Chapter 14 the setup

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Sondra's P.O.V.

I awake the next day sleeping in my den close to my mother, i knew i was old enough to find my own den but ever since my father past i diden't want to leave in case my mother got lonly. I got up and Stretched then she woke up "good morning Sondra" she smiled and i smiled back it was good to see her back to old happy self again. She got up "so what happend the other day?, i could hear lots of screaming and yelling comeing form Awakeing forest."
I droped my head after remembering the awful war that happend then i answered "king Charles had a war with Eric..." she looked shocked "what!, but why?"
I shruged "i don't know... he was mad at the prince about something and wanted him dead."
Blossom went quiet for a few minutes then finally said something "well... i always thought that king Charles was better then that, i know his brother was killed in the past but we need to learn how to forgive others and let things go." I kinda felt the same way but felt bad saying that about the king now that he was dead. "Mother.... Charles past away at the war, he tryed to kill Eric and faild." She looked down "well thats not good, poor Nicholas must be upset right now." She shook her head in disapointment "war is never a good thing Charles never should have had one in the frist place, they never end well, his most certainly did not." I still felt a bit shocked form what i saw the other day "i need to go out and clear my mind a bit." She noded "ok Sondra i'll see you later." Then i headed out towards the waterfalls like usual, but then i stoped when i heard a rustle in the grass and a shiny umbreon jumped out "Sondra hey!, it's been two days now so would you like to come over for that viset?." I felt a bit Surprised to see her "Michelle im sorry i forgot, theres a lot of stuff going on right now.." she walked up and sat beside me "yea... we can talk about in my den if you like?" I felt a little pressured (why dose she want me to come over so bad? Is it really that important to her?) then she broke my thoughts "well come on, you said you would and i've waited so lets go." I sighed "ok.. ok i'll come for a quick viset, but then i have to go, something bad happend the other day.." she just rolled her  eyes then started leading me to her den. I stoped when he got to the Evergreen border "hu, i thought you lived in Evergreen?, why are we crossing the border?." She gave a fusterated sigh "oh i'll tell you when we get to my den." Then finally we stoped at a tunnle and i crawled in and looked around "wow it's a nice den,... but why do you live in a underground tunnle?." I asked she smiled "oh i just recently moved my den i like it here better now you wait here i got something for you i'll be right back." Then she ran out of the tunnle leaveing me alone before i could say something about her not liveing in Evergreen. (Why would she want to live in a tunnle?) i thought feeling puzzled then my ears twiched at the dound of pawsteps by the sound of it three pokemon were comeing i got nervus as they walked into the den, a absol, houndoom and a mightyena all approached and glared at me the houndoom snarled at me "well, well if it isen't the espeon we've been waiting to kill!" I felt shocked and scared "i.... im sorry who are you and what are you talking about?." I asked and she laughed "we come form a Village far away form here and we've come on a quest to take over Evergreen's kingdom and your in our way so it's our job to kill you!" She spat i got scared "but... i don't understand how am i in your way? What did i do?" The mightyena and absol looked at each other then the absol spoke "ok Nancy thats enough lets just kill her already and get this over with!" I yelled as the mightyena jumped at me and used bite while the houndoom used dark pluse, then the absol used night slash i screamd as i hit the cold ground really hard "please don't kill me!." I cryed. Then they all circled around me (weres Michelle? I reslly need her right now im in trouble!) i thought feeling really desperate to escape then the mightyena growled in a deep vioce "say good night espeon!" I braced myself for another attack and closd my eyes, then i heard a sound of a lot of pawsteps lots of pokemon were comeing! I opend my eyes to see that the room was filled with cyndaquils the three dark typs were being attack the houndoom growled in fusteration as she got attacked with the others. (This is my chance!) i quickly ran out of the tunnle while they were still fighting with cyndaquils then i heard one of them yell "SHE'S GETING AWAY!"
"AFTER HER!" I got scared and started runing then i heard pawsteps behind me as they broke out of the tunnle and got away form the cyndaquils "after her she has to die!"
I was so full of fear as i ran for my life "hah hah hah!" I was runing as fast as i could to scared to evean look behind me to see if they were still chaseing me.
Once i got to the castle i was so exhausted and out of breath, the guards glared at me "woo whats the rush!" One growled at me, i was breathing really hard feeling dizzey "huff, huff there comeing!.. hah hah.... help." Then i fell at thier paws and everything went black.

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