Chapter 37 a new king arrives

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Michelle's P.O.V.

It was dark outside as i made my den just on the edge on Riverspot outside the town (last night was to close a call those jolteons had almost found me.) i thought feeling a little on edge knowing that Nicholas would probilly keep sending out more search partys and the espeons now won't protect me anymore in fact if im cought in Awakeing Aiden will arrest me to so now im really screwed.
I closed my eyes then opend them again (i'll have to leave im not safe here... but i really want to become queen... and i want my justice Sondra is going to die.) i layed in my bed waching the town "all i do is wait i guss." I said to myself (wait untill i get the chance to see Aiden again.)

Sondra's P.O.V.

I awake in my den and let out a yawn streching my body i headed out walking towards the waterfalls once i got there i was a bit taken by surprise there was a typhlosion there with a groop of cyndaquil i was stareing at the big groop (what are a bunch of prey pokemon doing out in the open? Such easiy prey.) i thought my mouth watering a at the smell i slowly creeped up crowching down then the typhlosion turnd his red glare on me makeing me feel nervous i stood up and he growled "what do you think your doing?" He demanded in a hostile vioce and i felt a little uneasy "umm i was.. eh...." he stomped his big foot down in anger and the flames around his neck blazed with anger and i gualped feeling intimidated as he snarled at me "you Predator pokemon are a disgrace to Society! You don't need to kill my cyndaquil just for the joy of it... i know you espeons and jolteons are crule to my kind you threw us around and make my cyndaquil suffer you probilly think it's some kind of game!, or a joke evan but it's NOT!!" He was now screaming at me i backed away with my tail tucked between my legs as he went on "YOU ENJOY THE HUNT SNEAKING AROUND ENJOYING THE THILL OF KILLING WELL IT'S SICK!! AND WHATS WROSE YOU EAT US POKEMON EATING OTHER POKEMON WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?" He was panting for breath now and i was feeling a bit horrified "oh.. im sorry." I said "im thristy i just want a drink." He finally clamd down a bit then glared at me "as long as you don't evan so much as sniff at my cyndaquil's were cool." I noded then went to the water and started laping at it then he walked up again and i stiffend up in fear (oh Mew this guy is insane please don't let him hurt me.) he sighed "i guss i should interduce myself since im ganna be staying around here." I studered a bit "umm so do the kings know?.. because you have to get thier approval frist since this is thier land." He laughed a bit "haha screw that im also a king." I felted a but shocked hearing that "oh..." i tilted my feeling a bit lost with that thought (but theres already two kingdoms here surly there insen't room for another woulden't he have to go elswere?) he went im "im Julian by the way... king Julian my kingdom will be staying below the ground we go freely wereever we want because it's underground land wich belongs to me." I smild a bit (well sounds fair i mean prey is prey im sure this will be good for both kingdoms well have lots of lasting prey for always and the winters won't be so harsh this works out great!) i waged my tail feeling greatful at that thought then he asked me a question "so were can i find the Evergreen king?" I hesitated right away (why dose he want to see Nicholas?) i thought feeling a bit worried "umm you mean king Nicholas?" He noded "yes the jolteon so were is he." I frownd and studered a bit feeling a bit scared to answer "what do you want with him?" I asked and he growled "my revenge of crouse that heartless jolteon sabotaged one my kind and now im going to make him pay dearly for it!" I pind my ears back at that threat feeling worried for my friend "what did he do that was so bad?" He stomped his foot down and snarled reviewing his teeth "he eat one of my servents!" He spat with rage and i gualped (oh no is going to try and kill Nicholas! He diden't evan do anything bad.) i thought i frownd "well all im going to say is it's nature can't you just let it go?" I asked and soon i regretted my works his eye was twiching and he roared really loud "I'll NEVER LET IT GO!!!
