Chapter 3 a lost little Eevee

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I was sleeping peacfully it has been one moon since i meet Nicholas (will he actualy come back to see me or was he just saying that?) i thought (i wonder how old he is? he was a bit bigger then me) i yawnd pretty soon i'll be old enough to explor on my own, im three moons old. I walked over to the den entrance and sat outside then i saw a buttfree and i chased it and claped my paws together trying to catch it "hey! Hehe" i laughed "wait for me butterfree!" it just kepted flying away and i chased it runing deeper into Evergreen without evean realizing i was geting further away form home. The butterfree landed on a sunflora and i jumped on it "got you!" I laughed the butterfree was really soft as i held it, i looked at it, it looked really nice then i felt bad for it so i let it go "good bye butterfree! Thanks for playing with me!" I called waveing my paw at it then i looked at the sunflora and it got up and started walking away "oh! hello do you want to be friends?" I asked it diden't answer it just kept walking away and i followed it "were are you going?" i asked but it still diden't answer "ok good bye" i called then when i turnd around to go home i realize im lost. "Oh!.." i felt panik
"MOM!, DAD!" I got really scared (oh what have i don im lost!, what if a Predator pokemon finds me!) i took a deep breath and tryed to stay clam (ok i'll just go back the way i came and mabey that will help.)

             Jacop's and Blossom's P.O.V

Blossom woke up and got up "good morning Sondra.... Sondra?" She looked around to find the little eevee wasen't there "Jacop wake up!" She shook him with panik "Wake up!"
He opend his eyes "Blossom? Whats wrong?" He asked "it's Sondra she's gon!" She walid with panik and right away he jumped to his paws and ran outside "Sondra!" He yelled "Sondra come back!" Blossom ran outside "oh Jacop what are going to do! Im so worried it's not like her to take off like this!" He sighed "ok im going to the castle to get help!, you stay home incase she comes back" she noded "please hurry im worried sick what if something took her!" Jacop felt really paniked "ok just tray to stay clam we'll find her, i'll go to the castle and there'll send out a search party!" Then he ran as fast as he could bolting for the castle.

                        Jacob's P.O.V

Once he got to the castle there were guards standing outside "hey whoa! Whats the hurry?" One of them called as he ran by "i need to see king Charles!" Then one of the jolteon's stoped him "please it's an emergency! My doughter has gon missing!" One of them glared at him "you know the king is bissey right? Thats not a veary big problem to me" "ya!" Another one called "you should look after your kids!" Jacop got desperate "please im beging you i just want a search party to go out and find her!" They all growled "your wasting our time we have way better things to do then look for a lost Child!"
Jacob pushed by them "well im ganna see him anyway i need to! Sondra is just a little girl!" Then they all lined up in frount of the door "make him leave at once!" One yelled and they all used pin missle Jacob fell down in pian then one of the guards grabbed him and through him out "don't come back unless you have a real reasion to see the king!" Jacob got up feeling really woirred he ran back into the forest "SONDRA! SONDRA WERE ARE YOU!" He sounded desperate and really upset.

A little eevee was watching as Jacob ran back into the forest with a few scratches on his pelt form the guards (Sondra? In trouble?) the eevee ran off into the forest.

                      Sondra's P.O.V

The sun was starting to go down as i wondered deeper into the forest my heart sank non of the trees looked familar at all, some tears came down my cheeks as i was growing scared (i can't be out here at nightfall, thats when all the Predator pokemon come out it's ganna be dangerous!) then the bushes rustled and i went stiff with fear "mom? Is that you?" I asked then i saw a pair of amber eyes in the bushes and it made a scarey sound "gerrr" i got scared and ran then a mightyena leaped out and started chaseing me "Awwww!" I screamed "Raaa!" I ran harder then suddelny i realized i was on higher ground and the pokemon chaseing me stoped, when i was wondering why, i found out real Quick when i fell into a fast flowing river  
-SPLAH- my head went under and i band into a rock i was haveing a hard time swiming the water was so dark i coluden't tell wich way was up then finally my head broke the surface "HELP!" I wailed out loud then some water splashed into my mouth and i swallowed it then i heard a vioce "SONDRA!" I looked over and saw a eevee runing beside the river "Nicholas!" I yelled desperately "Sondra! Im comeing don't worry!" He ran over to a tree and grabbed a long branch then i felt really terrified when i heard a loud roaring sound (the waterfall!) "Nicholas hurry!" I cryed he ran back with a long stick "grabbed it Sondra!" I tryed to reached it but just as i did i got sucked back under the water by a wave "NO SONDRA!" I heard him yelling then my head broke the surface again to see the waterfall right in frount of me "awww!" I screamd then Nicholas jumped on the rocks and grabbed me just in time and pulled me out and i landed on the grass i was crying -sniff-sniff-  (i thought i was going to die!) Nicholas huged me "it's ok Sondra your safe now" i looked at him "Nicholas you just saved my life!" He looked shocked "hmm i did diden't i?" I felt more confused "but... how did you find me?" He blinked "Your dad came to the palace he was looking for you i heard him talking to the guards" i felt a little better knowing that my parents are out looking for me "but how did you know i was in the river?" He shrugged "i diden't i was just luckey i guss"
"Thanks for saveing me, you came out here on your own just to find me?" He noded "yea your my friend thats what friends do" he smriked after "so do you think i'll make a good king after all?" I giggled "yes i think you'll be the best king in the world!"

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