A Lie of A Lover [Izuku x Ochako] Anime Expo Exclusive One - Shot

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As promised to you all. I said that the first three to find me at the Anime Expo would have the exclusive request of me to do their shipping or story.

This one being from a couple that found me during the walk through of Kentai Ally. The dude had talked to me in place of his girlfriend due to shyness. Dispite being shy...she's got him whipped and asked him to ask me for this:

Izuku x Ochako

Ive gotta say. Nice girl! He's wrapped around your finger!

And a little Author's Note for this one shot. It makes better sense to have read my other work Useless Info Broker to understand why Izuku is like how he is portrayed in this one shot!

You all happy now?

You all finally got me to do this shipping!!!


[Ochako POV]

I ran.

I followed him through the streets and station underground. Bustling with other people and seeming lost. But my eyes were only fixed on him and his shortish green hair as we ran up stairs to the train station. 'Please...don't let this all be true.'

That was what I wished it to be. For everything I have now heard. Everything I had to read about him. I wished it were all but lies and misinterpretations of him. He made a sharp turn due to the large crowd blocking his way. I took my chanse and turned as well, as he turned the wrong way.

He was facing a wall, as to his right was the rail tracks and to his left was another wall. "Please...stop running." I said as my voice sounded raspy and tired. I gasped for air as running from UA to the station was exhausting. His face looked back, with his hood drifting more to his shoulder as he saw me.

His eyes, were diffrent when he saw me now. Before, they were ever so normal and looked like to be taking in everything. Now, what i saw in them, was a bit of sadness and happiness. "You shouldn't have been the one to catch me first. This just makes things harder." He said as he looked away from me and rubbed his neck.

"Just tell me. Everything about you. And what you're doing. Is it all lies?" I asked him as I looked at him. He just continued to look away, with a blank expression on his face.

"Please...tell me its all a lie."

Silence still lingers.


"I can not deny, that I work in the underside of society. That I work in dangerous activities in all sorts of places and with diffrent types of people." His voice cutted me off as he tugged on the hood of his jacket and placed it on.

"What you've learned and read about me. Even the small rumors of my buissness."

'No...please don't say it.'

"They are..."

'No! Please no! Please don't!'


He said as he looked at me, with solem in his eyes as I can't stop the tears in my eyes from falling. I tried to make them stop. Quickly drying them away. Bitting my lip as to stop me from crying, but I can't stop for some reason.

Suddenly, I can feel his arms wrapped around me as he patted my back. "W-Why? Why couldn't you have said it was all a lie. They'll want you! They want you in control of them like some caged animal Izuku!" I screamed into his shoulder as I can feel him hug me tighter.

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