Chapter 34 a faild freindship

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Aiden's P.O.V.

I was on my way to the waterfalls hopeing to see Sondra but once i got there she was nowere to be sean. Then i heard a familar vioce "hello Aiden!, Aiden, Aiden." Nicholas approached form the other side of the river giveing me a cool look "and what are you doing on my Territory? I thought we we're in an agreement that you would stay out of Evergreen." He hissed and i felted a bit tacken back (did he wait here for me?.) i then pind my ears back against my head narrowing my eyes at him "umm this is the waterfalls there is a peace truce here, infact your not evan Supposed to pick fights here it's veary disrespectful." He then grumbled something in a quiet vioce that i diden't catch, then he noded at me "ok then whatever you say Aiden." He grumbled then I tilted my head feeling a bit puzzled.
The jolteon jumped in the water and splashed his way across towards me i hissed as water splashed me and he jumped out beside me fluffing out his fur and shakeing water everwere i hissed "stop that!" He smriked at me "heh heh don't like geting wet eh?" I rolled my eyes then turnd to leave but then i felt his paw stomp down on my tail i felt really annoyed i turnd to my face him "what?... and im ganna remind you that your now geting close to Awaking borders your on my side of the river." he sighed "yea i know... i was thinking that well... seems how your dateing Sondra and im her good friend.. mabey it's time we get along so i wanted to go to Riverspot with you." I hesitated meeting his gaze "do you actually mean that?" I asked and he noded "you have my word." I then finally noded "ok... i guss." (I guss i can always go see Sondra later.) i thought he grew a smile "oh great come on Aiden." He then started yanking me away with him and i followed him to poka town. (Why do i have a bad feeling about this?) i thought to myself as i followed.

