Chapter 36 a fail at romance

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Sondra's P.O.V.

I ran off back over to Evergreen without evan waiting for Nicholas then once i got to the waterfalls i stoped by the water feeling really angry and hurt i sat down by the waters edge feeling lost (how could he cheat on me?... dosen't he love me?) then after some time went bye i heard pawsteps walk up to me and i looked to see Nicholas i hissed "what do you want?" I asked and he frownd "im sorry i'll let you be alone if thats what you want." I got up Realizing that really diden't want to be alone "wait... i need someone to talk to." He smild and walked up and i let out a sigh "i don't know do you think mabey we just cought him at the wrong time?.... it's just i can't Believe he would cheat on me like that." The jolteon was quiet for a bit then finally spoke "umm.. well mabey..." he hesitated looking a bit nervous to say it and i raised a brow "what? I want to hear you say it?" I hissed out and he sighed "mabey he found the one... ever heard of love at frist sight?" I frownd feeling depressed hearing that "yea... i fell in love with Aiden at frist sight... i thought he fell for me to but i guss i was wrong." Nicholas looked a bit shocked and hurt "what?.. you loved him the frist time you saw him?" I noded and he rolled his eyes "well don't get offended Sondra but usually it works both ways he should have loved you to... i kinda think maby you were confeused... you probilly just thought he was good looking." I got up to my pays and turnd tail on him walking away feeling offended by that "Nicholas you have no idea what i felted for him, what i do feel for him." He ran after me "Sondra wait!" I stoped feeling really annoyed
"What?" He looked at me "i.. i know how you feel im sorry for questioning you like that." I felted a bit puzzled "you don't know how i feel... Nicholas i love him, we're ment to be together." He looked down at his paws then back at me again "ok.. if thats true then were is he?" I felt my chest tighten with pain knowing thats he's with Michelle right now i felted a deep wave of depression but i diden't want to cry i was also mad at Aiden while feeling hurt and let down.
I sighed not answering then he went on walking closer to me "i know how you feel because i feel the same way.... towards you but you don't love me." I fought the urge not to hiss at him and he sat down beside me "i remember the frist time i saw you after you evolved.... this new feeling over took me.... i just assumed mabey you felted the same way... i thought mabey it was destiny for us to be together." I narrowed my eyes feeling a bit disgusted i looked him in the eyes "umm don't you think it's a bit weird that we grew up together?..." he shook his head "no whats so wierd about it? I think it would be great story's to tell our kids one day." I shivered a bit and he steped back a bit "come on it's geting cold out why not come to my castle?." Before i could answer he quickly add in "oh don't worry i'll give you all the alone time you need i won't be a bother i promiss." I sighed then noded "ok then." We both headed back together.


Once we got there i headed to the liveing room upstiars and turnd on the fire then sat down close to it stareing at the flames trying my hardest not to think of Aiden Nicholas walked in and slowly made his way toward me i narrowed my eyes "i want to be alone." I said and he noded "oh.. ok." He turnd to leave "well good night Sondra hope you feel better in the morning." Then he keft leaveing me alone with my thoughts (mabey... i should try talking to Sofia and see what she thinks... mabey it's just a missunderstanding.) i got up and headed down the hallway then my ear twiched at the sound of niose comeing form Nicholas's room feeling a bit curious i stood by the door listening "hmmm i don't know if thats a good idea." I recognized that to be Elliott,s vioce but there was another vioce that i diden't recognize
"Elliott's right that umbreon is dangerous if we don't do something Aiden himself could be in danger evan if he is dateing her!" I felt my chest tighten with sadness hearing that not wanting it to be true (Aiden dosen't really love her... dose he?) then i heard Nicholas's vioce
"Ok fine your right, Luke i want you to take a Party out into Awakeing forest and try to find that shiny umbreon." Then there was a hesitation "what? But thats truspassing."
"I know thats why you be sneaky about it and go after sundown those espeons go to bed early so they can be up during the day... oh and Luke im counting on you don't get cought or there will be truble form Aiden wich im avioding right now." I sighed (Nicholas can't do that it's breacking the poka law.... but Michelle is bad... but is it the right thing to do?.. i don't know what to think mabey Aiden will make her a better umbreon.) deciding to head to my room i started walking away but then heard Nicholas's vioce again " Elliott i need your help with something." I backed up feeling curious (i shoulden't be erase droping... but i can't help it what if it's something to do with Aiden?...) "yes your majesty?" Thier vioces got Quieter and i had to press my ear against the door to hear and i picked up on a few words "do whatever you can to make him look bad.... im geting closer to winning her heart i just know it and im not going to let him take her away again." I felted my anger boileing inside me (what dose he mean make him look bad?... is Aiddn really with Michelle right now or dose Nicholas have something to do with it?) then suddenly the door opend up and i had to move outta the way and two jolteons walked out then Elliott gave me a suspicious glare "Sondra what are you doing here shoulden't you be in bed?" He denanded i felted a bit panik (oh no they cought me listening to thier plans!) i frownd "umm.. i was.. eh thirsty and wanted to get a drink.." Elliott held my panik gaze "you seem a bit tense for wanting a cup of water." The other jolteon named Luke also gave me a questioning glare "it just seems odd because the kitchen is downstaris why would you come this way?" I felted my heart beating in my chest with worry then i sighed "well.. ok so mabey i overhered a little.." Elliott's fur spiked up "say what now? Coulden't sleep eh? Had to ease drop? whats wrong you don't trust your king?" I felted a bit more tense i diden't expect Elliott to get so angry with me then Luke awkwardly shuffled his paws "umm well im off.. oders by the king i best be going now." Then he bolted down the staris and i frownd "Elliott... i really don't think Nicholas has any right doing that i mean i know he's trying to pertect me but mabey we don't have to capture Michelle... as much as it hurts me to say this mabey she'll change if she stays with Aiden." The angry jolteon showed his teeth looking angry then he grabed my ear and pulled me away form Nicholas's door i gasped and tryed to yell but he covered my mouth with his paws and stabed me with his thrones i started kicking desperately trying to get away (holly Mew is Elliott crazy? Is he going to hurt me?) he took me to my room and closed the door and pind me down and i wanted to scream so bad but he woulden't let me "stop it Sondra your going to get me in truble now shut up, im not going to hurt you." I finally stoped and he let go and i was gasping for air breathing hard "w..what are you going to do?" I winde feeling scared he grabed a pill out "see this pill?" I noded feeling more scared as he went on "you were not supposed to hear any of that and im sure Nicholas would appreciate it too, so i need you to take this pill." I felted more panik "n... no i don't want to i don't evan know what it is.. please don't do this... please.." i beged "Elliott your supposed to be a loyal servent Nicholas would be so mad if he knew you did this to me" he hissed "look im only layal to my king and i will do anything for him... evan if it's bad but what he dosen't know can't hurt him.. this pill will put you to sleep for 12 hours and when you wake you will forget everything that has happend this whole night so you won't evan know i did this to you." I frownd "no don't! N-" i was cut off when he shoved the pill into my mouth i tryed to spit it out but he held his paw to my mouth froceing me to keep in my mouth i felted tears go down my cheeks not wanting to sallow then he hissed into my ear "sallow it, im not going to let go till you've sallowed it." He started rubing my neck then i felted it slip down my threat and he let go "thats it good gril, now get some rest you might hate me right now but you'll like me again in the morning and Nicholas can carry on his duties on makeing you hate Aiden evan more without you knowing it then he can finally have access to your heart see i did my king good diden't i?" I felted nuthing but pure hate for him "y.. you should be fired.. im telling Nicholas all about you.." then i felted sleep overtake me and i blacked out.

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