Chapter 42 Vapor's evil plan

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Michelle's P.O.V.

We arrived back at his camp and he called a meeting jumping on a high rock to assemble his solders "we found out were Jasper is!, king Nicholas has him in his kingdom." I frownd seeing were this was going and just as i thought about it a random vaporeon spoke up "umm and just how are we going to do that?" Then Vapor answered him while flexing his claws "we attack of coruse.. we'll chase those jolteons away and i will take over thier land as king." I liked that idea but only one problem then another vaporeon spoke my thoughts
"but your majesty... thier jolteons how colud we possibly beat them? Surly they would win." Vapoer smriked "yes i know but as you also know there is another kingdom close by in Awaking... king Aiden if we can overtake his kingdom frist we'll throw him out but keed his Soldiers who will join us in battle agaisnt Nicholas then i'll be ruler of both lands and Jasper will be exicuted." I got up and faced him "what about my enimy? Don't i get any justice out of this?" He noded "of coruse love.... who is he?" I glared "her name is Sondra... she lives in Evergreen but snaeks off to get with Aiden." He noded "she is a espeon?.. right?" I noded and then he went on with a plan "ok so when we take over the espeons we'll hold her captive untill we win the war with Nicholas then she will also be sentece to death." I then grew a big smile "now thats more like it." (Then i'll kill you and marry Aiden instead then i will truly be happy and Nicholas.... show your dum face to me and i'll be the one cutting your head off!)  Vapoer jumped down form his rock and appreached we "so when do you think would be a good time to attack?" I smiled "at night when those espeons go to sleep and my dark typ moves are stronger." He noded with a smile then kissed me "well we better get perpared then."

Sondra's P.O.V.

I wake up sleeping next to Aiden early in the morning then his eyes opend and he yawnd "mm good morning Sondra." I blushed a bit as we shared a kiss then he got up "i'll order some breackfast you wait here." Then he headed away and i looked around his room he had a picture on one of his drssers it was a espeon but by looking at it i knew it wasen't him or his father (then who?... it might be rude to ask... mabey i shoulden't.) i layed back down in his bed till then a few moments latter he returnd with two silver platters and placed one in frount of me i smiled "mmm breakfast in bed." The food smelled good and i enjoyed my breakfast then i got up giveing a good strench Aiden smiled "come on lets go for a walk." He suggested and i followed him and we headed out together as we were walking i rembered that i was supost to go viset Nicholas the other day. (I hope he isen't to upset that i diden't show... i'll explane to him later.) then Aiden broke my thoughts when he yelled with excitment "i smell Cyandaquil .... thier rare pokemon come on!" I followed him as he ran excited then came to halt and quikly stoping me behind him with a fliker of his tail "get down i see them." He cowched down in the grass and i coppied then i felted a shiver as i saw a whole groop of them in a cleareing there had to be like 30 of them and they all looked bissy there were grading branches and twigs bulding walls around them i felted uneasy as i rembered the last time i saw a big groop of cyndaquil like this thier leader king Julian almost killed me.
Aiden started to wiggle his hind quarters geting ready to pronce but i stoped him "Aiden no!" He gave me a puzzled look "whats wrong Sondra?" He asked and i told him "i don't think we should last time i saw this many cyndaquil thier king attacked me." He looked around at the cyndaquil "well it's thier fualt they shoulden't be out in the open if they don't want to get hunted." I sighed "i really don't think we should... thier king is a typolsion and they can be veary deadly." He shruged "well he's not here now come on Sondra it will be fine im not turning down a good opituindy like this to catch preay." Then he ran at them and used his psychick power to pick one up and snap it's neck, all the cyndaquil ran around in paniked cricles yelling and then i joind him and cought two of them before the rest ran for cover underground.
Aiden looked really pleased we cought six of them together he smild "great job Sondra thanks for helping oh this is great we'll have lots of preay for a while, lets burry them for now and i send Ashtion out later to pick it up later." I noded but i still had an uneasy feeling (what if Julain comes for Aiden next?) i tryed to push the thought away but coulden't feeling worried i blured out "oh Aiden i think we made a huge mistake... we should have just left them alone king Juilan will be mad." He looked a bit anyoed then his eyes lit with reconzition "i think i saw him in River spot before... he made a big seen when Nicholas ate that cyndaquil in town i understood why it was wrong there but... he dosen't actually have a problem with preditore pokemon dose he?" I noded "i think he dose... he attact me at the river falls last time." Aiden just shruged "well im not scared of him why i should i be? After all Sondra we did nuthing wrong it's nature and right now thier on my land so thats thier problem" i then agreed with him (well Aiden is right... and i really dought that king Julian cloud take on Aiden's whole army... i mean they are preay pokemon.)  we both headed back to his castle together then we saw a whole partole of espeons walking our way and they all carred cyndaquil's in thier jaws then i reconzied Ashtion he was in the lead of the hunting party Aiden purred with delight "i see you spotted those cyndaquils." Ashtion walked up to us and smiled putting his preay down "heh you woulden't beleave how easy it was to catch them they were right out in the open we diden't evan have to stalk them i think arceus has blessed us with easy preay." He purred then picked his preay up and Aiden told him "me and Sondra killed six of them i left them close by the border that leads to River spot mind takeing you portal there next once you drop off your catch?" He mumbled with the preay in his mouth "with plesure your magisty." then he headed towards the castle with the portal following him.
Aiden glanced at me "come on lets head back i know tonight we'll have a good supper." I purred with delight i haven't had cyndaquil in a while seems how thier a rare pokemon to find.

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