Chapter 48 Julian returns

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Sondra's P.O.V.

I was laying with Aiden under the peachea berry tree the nioses of the morning brids singing woke me up.
I yawnd blinking my eyes open then i purred as Aiden shifted beside me and opend his eyes.
"Good morning love." I said and he purred "good morning beautiful." He got up and strenched then touched his nose with mine "last night was wounderful.." he glanced at the waterfall "this our specail place hon i'll never forget that." I noded purring "Aiden this is the place we saw for the frist time... it really is specail." He frownd "it's also the border that separates us..." i paused looking at the Evergreen side feeling a stab of paine "yea..." he frownd "is something the matter?" I sighed "well... im just kinda hurt by Nicholas's behaviour... he's supost to be my freind and... he's been causeing truble." Aiden tilted his head "yea... mabey in time... he might be sorry." I felted a little hopeful at that "perhaps your right... i supose like Sofia said he's only just jelous mabey thats why... but it's still an awful thing to do." He rested his tail on my shoulder reassuringly "don't be upset... im sure things will get better..." i looked up "i supose it's not like he'll attack againe he learnd his lession from last time... and the way the espeons and joltons worked together to get rid of Vapor and Michelle probilly showed him what a great team we are together we can face any threat." Aiden flinched at that and went qiuet for a bit wich made me puzzled "hu?.. whats wrong?... Aiden?" He shook his head "well... eh.. i just hope your right." I sighed rembering how rude he was to me the other day.
(Will we ever be freinds againe?... or is it always ganna be like this? Will he evean apologize?.. can i forgive him if he dose?)
Then Aiden nuged me "aww come on Sondra i hate to see you like this don't stress about it... it's what he would want just give it time." I finally noded and followed him and paused "hmm how about some brekfast?" I gave a small smile "that would be nice." He gave me a look of sympthany then flexed his claws "im going to catch you something nice... now lets see what good preay we can find today." I enjoyed watching Aiden's determination to catched preay (he really wants to cheer me up.) i thought watching as he cretped quietly through the forest then puased and i picked up a sent right away and a look of excitement lit his purple gaze "cyndaquil!" He smild at me "something rare.." he smriked "watch how it's don soon you'll have a tasty peace of rare preay." I smild and giggled a bit "geting a little cocky now are we?"
"Hush... we don't want to startle it." He got into the hunters crouch and slwoy creped forward i crouched down and made sure i stayed at a good distance so the cyndaquil woulden't see me or pick up my sent i watched as he paused and bunch his muscles geting ready to pounce he wiggled his hindquarters then made a strong lead and took the cyndaquil by surprise it screamed as he pind it down and sank his terth in it's neck the cyndaquil was struggleing for a bit then finally went limp.
I got up "nice catch!" I preasd him he purred with delight and bouned back over to me droping the cyndaquil at my paws and bowing his head in respect "Arceus i want to thank you this rare peace of preay" he sat down with me and we shared the cyndaquil together takeing turns takeing mouthful then once we finshed we we're don i started grooming my fur while Aiden was laying on his back enjoying the warm sun "mmm i haven't had cyndaquil in a while thier quiet tasty.." he purred laying in the sun i laughed with amusement "haha yea what luck.." then a gust of wind blew our way with a strong sent of cyndaquil Aiden shot up looking surprised "what theres more?.." i then got to my paws a sick feeling in my stomach as i rembered the last time i found lots of cyndaquil's (that crazy Typhlosion what if he's here?..) i felted nervous as Aiden got to his paws looking really excited "come on Sondra!" He ran straight were the sent was comeing from i ran after him "Aiden wait!" I put on more speed trying to catch up with him (i have to stop him!) He then stoped and i coughed up finally his mouth droped open and when i saw i felted scared there was clearing full of them "no...not this againe.." i started termbling and Aiden cought my eye with a puzzled exsprshion "what? Thier just preay.. surly theres nuthing to be afraid of." He blinck in shock and smild "Arceus has blessed us with rich preay." I blocked his path as he tryed to appreached "Aiden you must listen to me we can't hunt them!" He looked concernd "Why not? It's nature Sondra you don't have to feel bad."
I shook my head "no it's not that it's... thier dangerous!" I then felted embarest as he rasied a brow i felt my face turn red.
"Well.. we already ate we don't need more.." he held my gaze "but we have a whole kingdom to feed... come on im not ganna pass down good preay like this." I looked at them feeling puzzled "what are they doing?" I asked and he shruged "it.... Seems thier buliding some sort of home..." i tilted my head seeing his same puzzled exsperishion "this isen't right Aiden.. every pokemon knows cyndaquil live underground." He shruged "well im not ganna complane it just makes it easier for us." I frownd "Aiden wait" but he diden't wait he ran out into the clearing and to my shock the cyndaquil diden't flee one noded at him "greetings freind." One called and Aiden hesitated "umm... you are aware im a espeon right?" They noded "yes we are." Aiden slowly noded unleashing his claws "and are you aware of what i like to eat?" The cyndaquil looked nervous "surly you won't show disrestped in our kingdom..." Aiden reasied a brow "no... this is MY kingdom... your in Awakeing forest.. but why would i want rich preay like yourselfs to leave?." The cyndaquil's all looked scared "hunting is wrong.. there are other things to eat like-" Aiden diden't let him finish "enough im not ganna listen to a cyndaquil." He killed the cyndaquil right away biteing it's neck and right away they all started paniking and diveing for cover under the earth "come Sondra help me!" He called and i joind him catching as many as i colud till finally the clearing was emty Aiden purred with delight at our catch we cought 8 of them "Awaking will eat well today... come on will take two each and bury the rest.. i'll send Ashton out with his hunting party to catch more and retrive the ones we buired." I frownd "i have a bad feeling about this... they have a leader... he's a Typhlosion.. last time i saw this many he tryed to kill me."
"Ohhh thats why you we're scared.. why diden't you say so?" I frownd and he had a look of understanding "hey.. it's ok we diden't see him and whats don is don." I glared at him "we shoulden't have don this he'll come after us." He rolled his eyes "then let him im not scared of him i have a whole army why should i be?... look im sorry dear but im not ganna let some Typhlosion tell me what i can and can't hunt." He paused as he cought the look in my eye he rubed his cheek agaast mine "don't worry we'll be fine... come on lets head back to the castle yea?." I noded picking up a few and scraping drit over them for later and grabbing two to take back.
Aiden lead the way back and i followed.

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