Chapter 45 the war unpon Evergreen

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Aiden's P.O.V.

I blincked open my eyes to see we were all laying close by the river falls a got up feeling puzzled to what happend then i remberemd we wer'e escapeing form Vapor but got jumped by a groop of vaporeon's who were waiting for us in the water then i looked around "Sondra?... Sondra?" I paniked as i realize she wasen't here with us... or Jasper then everyone els started to get up "wa.. what happend?" Noah asked geting up to his paws then before i could answer Sofia spoke "we got cought off gurd by those no good vaporeons!" Nicholas finally got up looking sad "Aiden.. i... i coulden't save her... Michelle took her." I felted my mouth drop "no... we diden't go through all that for nuthing we must go back for her!" I turnd to head back only for Sofia to block my way "Aiden stop!" I glared at her for a bit then looked down "im sorry Sofia... but i have to go get her... i can't let her die." Noah looked upset "Sondra.. poor espeon.. i hate to say it Aiden but i really don't think we'll get a secound try the secruty will be pretty tight now." Nicholas was sitting with his head down snd Sofia rose her vioce "umm had anyone seemd to notice that Jasper isen't amoung us?" Then suddenly there was a shift in the drit and a eevee poked his head outta the ground covered in drit he shook out his fur "oh dear.. im dirty.. my fur oh my.. but at least i made it." Then he turnd around to look at us "oh thank arceus! Your all ok!" He ran up to Aiden and Noah wageing his tail happliy then Nicholas snarled "JEZZE GET OVER YOURSELF NO ONE CARES!!" He spat and everyone looked at the jolteon in shock as he went on leting his anger out "of coruse you got away! Now Sondra is as good as dead!" I opend my mouth to say something but the jolteon marched right up to me untill his snout was nose to nose with mine "you.. this is all your fualt! Sondra is dead and non of this would have happend if you haven't had tacken her away form me in the frist place!" I shrank back feeling shocked out of my fur (holly mew whats gottin him?... so he's just ganna give up And turn on everyone?) he held my gaze with a look of hatred in his purple gaze "now Nicholas" Sofia began but he cut her off "now don't you start! You stupid ninetails!" He glared at everyone "i never want to see you againe any of you!" He looked at me "especally you! Stay out of my life can you do that for me!?" Noah answered "well i sure can arceus knows that." Nicholas shot him with a thunderbolt and before the espeon could strick back Sofia got inbetween them "ENOUGH!" I felted scared (Sofia never yells) she looked mad "look at your selfs fighting like this turning on one another.. Sondra isen't dead and she's not going to die we must stick together and prepare ourselfs for war." Nicholas turnd on her "im out... i want nuthing to do with any of you i blame all of you no fought hard enough and now...." i heared him sniffering and saw a few tears drip down on the ground "im going home... Sondra will be dead so theres nuthing left to fight for." I coulden't Believe what i was hearing (so he's not evan going to try?.. instead he's going to piont his paw at everyone and go home crying?.. instead of working together to save her?) everyone wached in silence as the jolteon walked away miserablely towards Evergreen and i looked around "umm isen't anyone going to stop him?" Then Noah grunted "harph not me you heard him he dosen't care about us.. oh and of course non of this is his fault it never is thats king jolteon for you." I sighed feeling annoyed "but... we can't win without his help." Sofia walked over to me "don't worry anout him Aiden he just needs time to greave for Sondra." I felted puzzled "umm but she isen't evan dead... in fact were kinda wasteing time by that." Sofia met my gaze "Aiden Vapor is going to attack Nicholas... i think we should just wait for it to happen pluse if we wait we'll have the upper paw if it's on his land because then the security at the Awaking castle will be low and we can rescue Sondra while thier attacking." I smiled and looked at Sofia "Sofia your a Genius! That will work out perfectly then once she's out we can join the attack and help Nicholas win the war and recialm Awaking." She noded and Noah evan looked impressed with the plan and Jasper noded "but.. i was hopeing to stay with Nicholas... just for my safty those Vaporeons will be looking for me." Sofia started leading us towards Riverspot "come to my place we'll all stay there and trust me im not leting no Vaporeon come anywere near my place."

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