would've normally punched you but knowing you may go on a rampage at any moment, I decided against it" He frowned.

"What a smartass, finally admitting I'm stronger than you eh?" I joked

"Admitting what? Please, if anything, I'm just taking pity on you" He smirked.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night"

I loosened the tie around my neck and grabbed two more injections that I stored from the drawer and hid them inside my tux.

"You ready?'' Natsu asked as he put his coat on.

I nodded and walked forward until I reached the door.

"Let's get this over with"

As soon as we reached the hall, it was packed with people wearing fancy dresses, chattering and laughing with each other. Some noble men find it as an opportunity to court other young ladies while some ladies decided it was an opportunity to seduce high-ranking nobles to increase their status.

"Nobility sucks" I heard Natsu comment.

"Agreed" I replied back.

We walked down the flight of stairs and that's when everybody in the room immediately kept quiet and gazed at us with curiosity.

I felt my wolf start to stir again.


"Why are they staring? I don't think we would attract that much of attention. Is it because they all fell for my good— "

The sound of numerous heels clicking could be heard right above us.

"Introducing! Princess Lucy Heartfilia of the Heartfilia kingdom!" A deep, loud voice called "And with her tonight, is none other than our honorable heroes!"

This is bad.

Every one in the room stared at us in awe and began to clap, a new series of chatters and murmurs echoed in the room.

I know that if I look up, I might probably see Juvia in her dress but I can't risk my wolf losing control again so I decided against it. I looked to my right and Natsu was already looking up, probably at Lucy since the boy was completely awe-struck.

I really want to see her too.


My heartbeat quickened. The sound of my mate's voice was enough to stir my wolf and he was desperately trying to get in control.

Beads of sweat formed in my forehead as I tried to be composed and hide the fact that my gums are starting to shake from my teeth beginning to elongate.

"Stay hidden you damned beast" I whispered through gritted teeth.

"Gray-sama, did you say something?"

"O-oh hi Juvia!" Natsu smiled "I'm sorry but Gray and I have plans for tonight so I'll be borrowing him for a while" I felt Natsu's arm slid against my shoulder and at any normal day, I would've punched him but I needed to get away from her.

He removed his arm we began walking past the curious guests.

"My, my they're quite handsome aren't they?" I heard some girls giggle.

"Should we ask them for a dance?"

"I think I wanna marry the raven-haired man!"

When somebody tried to approach us, I gave them my most deadliest glare so they will stay away and go mind their own business.

I am in no mood to be talking to anyone right now.

We finally arrived to the restroom and Natsu leaned against the door in case somebody gets in.

"You okay man?"

"Yeah" I panted "Thanks for the save. It's hard to control a horny ass wolf" Natsu smirked.

"Maybe the real horny one here is you"

"Haha, very funny" I glared.

"I didn't expect we will meet this way"

My body stiffened and in seconds, Natsu and I were preparing ourselves to attack

A tall, slender man with dark blue hair and a tattoo or some sort above and under his right eye came out in one of the stalls.

"Maybe you may have heard of someone known as Mystogan" He smiled.

"I don't know that name" I said coldly.

"Then I might as well introduce myself" He bowed "My name is Jellal Fernandes, also known as Mystogan and a companion of  Titania, herself"


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