T h i r t y- t w o

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Juvia's POV

(The next day)

"Seriously? You're really feeling better already?"

Juvia nodded "Yes, and even the wounds are gone now. Isn't Gray-sama incredible?"

"B-But how?"

Juvia shrugged "Juvia didn't know what he did either but he gave me something that immediately made the wounds go away"

She looks suspicious bit didn't push the topic further.

"Anyways" She said "I'm so sorry for not being able to visit you yesterday" Lucy-san sighed "I had duties to attend to"

"It's no biggie" Juvia smiled "I'll be going out today by the way"

"Out?" She raised a brow "It's freezing out there! The temperature drastically dropped just yesterday night!" She said worriedly.

"Also, your wounds just healed! There may be side effects that can occur with whatever Gray gave you!" She added.

"It's okay. Juvia will be staying indoors anyways" I said reassuringly "And I'll be with Gray-sama so I'm safe"

"With Gray...?" She raised a brow "Why?"

"We made a deal" Juvia replied shortly "But don't worry, Lucy-san, we'll be back before night falls"

She looked a bit hesitant.

What is she thinking?

"Juvia... " She said softly "I know that you trust Gray a lot but be careful around him, okay?"

"Why?" Juvia raised a curious brow "Juvia already knows he tried to assassinate her once'' I said casually.

Lucy looked at me with wide eyes "A-And you still feel safe around him?"

"Of course" I answered with ease "If Gray-sama wanted to kill me, he wouldn't save me that day would he?"

"B-But what if he has other intentions?" She said desperately "Juvia, you should be careful around people! You can't just trust people blindly!"

I didn't reply and instead, took the blonde woman by surprise when I gave her a warm embrace "Lucy, Juvia will be fine" I said while patting her back "Have more faith in Gray-sama alright?"

"B-But... "

"I know it's hard to trust Gray-sama but you don't know just how kind he is to me. Even if people tell me he's dangerous, I'll always stay by his side" I said, truthfully.

I can feel her pout although Juvia can't see her face "Do you want me to send guards?"

"No need"

Her arms slid around my waist and she squeezed me tightly "Don't get hurt again, okay?"

Juvia nodded "Okay"

We both let go of each other and Lucy-san sighed in defeat "Fine. You win"

A loud knocking came from the door and a second later, Gray-sama stepped inside with with his usual hardened expression.

"Gray!" Lucy yelled "You better take care of Juvia, alright?!"

Gray-sama raised a brow but just nodded either way "I will"

"I'll kill you myself if I ever see a single scratch on her body!" Lucy-san threatened.

"Hm" Gray-sama smirked "I'd like to see you try"

Juvia cleared her throat before this situation can get any worse
"Okay, Juvia will be going now"

"Be careful!" Lucy called once again.

Juvia just chuckled "I will, I will"

"Juvia-sama?" A middle-aged woman called. I turned around only to find a a familiar looking maid with her dark hair tied up in a bun smile at me.


She was the maid who I first met when Juvia was new to the kingdom. Later on, I found out that her name was Elize. I got to know more about her as time passes by and since then, we've became pretty close.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked curiously, her eyes travelling to the raven-haired man beside me before a wave of realization dawned on her.

''Oh" She smiled happily and looked at me with mischief in her eyes "Enjoy your date, Juvia-sama"

Juvia blushed a deep shade of crimson "I-I-It's not a date!" I denied.

"Really?" Now she looked confused "My apologies. I must be mistaken"

"W-We're just going out" Juvia cleared her throat "As friends!"

Elize-san nodded "I understand"

A loud 'tsk' was heard and Gray-sama immediately took hold of Juvia's hand "Let's just go already" He grumbled while dragging me away.

Juvia didn't miss the soft giggle that came from Elize-san and Lucy-san.

Unknown Person's POV

"Well, what's the situation?" The man from the crystal ball asked.

"They're growing closer and closer each day. It's going great on our part" I reported.

"Oh?" He gave an amused smile "Does he seem attracted to her?"

I froze.

"I'm not sure yet, sir. The girl clearly has feelings for him but I can't say I'm positive with the man"

"Is that so?" He placed a finger on his chin and began to think "That's good, if he were to have feelings for her, it will make things harder for us to capture her"

"I won't let that happen"

"Are her powers growing stronger?" He asked.

"I have not yet confirmed it sir"

He sighed frustratedly "Then get on with it!" He yelled "What's taking you so long?!"

"I'm sorry. I'll be testing her powers tonight"

"It's only a matter of time before we execute our plan. Don't make any delays"

I nodded "I won't fail you no matter what"

"You better" He said with a deadly expression "If you fail to capture the girl... " He placed his thumb on the side of his neck and made a slicing motion to mimic a head that's being cut off.

"You know what will happen" He smirked.

My body shivered slightly but I still continued to put on a brave face "Of course"

"If you know then remember that failure is not an option. We have to succeed no matter what"

"Yes" I replied "I'll make sure to bring her to you"


A slightly short chapter but hey, at least I updated right? (((;

BTW, I'm also currently writing a new story. I still have no idea if I will be publishing it but we'll see.

The story I'm writing is a modern AU fan fiction about Gruvia. I haven't made a summary yet but the plot is mainly about Gray being a rich business man but is suffering from problems with his family and Juvia is just an average person who struggles to find a permanent job to make her mother proud of her. At some point they had a faithful encounter and the story goes on from there.

But besides it being a fluffy romance, it will also involve crime and a hint of action. You'll find out more of the story's plot if I ever publish it but right now I'm still thinking.

I just really feel like writing modern stories, that's all 😊

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Till next time!

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