POKEMON ARE NOT TO HUNT MY FREINDS MY FAMILY MY SERVENTS!!" Then he used flamethrower at me and i got scared and jumped out of the way in time i focused on him and used psybeam then he screeched "RAWWW!" He turnd on me really fast "WACHA DO THAT FOR?" he asked in a veary stern vioce and i flattend my ears and started tumbling in fear as his red gaze hardend "I SAID WHCHA DO IT FOR?" I studered a bit "i... it was defence you attacked me..." he relaxed a bit and i sighed feeling almost dizzey with relif then to my horror he screamed again "YOU DON'T DO THAT TO ME!!" He then used eruption and all the cyndaquil started runing around in panik as they were also stuck by the move i got slamd into a tree i started to cry out in terror "HELP!!" Then to my shock Julian looked at his cyndaquils in shock then turnd his cold glare on me "you!" I sitffend up and started crying "please i diden't do it please just let me go!" He screamed "LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!! UGG SEE THIS IS WHAT I MEAN YOU ESPEONS THINK THIS IS GAME?" I desperately shook my head "no i don't!, i don't think it's not a game i just want to live please im sorry im sorry!" I started begging him as he approach giveing me a death glare "were is the king?! Do you know him?" I noded "yes he's in Evergreen please don't hurt him!" He towered over me as tumbled in fear "how close are you to him? Might he care if i slunter you?" I coulden't move i was frozen terrified as i slowly noded my head and closed my eyes seeing my life flash away before me as he growled "good then i shall have my reveng!" I waited for him strick another attack but then he was bit by a shawdow ball he growled and i opend my eyes in shock to see a nintails snarleimg at him and i realized it was Sofia i was really shocked as she charged at him and used flame burst he got fearous and used flame weel the flames Spiraled towards her i yelled "Sofia look out!" The flames got her but she diden't seem to care as if it had no effect he roared really loud "ok miss fire Proof take this!" He used rollout and she grunted as she was hit by rocks then she jumped on his back and bit him with fire fang and he screech and hit her with his big paw sending her fown she hit her head on a rock and i gased as he slowly walked uo to her "im going to enjoy this" i quickly used pysbeam again then he wiped around to snarle at me again and i felt scared as he chareged for me i focused really hard trying to use my so psychic then i hit him with a new move psychic and i felted shocked as i finally learned the move i lifed him up and slamed threw him he got and used flamethrower i yelped as the move hit me then Sofia snarled at him and shot a hyper beam attack i was a bit tacken back (wow.. Sofia is strong) he ran at her and tryed to garbed her but she was to fast and once she regained her energy she used fire blast i was shocked as he tryed for another rollout but she was quicker and finished him off with foul play knocking him down he fainted and all the waching cyndaquil gasped in shocked then they all paniked and took cover runing into the holes that went into the ground.
Sofia walked up to me she was panting a little and i ran up to her "Sofia you saved me thank you!... but what are you doing here?" I asked then she met my gaze and i felted bad as i noticed there was a gash her were she hit her head "oh no your hurt.. im so sorry." She raised her paw to tell me to stop "don't be sorry it's not your fualt." She sat down some of her tails neatliy covered around her paws "i came here to see you Sondra." She finally said then gave a small smile "and im glad i did it seems i cought you at a good time... why did that typhlosion attack you?" She asked and i frownd "i.. i diden't do anything i just wanted to get some water then ... well i guss i did try to hunt one of those cyndaquils and he got mad at me for being a preditor pokemon." Sofia tilted head looking puzzled "wa?.. but they were out in the open what did he expect?" She sighed "i've seen that guy before he was in poka town." I felted a little taken by surprise "oh.. well he said his name was Julian and that he's the king of unerground... im a little worried now Sofia another reasion he tryed to kill me was because he said he wants revenge on Nicholas." Sofia's eyes went big "really... all that just because Nicholas ate that cyndaquil?... i mean i know it was wrong because it was in town but still thats a bit much to over react about." I noded "yea pretty much i guss." Sofia looked a little worried "mabey you should warn Nicholas later... but Sondra i came here because i wanted to see how your doing after the fight i saw last night... want to talk about it?" I noded "sure come on we can go to my den." She followed me back into Evergreen and we went inside my den and sat down i felted a bit embarrassed "i