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Juvia's POV

Juvia shivered when the coolness of the winter wind brushed past her skin. She left the small inn and searched the snow for Gray's footsteps but surprisingly found none.

Juvia muttered frustratedly to herself and began marching down to the direction the raven-haired man walked to a few minutes ago.

It would be too boring to stay indoors all day. She's had plenty of rest already and wants to learn magic, she knows Gray's powers are compatible with hers so why won't he teach her?!

She stopped in front of a dark forest and gulped.

He's partly a dire wolf, it's safe to assume he would be here.

The forest was dark and brought a chill up Juvia's spine. Her gut told her to just go back to the inn and abandon the search but Juvia took a deep breath and exhaled.

There's nothing to be afraid of. Juvia has powers anyways.

And thus, she cleared her thoughts and stride through the forest.

The forest looked quite beautiful actually. The moonlight shone brightly and gave the woods a magical feel to it. The trees were tall and thin, stretching beyond the woods.

"Gray-sama...?" Juvia's voice came low "Gray-sama where are you?" She called out again.

"Where could he be?" Juvia muttered to herself.

The sound of a branch breaking immediately alerted Juvia's senses.

Someone's here. Could it be Gray-sama?

No. Wait. It could be someone else...

Juvia quickly hid behind a tree and closed her eyes. She has magic, she just has to summon it.

But how?

Footsteps could be heard now. The stranger is drawing closer.

Good thing she came prepared. Juvia grabbed a dagger she hides in her cloak for emergencies and stepped out of the tree.

She opened her eyes, expecting to find a thug or whatever else describes a dangerous presence but there was none.

"Strange... Juvia swears she heard something" Juvia mumbled to herself.

Her grip on the hilt of the dagger eased and she breathed out a sigh of relief.

"You have quick senses'' A deep voice from behind me whispered. Juvia immediately spun around, her reflexes kicking in and urging her to move the dagger forward but the stranger's grip on her wrist made the dagger fall out of her grasp.

Juvia gasped and used her feet to knee the stranger but a familiar chuckle refrained her from doing so.

"Feisty, I like it" His features were covered by the darkness but as he stepped back and the moonlight illuminated his face, Juvia immediately recognized the man.


"Didn't I tell you to stay back in the inn?" Juvia gulped.

"W-well Juvia came looking for you... But anyways! You have to teach Juvia magic!" Juvia stomped her foot angrily. Gray-sama just rose a brow.

"You're still going on about that?''

"Well duh. Why can't you just teach Juvia?" Juvia huffed out.

"Look" Gray-sama sighed "It is of high possibility that we can form a unison raid together but it's risky okay? So for your own good, I won't be teaching you"

"Why is it risky?" Juvia asked. Gray-sama put up his hood again and looked back at me.

"Just because" He shrugged. Juvia grew more frustrated.

"Why don't you tell Juvia anything?! Juvia has the right to know doesn't she?! Tell me!"

"Lower down your voice you idiot!" Gray-sama hissed.

"Juvia won't lower her voice if you won't tell her mmmfff—" Gray-sama immediately covered Juvia's mouth with his palm and hid behind a tree.


"Shhhhh!" Gray-sama raised a finger to his lips "Be quiet" He whispered.

"Why? What's going on?" Juvia whispered back.

Gray-sama ignored me and closed his eyes. He seemed to be concentrating on something.

"There's someone. Two... No... Three" Gray-sama mumbled.

He couldn't possibly know that! He can't even see anything! Wait! What is he even talking about anyways?

Gray-sama opened his eyes. Juvia gasped when she saw they were as red as blood.

He's using his wolf instinct!

"We have to get out of here!" He whispered harshly.

"Why?" Juvia raised a brow.

"They found us" Gray-sama stated. Juvia's eyes widened "You mean the Phantom Lord mages?" He nodded.

Juvia's heartbeat increased.

"W-well can't you just take care of them?"

"I will you dummy! For the mean time, you have to go back to the inn and alert the others of the situation"

"B-but Juvia can't possibly—"

"There's no time I'll cover you!" Before Juvia can even react, Gray-sama leapt out from our hiding spot.

Juvia groaned frustratedly and followed a second later.

"We found them! Alert the other men!" She heard a man yell.

Oh great!

Juvia ran as fast as she can but because the darkness wasn't helping her vision, she accidentally tripped over a rock and missed her footing.


"What the hell?" Juvia looked up, eyes widening when she saw she came face to face with a mage.

Oh you've got to be kidding Juvia!

"Lookie what we have here" The man chuckled "The boss would love this!"

Juvia immediately got up and duck when a ball of fire was about to hit her.

Phew! That was a close call!

"I won't miss this time!"

Gahh!! Juvia has no time for this! She has to do something fast!

Juvia spotted a rock not a few meters from her and immediately thought up of an idea.

"Let's just hope this works!" Juvia muttered to herself.

Juvia immediately stride forward before the mage can hit her with a fire ball once again. She grabbed the rock from the ground and was quick enough to creep through the mage's back.

"Wha—" Before he can summon another ball of fire, Juvia hit him in his shins until he fell to the ground clutching his manhood.

"Say goodbye you prick!"

And with that, Juvia used all the force in her arm to strike the mage's head with a rock.

Sure enough, the plan worked and a trickle of blood rolled down his head before his face fall flat to the snow.

Juvia breathed a sigh of relief before proceeding to run back to the inn.

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