Chapter 53 Claiming Awaking back

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Aiden's P.O.V.

Once we we're escorted out of Evergreen we headed back towards town.
Sofia rested one of her tails on my shoulder
"Don't stress Aiden... we suceeded the legendarys are free now."
I sighd "yea but what about Sondra?"
Noah laughed "haha don't worry she won't be staying with him long.... it's only a matter of time before we kick that jolteon's tail!"
I frownd "i hate the idea of him keeping her locked up.... but your right... we have to fight for Awaking back..." I felted lost in thought for a bit.
(And Nicholas knows that right now..... )
I looked at Sofia "i have to go back for her.... evan when we do get Awaking back.... he's not going to let her go."
She sighed "Regardlesswe if we rescue her or not... she lives in Evergreen.... he's not going to keep her locked up forever he will let her go... just be patient you'll see... if he wants her to like him he'll smarten up."
I felted my tail flicker with annoyance.
"But... i love her... i wish she diden't have to live in Evergreen... is there not something i can do?.... that jolteon will do anything just to keep us apart."
Noah looked at me "then why not ask her to marry you?" I felted tacken aback in shock.
"I can't just do that?!" He tilted his head to one side "oh really?... why not?"
I stared at him in shock "isen't it a little to early?"
He smild "it's not if it's true love... come on Aiden i know how much you love her... i can see on your face all the time."
Sofia gave me look then turn her red gaze on Noah "don't pressure him now if he feels he's not ready.."
I thought for a bit.
"I really don't like her being under his control.... like i said Nicholas will do whatever it takes to keep us apart... and i do miss her everytime she leaves."
Noah gave me a freindly shove "come on now she's a eapeon she belongs in Awaking not Evergreen if you love her then it's no mistake to make." I then made up my mind.
"when this is over im going to buy her a ring... i can't wait to see the look on Nicholas face when she leaves him for good.... that is if she says yes."
Nosh just chukled "oh she'll say yes all right anything to probilly get away from Evergreen."
Sofia looked happy "all right good for you... but right now i think you sholud focuse on geting Awaking back."
I noded "of course i'll assemble my espeon's... frust thing tomarrow we strik!" I then ran up ahead and could tell Noah was with me.

Nicholas's P.O.V.

I felted bitter as i pictured Aiden heading back to Riverspot.
(Not on my watch you don't! Oh Aiden i will get rid of you if it's the last thing i do! Your not geting my Sondra!)
I went out to find Elliott.
"ELLIOTT!" I shouted and he came runing up the stiars.
"Ugg... yes Nicholas? What now?" I rasied a brow i diden't like his tone "that is no way to talk to me!" My fur bristled as i hissed "show more respeact to your king!" He sighed "sorry... im just strssed out... well because you know we lost.." i pinnd my ears back "we haven't lost Aiden is still staying in Riverspot i want you to Assemble the jolteon's.... we attack at dawn." His jaw droped "what?! We're attacking to town?" I noded "indeed we are." Then he grew a big smile "hehehe that will show them! I'll get right to it."
"Oh and Elliott?" He paused looking a bit Impatient his paws we're shaking like he was just Itchin to go to war.
I lowered my vioce a bit "see that Aiden leaves and if he refueses to go... arrest him understood?.... but try to make him leave frist."
He noded "why not just kill him?" I shook my head "trust me killing him is the last thing i want..... im not like my father i have better ways to win."
"Ohhh but if he we're dead... he'd never come back and it's not like anyone has to know."
I turnd a stern look on him "don't question me im your king it's your duty to follow my orders!" He noded then ran off.

Sondra's P.O.V.

I was laying in bed feeling bored out of mind (i can't Believe he wolud lock me up like this!)
Then suddnly the door open and he slowly approached "hey Sondra?.... i just wanna talk."
I glared at him as he entered the room.
"Sondra im sorry..... your right it's not right of me to lock you up sgainst your will... you can go."
I got up but just as i tryed to leave he got in frount of me "but... promiss me you won't go to Riverspot?" I gkared at him "why?... thought you said i was free to go?... i can go to Ricerspot if i want.... like it ir not im still jn love with Aiden."
His purple gaze hardend "but dose he love you?" I noded "of course he dose what makes you say that?"
He said nuthing only just shook his head then turnd away i felted puzzled "what did you do now?"
He looked at me "oh... i diden't do anything.... but im sure Aiden was planing on leaveing... oh but why sholud i waste my breath? You never belieave me anyway...."
I wasen't sure what to think of that.
"No that can't be why wolud he leave he's king of Awaking."
Nicholas chulkled "oh dealing i think your forgetting that i own Awsking still... this is Everawaking now thats not going to change." I gritted my teeth geting my paw ready to slape that smug look off his face but then he continued "oh but my point is if he loves you... why wolud he leave?.... you'd think he wolud at least try to fright for his kingdom back... or at least stay for you... but he's not."
I hissed "your lieing! Nicholas i had enough of this all you ever do is lie to me now!"
He just shruged "ok then don't take my word for i knew you wern't going to Believe me." He droped his ears "Sondra..... i do love you.... please i only want whats best for you.... " i got to my paws and pushed past him heading down the staris then two jolteon's stoped me.
"Nicholas i thought you said i was free to go?... can you please tell these gurds to let me past."
He slowly walked up "now don't get mad but.... i just want you to stay one more night."
I turnd a cold glare on him that mad him flinched a little.
"Sondra please... im just worried... if Aiden attacks i don't want you cought up in the middle of war... if you stay here you'll be safe.. as soon as the sun comes up in the mirning your free to go."
I pinnd my ears back "i better be!" I matched upstars heading for the liveing room and to my surprise he diden't follow me."

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