Bonus Chapter

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Wassssssupppppp. Yeah that's right am back y'alls  and withhhhhhhhhh dun dun dun dun..........

a BONUS chapter!

I mean it's not like I made this chapter because I've been gone for so long, I just really love you all muahhhh!

Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter (((((((;

Also, I published this chapter first before chap 21 but the way it's arranged when I wrote is that chap 21 came first so when I published it, dis is what happened. So if you think you skipped chapter 21 then pls don't forget to read it (((;


Juvia's POV

"Mommy! Mommy!" I groaned and opened my eyes drowsily only to find a cheeky little boy jump up and down excitedly on the bed.

"What's got you so excited, sweetheart?" I smiled and he stopped jumping to lean over and give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Papa is coming back today isn't he? I wanna see him already!!!"

"Mommy wants to see daddy too. I'm sure he will be back with lots of presents for you" Juvia smiled warmly.

"I'm sure papa also has lots of presents for baby sis too!!!" He kneeled on the bed and started to carefully and gently hug the growing bump on my stomach.

Omyyyygoshhhh this is so cute, I think I'm gonna faint!

"Will aunt Lucy also come over to visit? And aunt Wendy?" He asked with big eyes.

"Um, I don't know about your aunt Lucy but Wendy will be coming over to check on your little sister" I smiled.


I know it may seem impossible to already know the gender of your baby when it's still a few weeks early but Gray told everyone it was going to be a girl and he even seemed pretty confident by just sniffing at my stomach.


"I'm betting on a boy! Place your bets guys!"

"Nah it has to be twins, we're gonna have twins so Gray and Juvia are supposed to have twins too"

"How the heck does that even make sense?"

"Not everything has to make sense, babe"

"Seriously, go get a room. Stop making Wendy feel so single here!"

"I-it's quite alright Carla"

"Aye. Wendy is still too young to be in a relationship anyways"

"B-but I'm already old enough... "

"Omygod shut up you guys! We're supposed to be coming up names for the baby!"

"How about Natsu? Sounds like a very handsome name for a boy, isn't that right?"

"Ha! Dream on flamebrain, you wouldn't want the ice popsicle's son to have a lame name such as yours if they're gonna have one. So many kids would bully him!"

"Watcha say!?"

"Are you deaf?!"

"N-now now, calm down guys. We don't want to pay for another repairs"

"You iron eating maniac!"

"Who you calling a maniac?!"


Everyone immediately stopped in their tracks and turned their heads slowly only to find a furious red-headed woman . They both gulped and slowly went back to their seats for fear that they may get beaten up again.

"How about we just let the baby's parents guess? It's going to be their second child after all"

"Ummmm" Juvia thought for a while "Maybe a girl? We already have a son after all but I'm really okay if it's also a boy"

Juvia looked at her stomach and smiled subconsciously.


"How about you Gray?"

Everyone turned their heads to Gray.

"It's going to be a girl"

"Wow, you really want a girl huh?"

"No, I meant, it really is going to be a girl... I think"


Gray-sama sighed and walked towards me "Juvia can you lift your blouse up for a bit?" Juvia blushed a deep shade of red.

"Woah woah keep it PG guys"

"Shut up flame brain"

"I-in front of these p-people?" I blushed harder.


"But um... " He sighed and kneeled down in front of me, lifting my blouse just enough to expose my stomach "Wait Gray-sama what are you— "

He pressed his nose to the skin and sniffed it.

"Guys I think it's time we leave and give these two an alone time. Gray can't control his—"

"It's a girl"

(End of flashback)

"Your condition is great Juvia. Remember to get enough sleep and don't overwork yourself alright? If you need any help around the house, don't hesitate to send me a letter"

"Thanks so much Wendy"

The floorboard began to echo with fast, hurried footsteps.

"Papa's home! Papa's home!"

"Already? That was fast. I guess he couldn't wait to be back with his family" Wendy smiled.

I stood up from the mattress and began walking to the main door.

"Papa you're back!!!"

"I'm back kiddo"

My heart warmed when I saw Gray begin to carry our little boy in his arms while he hugged his father back tightly and showered him with kisses.

After a while, Gray placed him back on the ground and told him something that made him immediately run outside excitedly.

"Welcome back" I smiled and walked up to him.

"I'm home, Juvia" He smiled back and placed a kiss on my forehead.


And that's the end of your bonus chapter muah!

Oh and I'm not going to say if this chapter will be included on the original story or not because we're not done with the plot yet sooooooooo you just have to be REAAAAAAAALLLY patient because I update really slowly.

Don't worry though, once school is over I'll try to update as soon as I can. It's just that, everyday has been really busy for me and it's so hard to balance my time. I hope you understand! Thank you for reading and see ya until the next update!!!

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