Chapter 17 River spot town

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I awake early the next day (hmm Aiden said not to meet him till noon... but if i stay here Nicholas will come to pick me up.) i got up and decided that i would wait at the waterfalls till it was time, my mom got up "oh good morning Sondra were are you off to today?" She asked and i answered "im ganna be going to River spot with a friend." She smiled "oh your going to the poke twon thats nice it's a good place if you like shoping, hope you have fun." I looked at her "im not going till noon, im just killing time right now mabey we could go hunting together or something." I sugested and she looked happy "i would like that." Then me and her both left and went out.

Michelle's P.O.V.

I was lieing in my bed feeling misable and worried a after Nancy's death. (Nancey got cought.... and now she's dead.) i rembered seeing her in the basement but i was to scared to help her in case i got cought then i brushed the thought away (it's her own fault for failing to kill Sondra!.) i felt distress (now i have to find a way to kill her myself without geting cought..) i left my den and sat outside (i wonder if storm and Leon are heading back to that rotton Village?) i knew that deep down in my heart i was never going back there (gerrr i deserve to be queen! I need to do this some how..) i rembered seeing Nancy die i was spying on them, i watch as she walked by all the jolteons without saying a singial word and when she stood before the king he demanded that she tell him about the rest of us and i was greatful to Nancy when she refused to say anything and died giveing Nicholas an ice cold glare (she died with dignity...don't worry Nancey you diden't die in vian i will become queen! I will kill Sondra for you i know thats what your last wish was!)
I got up and walked away then a plan came to me (oh Sondra i got you this time!)

Nicholas's P.O.V.

I was sleeping in my bed then i awake to a knocking on my door "your majesty time to get up!" Came a femail's vioce i grunted "im not geting up im tried!" Then the door opend and Sparkle walked in "ohh.. whats this?, not geting  up? but your the king." I grab one of my pillows  and covered my face with it "exactly wich means im in charge around here and i wish to sleep." She sighed "umm but your breakfast is ready sir what i should i do with it?." I grunted "just thorough it out the window." She gasped in shock "w..what! But thats a waste of food!." I felt fusterated "then give it to someone els! Leave me im tired." She growled "ug well i never." Then she finally left and i gave a sigh (great now back to my Beauty sleep.)


I finally woke up after a few hours to find that it was noon (aww great now to go pick up Sondra!) i left my room and walked down the stairs "🎶de de do da Sondra my dear last nigh you were acting strang🎶 but today im sure i can blow your mind away🎶" then Eillott walked up to me "your majesty were are you off to today?" I smiled "i have a date, while im out i trust you to keep things in order." He looked really happy "i promiss i won't let you down sir." I just walked by and rolled my eyes (he's geting all worked up over looking after the castle for a few hours...) i walked outside and the new gurads all bowed down as i walked by and it made me feel good. (Finally some guards that that respect me.)
I made my towards Sondra's den i walked by some flowers and picked some roses (aww Sondra will love these!.)
Then i finally reached down and stood outside "hello!" I called "im here Sondra are you ready?." No answer i felt a little puzzled and i peacked inside the den was emty "hu?... Sondra are you home?." I walked in and there was no one (hmm... perhaps she just went out hunting and will be home soon.) then i heard pawsteps comeing (ah that would be her!) i waited then to my disappointment a leafeon walked in she looked shocked to see me "oh Nicholas Welcome!" She smiled i frownd "oh um hello Blossom..." i shuffled my paws "is Sondra around?, because we had plans for today and im here but she's not." She sighed "oh that Sondra... im sorry she must have forgotton because she left ealry today to go see Riverspot with a friend... i assumed that she ment you." I felt out raged "WHAT! But... im her friend!" I started to feel panik (Sondra diden't make a new friend did she?...) i bolted out of the den (i will find out!) Blossom walked out with a puzzled expression on her face "were you off to in a hurry?" She asked and i quickly replied
"Im going to Riverspot to find her, we had plans surely she just forgot." Then i ran off tajeing a short cut i know.

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