know my den isen't much.... not as nice as yours." She noded "thats ok i won't duged, so whats going on is Nicholas abusing you and please be honest." I felted a bit luzzled and shook my head "no of course not... it's just im going through heart breack right now." She frownd "oh.. so you and Aiden broke up?" I shook my head "do you know Michelle?." She then looked a bit shocked "umm yea.. i only know that she's no good and were she truly comes form why you haven't been hanging around her have you?" I shook my head "not now that i know she's trying to kill me." She growled "im not surprised i've seen this to many times before she's probilly trying to get those two kings Attention." I noded "well she did all right Nicholas is trying to have her put down.. but then she went to Awaking and Aiden helped her." Sofia met my gaze "but dose Aiden know about her?" I felted a bit puzzled thinking "well.. Nicholas told me." Then she asked "what did Nicholas say?" I frownd "i don't know he said that Aiden did know." She sighed "and how would Nicholas know that? Did he evan tell Aiden because i really don't think Aiden would protect a dangerous pokemon with bad intentions." I felt sliant for a bit thinking (she could be right.. and Nicholas had lied to me before mabey thats what he wanted me to think.. he is trying his best to kerp me form seeing Aiden.) then i remembered seeing them kiss and i frownd "Aiden likes her Sofia... i saw them kiss." She rasied a brow "Sondra i think you should try talking to Aiden because last night he looked really hurt when you ran away... and im not trying to make Nicholas sound bad but just think is this the frist time he lied to you?" I sadly had to shake my head and she went on "Sondra that jolteon is jealous i can see that cleary, he'll do anything to keep you form being with Aiden but don't let that stop you, i really don't think Aiden is with Michelle because if thats true then why dose she linger so close to Riverspot all the time?" My mouth droped opend "she.. what?" Sofia noded "yea i noticed her at night a few times i don't know what she's up to but i think im going to have to report her soon especially now knowing that she's a threat." I felted a lot better "thanks Sofia i will talk to him." I suddenly felt happy and wanted to run to him but then my ears pricked up at the sound of pawsteps and i paniked as i realized it was Nicholas "Sondra? You home?" I gave Sofia a paniked look and she looked a bit worried as well i called "oh i'll be out in a minute." Then he sniffed at the den entrance and i could hear him growle "whos with you!" He demanded then he peeked in and glared at Sofia and the ninetails gave a sigh "hu well thats rude." Nicholas growled "no whats really rude in crossing borders without my permission!" Me and Sofia both walked outside snice he already know might as well the jolteon looked really mad his fur was fuffled as he glared at Sofia and i hissed "i invited her she just wanted to see me." Nicholas eyed me "umm Sondra im sorry but are you queen yet?" I growled "No im not! And i'll never be!" I snaped and Sofia sighed "please don't yell it's really upsetting... i'll go ok no harm don." Nicholas ran in frount of her "yes thier is harm don you crossed into my Territory and truspass." She sighed "well i just wanted to talk to her im Sondra's freind." He rolled his eyes leand closer and hissed something into her ear that i diden't cach and she looked mad after and growled "thats really low.." she hissed and i tilted my head "what did he say to you?" Nicholas gave her a warning look and she then turnd tail "im going.. i'll see around Sondra ok." Nicholas grunted "and don't come back stupid nintails or there will be real trouble!" I shot him a mean glare "what did you say to her?" He frownd "i was just giveing her a warning thats all." He tenced at my glare "and why coulen't i hear it? You wern't planing on Arresting her were you?" He shook his head "of course not Sondra i woulden't arrest an innocent pokemon like that but there are penalties for a trusspasser like herself." I grunted and headed away and he ran after me "wait were are you going?" He asked and i grunted "to go see Sofia, you may able to keep her out of your Borders but you can't tell me i have to stay." He frownd and got in frount of me "Sobdra wait... can we talk frist?" I rolled my eyes and sat down "what did you two talk about?" He asked and i shot him a glare "thats non of your Business!" I got up and walked right past him leaveing him to stare after me.

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