S i x t e e n (Edited)

417 19 4

I know I've been gone for a pretty long time but I just have no motivation to write lately and I don't even know if I still want to continue this story so it would be cool if you'd all let me know your thoughts and besides I'm really stressed out and busy in school so I really do apologize.

Juvia's POV

"Lucy-san are you really sure it's okay? I mean, these dresses belongs to you, a princess, and someone like Juvia is going to wear them" Juvia asked worriedly.

"Stop fussing about it. Wendy and the others had to get their measurements taken because nothing inside this palace is a good enough clothing for them for the ball tomorrow. There are sizes available but the style doesn't match so I asked the tailor to make them an attire that will suit them. You and I have the same measurements and I know that I found a dress before that suits you very well so just shush" Lucy-san reassured as she kept on grabbing a dress from her closet and examining it.

She grabbed a beautiful purple dress which I think looks pretty fitting already but she still shook her head and threw it on the pile of clothes scattered on the floor.

"How about the others? What will they be wearing?" Juvia asked.

"As for Gray, I have no idea but he said he's going to skip dinner because he has something to do. He never really told me why but I guess he doesn't care so we won't be seeing him tonight" Lucy-san replied, eyes still focused on scanning for the perfect dress.

"As for the rest... " Lucy continued "We found a dress for Wendy and a suit for Natsu. We also bought the same thing for Gray but since he's not coming then we'll just give it to him as a present or something"

"Gray-sama isn't coming? What could be the reason?" Juvia mumbled to herself.

"You've been with Gray the whole day. Got any idea where he might be or what he might be doing?"

Well there was the commotion that happened a while ago but missing dinner just to get back at them? No. Gray-sama wouldn't do that.

I hope so.

"No. Not really" Juvia said. It's best if they don't know. It's only a simple matter that already ended anyways.

"Hmm... If you say so"

Juvia looked at all the clothes scattered on the floor and sighed "Lucy-san Juvia is fine with any dress, really. You don't have to mess up your entire—"

"Yes! This one! This will totally look good on you!" Lucy-san grinned and handed me the dress.

Juvia's eyes widened "But this is way too—"

"Trust me girl, this dress is nothing compared to the other one you've worn a while ago. Now hurry and try it on!"

Juvia groaned "Okay"

Juvia heard Lucy-san giggle.

Gray's POV

"Sh*t man! Was that dude a mage or something?!"

"Speak the obvious. Didn't you see those frosts covering the wall?"

"An ice mage?"

"Enough about him! Remembering his stupid face only puts me in a bad mood!"

"Let's talk about the girl instead"

I gritted my teeth.

"That man must've been her master or something. I mean, I would understand why he was so possessive then. Girls like those are hard to find"

The assholes chuckled.

"I can only imagine what it must've been like"

"I know right" He licked his lips, probably imagining inappropriate scenarios in his head.

Pathetic and disgusting

Just thinking of Juvia being treated in such a way makes my blood boil in anger.

"I hope we see her again. The next time we do, let's not let her get away. Alright boys?"

My fists clenched tightly before I jumped down from the roof and landed on the ground gracefully.

The three jerks looked startled.

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation" I said without a hint of sincerity in my voice.

"Y-yeah it's all cool man" One stuttered as his body started to shake.

I grinned inwardly.

That's right. Be scared f*cker.

"Tsk! Stop being such a scaredy cat!" One of them stepped forward and crossed his arms. I frowned.

Who does he think he is?

"Let's forget about what happened earlier and fix this misunderstanding so how about we partner up?" He smirked. I raised a brow.

What a foolish man indeed.

"What makes you think I would want to partner up with pathetic people like you?" I said bitterly.

"I'm offended but I'll let it slide. Surely, you'd be getting bored of her by now. Why not share?"

I didn't answer.

"C'mon, I know she must be great in bed. We'll even buy her from you. Tell us man... " He placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned closer to my ear "How much is she?" He whispered.

That's it.

I removed his hand from my shoulder with more force than necessary and grabbed him by the throat, growling. My sudden action making his two other companions back away in fear.

Ah. My eyes must be turning red again.


"She's not a f*cking object you scum can play with" I said aggressively. If looks could burn, this man right here would be turned into ashes already.

The thought made me a bit satisfied.

"A-alright!" He choked out. My grip tightened "O-okay! P-please l-let me go!"

I thought of a better idea so I did.

He fell down the ground and coughed several times before breathing a big gulp of air.

"W-we'll never bother you again! We promise!" The man I remembered I threw to the wall a while ago stuttered out.

"Of course you won't"

He stiffened "W-what do you mean?"

I smiled.

Fear— no, terror was clearly visible in his eyes but there was something else too. Hope?

I laughed.

"S-so are you really going to let us go?"

"There's no need" I replied as I took a step forward. They stepped back.

"Don't worry... " I felt my body tremble as my nails and teeth started to extend.

The look of complete fear and hopelessness in their eyes made me smile wider like a total maniac.

"This will all be over soon" I finished.

In a matter of seconds, high-pitched screams of pain and terror could be heard throughout the empty alley.


And sorry again if this chapter is a bit short.

Edit: I added more details in Gray's POV because I felt like what I wrote a while ago was too rushed ((((:

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