Chapter 20 the truth reveals

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I was still in Nicholas's palace, i was siting back in the liveing room stareing at the falmes in the fire place (my mom isen't dead... she can't be i must be dreaming...) but i know i wasen't dreaming (i really want to see Aiden right now.) i got up and started heading towards the stairs Nicholas ran up to me "Sondra... were are you going?" He asked i had my head down "back home..." he looked upset he walked uo to me "Sondra... im so sorry.." he had a few tears in his eyes he huged me "may she rest in peace." Then he looked at me "but... are you going to be ok?... and what about those sick pokemon?..... Sondra i don't want to see your head in a box im worried!" Some tears fell down my cheeks "i,ll.... i'll be ok.." my vioce carcked a bit, then i walked out the door and headed for home leaveing him to stare after me.


I arrived at home and it felt so emty and i realized it was makeing me more sad, i headed towards the waterfalls (oh Aiden please be there!) i thought feeling desprate to see him. Then once i got there it was geting late again i spent the whole day at Nicholas palace grieving for my dead mother. I sat near the water then i hered the bushes rustle and to my relief it was him. I got excited "Aiden!" I yelled as i ran to him and jumped on him "wha Sondra!" He sounded really happy i let out a loud purr i nuged him playfully and jumped off of him he laughed "oh now your in for it!" He teased and chased me i laughed "hehe can't catch me!" Then he used his psychic power and picked me up i yelled in delight "hey you can't do that it's cheating" he gently put me down beside him and i met his purple gaze (sigh.... i could stare into those eyes all day..) i thought feeling lost in his gaze then he kissed me and i closed my eyes "Sondra Were have you been? I've waited all day for you." He asked then i felt sadness creeping up on me and he looked conerend "on no... did something happen?" He asked i huged him feeling more tears drip down my cheecks "oh Aiden... it's awful." I still had the note i gave it to him he used his physcic power to pick it up, he read it, then his mouth fell open "Sondra it will be ok i'll help you we still have time!" He started yanking me towards Awakeing "come fast i know someone who would help us!" I stood were i was feeling more pian in my heart realizeing what could have happend if only i had made it to Aiden when i had the chance. He stoped and gave me a puzzled look "whats wrong?.... Sondra i don't want you to lose her, please let me help." I started crying more and he slowly walked up to me with his head tilted and i wispered in a low vioce "it's to late..." his mouth fell open and his head droped "no.." he sounded sad "no... how did this happen?, Sondra why diden't come find me?" I wiped my tears "i.. i tryed to find you but the jolteons arrested me when they saw me runing into Awakeing, and Nicholas got worried about me.... i shoulden't have asked for his help." Aiden sat down beside me "i know how you feel..." i looked at him "what?.... do you mean you lost someone to?." He slowly noded his head "yes... you see a week before i meet you my mother fell sick, as the days went by she just kept geting sicker and sicker. Me and my dad tryed everything we searched for some healing herebs.... but it wasen't good enough she passed away on the day i meet you." I felted shocked "what! Oh..." i covered my mouth with my paws "oh Aiden.... im so sorry, how come you never told me?" He looked down "before i meet you i was haveing a bad day i was so shocked i needed to get away, my favrite place to go to is the waterfalls.. then thats when i saw you...." he brushed my face with his paw "seeing your pretty face somehow took the pian away.. im glad we meet." I cuddled with him "Aiden i don't wanna be alone tonight... but i don't know what to do... do you think mabey you could stay in my den just for one night?." He looked a little surprised "well i really shoulden't.... but i don't think anyone will catch us ok just for tonight." I felt a lot better "great Come on!" I ran back into Evergreen and he followed then we finaly got to my den i layed down in bed and he joind me i cuddled close to him "thanks for comeing Aiden" he smiled "any time Sondra, you know i would do anything for you.... i love you." I felt a little upset "i love you to but.... we can't be together...." i felt a little sad as i said that, then he licked me on the cheek "hey.. we'll find a way.... im not giveing up on you we're ment to be together." His tial warped with my tail i layed my head on his chest and closed my eyes "good night Aiden.."
"Good night Sondra."

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