Chapter 39 a missing eevee

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Aiden's P.O.V.

I woke up the next day and decided to go check on Jasper i slowly got out of bed and yawnd and as soon as i entered the hallway i was met with Noah he looked a bit worried wich made me feel puzzled "Noah?.. whats on your mind?" He met my gaze "umm about that.. you see umm." I was starting to feel paniked "Just tell me please." He frownd "well Jasper's gon." I felted tacken back as i hear that "but Mew and Mewtwo are relieing on me to keep him safe.. what do you mean he's gon?" He pind his ear's back "umm his room is completly emtey all his belongings are gon as well." I shook my head not wanting to beleave Noah' i ran over to the room i let Jasper have and saw for myself that it was as if the shiny eevee never evan moved in i looked at Noah "did you find anything suspicious? Like Jasper leaveing or someone breacking in?" He frownd "well i do think it's suspicious how you said Nicholas was outraged abut Jasper ataying here..." i sighed "so what are you suggesting here?" I growled and he let ou a fusterated sigh "it's odeus that Nicholas probilly took him." I sat down and thought for a bit (ok i know that jolteon hates me but no one is that low, i really don't think he would consider breacking in my palce to kindnap Jasper.) i frownd at Noah " honestly Noah i really don't think Nicholas woukd do that im going to town to asked Sopfia mabey he went back to her place." I stoped when i hered a loud yawn
And a Pikachu walked out of the next room "oh good morning Aiden whats for breakfast?" I felted a bit annoyed with the Question
(It's a bit rude to aske me to make breakfast after i let him stay here... and im the king.) i frownd "umm im sorry Spark but do you know were Jasper went?" He shruged his shoulders  "eh i dunno how should i know?" Noah pinnd his ears back and looked ready to snaped back but i lifted my tail up telling him to stay quiet "Jasper is missing.... do you mabey have any ideas have what might have happend?" The Pikachu diden't look at all worried he Stretched "aww he probikky just went out for a walk if i know Jasper he likes to be alone sometimes." Noah looked really annoyed "some freind you are." He grunted "Noah be nice." I hissed but Spark diden't seem to evan care "hehe were really good freinds im not worried, he'll come when he comes." Noah growled "no someone took him! His room is emty." Spart twiched his ears and peeked at Jasper's room "hmm it's not like him to do this mabey something is up... he won't let anyone near his valuables it's like he has his own little world... someone must of robed him." Noah twiched his tail impatiently "umm arn't you worried that your freind may be in danger?" Spark shook his head "naaa he'll be fine but im ganna go and investigate the town to see if i can find this thief... hmm do you anyone who is caple of stealing?" Noah noded "yes i do Nicholas in facted." Spark shook his head "im ganna go ask that nintails i hear there veary wise pokemon." Noah rsised a brow "umm if your ganna play detective shoulden't you be looking for clues around the castle frist?" He shook his head "why do that when i can ask other pokemon what they saw." I frownd "but no one in town would see anything... they live in town and the crime is here in my castle." He chuckled "hehe wow you guys really don't know anything do ya?" I felted a bit puzzled and diden't know how to answer then he walked away and Noah slaped his paw on his face in distress "ugg dose he have to live with us?" I noded "i invited him and Jasper Noah be polite." He grunted "i don't like him." I rolled my eyes "well im not saying you have to like him he is Jasper's freind and im allowing him to stay." He gave an amused smile "so you say." I sighed "Theres no time for this we need to find Jasper." He noded "ok and i know exactly were to start... Nicholas." I shook my head "im going to town." I say walking away but he jumped in frount of me "Aiden can you please just trust me on this just think... who is a famous thief in poka town? Sofia did say that everyone stays sparp when he sets paw in town." I glared at him "yes Noah im aware that he is a thief but would he really kidnap?" He started at me "i don't know Aiden diden't he lock you up once? You tell me." The realization hit me (he's right... Nicholas did keep me hostage once but that was just so he could get Sondra to hate me what would he have on me with this?) Noah frownd "come on Aiden i know he's there he was really mad yesterday." Then i noded "ok fine we'll go to his palace and see if he's there but if not... then i can only hope that we find him hopefully.."

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