Once we got there i saw Jasper the shiny eevee ran up to us "oh hi Aiden long time." Spark was beside him Nicholas frownd then gave me a werid look "don't tell you waste time talking to this eevee." My tail twiched "why is there a problem with that?" I asked and Jasper also looked a bit confused "oh.. umm Nicholas whatever the reason you hate me please... can we just forget about it?" Then the pikachu shook his head "no Jasper don't apologize to this jolteon you diden't do nuthing if he dosen't like you then thats his loss." I noticed that Nicholas rolled his eyes then glared at the pikachiu "umm am i going to take this form a little Pikachiu?" Spark stood his ground "i am one tough pikachiu you don't want to mess with me!" He hissed Nicholas held his glare
"i could easily beat you." He barked and Spark spat back "i'd like to see you try!" Nicholas then held his head up "lucky for you im not in the mood right now." Then he walked by and i felted annoyed (why is he so rude?) then Sofia walked out of her shop and spoted us "Aiden!" She called and i headed over to her Nicholas followed looking fusterated "umm Aiden can you make this quick i kinda had something in mind." He said then Sofia looked a bit surprised "oh you two are geting along now?" She asked and Nicholas noded "indeed... well good talk i think it's time Aiden and i get going." She stoped him "whats the rush? Why don't you two come inside for a cup of tea." I noded "that sounds delightful." I said then i looked at Nicholas "come on we'll just viset Sofia for a bit... what did you have in mind anyway?" I asked feeling a bit concered about what he might be up to but he just looked away form me "i'll show you later.. or another time." We headed inside and sat down then Jasper and Spark both came in and Nicholas grumbled "what are they doing here?" He asked and Sofia met his gaze "they are staying with me for now untill Jasper finds a place." Nicholas frownd "evan the pikachu? Dosen't it get a littled crowded in here?, or you just let anyone stay with you?" She looked annoyed with the question but she diden't answer.
Spark's ear twiched "i don't think i like this jolteon." He muttered out and Sofia growled at Nicholas "in Riverspot pokemon are pokemon we treat everyone in town as equal and Spark here happens to be a freind so try to have a bit more respect." She said and Nicholas mocked "im a king i don't have to treat others as equals, other pokemon should bow down in respect in fact." Sofia bowed her head "and that we do for you both... i gatta say it's good to see you two kings geting along it's been far to long since i've seen this." She said sounding a bit pleased and i noded trying to meet the jolteons gaze (i just hope it can be that way...) she got up and made everyone tea Nicholas put his cup down "i don't drink this stuff.. i perfer coffie beans." The ninetails frown "im sorry i don't have those but i can get some for next time you viset." He grunted "if i come back that is." I just ignored the complaining jolteon and siped my tea then Spark got up and let out a yawn "well i think im ganna go out for a bit, might take a stroll." Then he headed away and once he was gon i felted my stomach growle starting to feel hungry. (Mabey we can go hunting after.)
I looked at Jasper "how long have you two been freinds?" I asked and he shruged "a long time.. since child hood we grew up together." Nicholas chuckled "heh heh that desperate for freinds eh?" Jasper looked annoyed "ok can you stop that your acting like Spark is a nobody!" Nicholas smriked "well thats one thing you two must have in comin then." I hissed at Nicholas "what is your problem with Jasper? Am i missing something?" He noded "he thinks he's specail." I tilted my head "hu?" Then Sofia looked upset "ok lets not get into that right now, you two need to stop fighting, i will not have you in here if you keep on arguing." Nicholas got up "ok then lets go Aiden." I felted a bit tacken back "umm arn't you going to apologize and try to get along?" He shook his head and gave Jasper a cold look "i don't care for pokemon who think highly of themselves." I felted a bit shocked and Jasper looked upset "oh yea... thats cool i understand." Sofia was shakeing her head disapprovingly as Nicholas headed outside and started calling me "Aiden, Aiden, Aiden." I gave Sofia an apologetic look before following the jolteon (he dosen't seem to be acting like a freind but more like up to no good, i don't trust him.) i thought then i finally cought up to the speed walking jolteon "Nicholas stop!" He stoped "were are we going?" I asked and he looked around then his eye cought something i turnd my gaze to see what he was looking at it was the Fortune teller Chole the shiny delphox she was cleaning her ord and i noded "oh you want to go see your Fortune?" I asked and he frownd "don't tell me you actually Believe thats real?" My gem glowed "well im a psychic typ so yea i do think it's real just like the curse of the nintails." He luaghed "haha Aiden thats just a myth you can't get cursed just by grabin someone's tail." I felted a bit irritated (he seems to think he knows it all.) i twiched my tail then he smikd at me "hold that thought... Aiden you wait right here ok i'll be right back." Then he headed off i sat back waching him as he headed for Chole feeling uneasy (mabey i should leave.) i thought but then something els cought my eye a whole groop of cyndaquils walked in together form the far side of town and a typhlosion was in the lead he walked up to me "make way for our king!" They were being a bit rude the smell was geting to me (so much preay in one area!) forgeting about Nicholas i was waching them pass through then one cyndaquil stoped in frount of me "hello sir are you familar with this place?" He asked and i noded "yes this is Riverspot it's a poka town bulit in honour of Awaking and Evergreen forest this town is a place were we keep our peace with one another." He noded "yes we used to stay in underground tunnles around this area somewere we left to try and find another home but it just wasen't the same pluse our old king died his name was Vikey he never evolved and died trying to protect us, so now we have a new rule were only the king evolves to protect the rest of us." I felted a bit puzzled "im sorry he's the king of what?" He chuckled "we rule the underground area." I noded "why are you telling me this again?" He frownd "i was hopeing you could help if you know this place well." I hesitated then suddenly Nicholas came runing up panting i tilted my head "were did you run off to? And why do you have a bag that looks full of stuff?" I gave a sigh "you stole diden't you?" He smriked "aw Aiden what a pual you can read me like a book." Then he looked at the cyndaquil "oh?.. why is he here?" He asked and the cyndaquil spoke "oh my name is Jack by the way nice meeting you." Nicholas sniffed him "mmm im hungry now." He said and i noded "well im a bit hungry myself lets go hunting." Then to my shocked the jolteon sank his teeth into the cyndaquil and riped off a chunk of meat "AWWW!" The cyndaquil yelled in pian and shock as the jolteon swallowed then riped his arm off next i felt really disturbed "what in arceus name are you doing!!" I yelled and Nicholas gave me a look like i was wierd "umm eating what dose it look like?" Then he took another mouthfull and the cyndaquil fell to his paws "PLEASE HELP ME MAKE IT STOP!!" I was to shocked to evan move and before i know it the cyndaquil stoped moveing and Nicholas just devoured him up and i felt my face go red when i realized all the attention that was drawn to us almost every pokemon in Riverspot was stareing at us in shock and Sofia came runing "what the heck just happend?" I felt nervous it was rare for her to get mad.
Nicholas was licking the blood off his paws and cleaning himself "mmm i haven't had cyndaquil in a while." He said as if he did nuthing wrong just now. (how can he be so crule? What a veary awful way to eat! That poor cyndaquil...)  i thought i maen i know preay is preay but not evan preay should shuffer when we eat my father taught me to kill before you eat and give thanks to Arceus for the life you've taken.
I glared at him and he looked at me "what? Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked then Sofia hissed "YOU ATE A CYNDAQUIL IN TOWN?" He shruged looking puzzled "umm yea.." and the other cyndaquils were waching with horror expressions on thier faces then the king steped up "what kind of sicko are you?!" He snaped and the police Arcanines came walking up "you know we're Supposed to arrest any pokemon who breack the truce like that... but since you are the king of Evergreen i guss we'll just let you off with a warning." Nicholas tilted his head "what? Why is every pokemon acting like i did something awful! Why not get mad at Aiden! All i did was eat!" Sofia noded at the police "i'll talk to him i don't think he understands the truce about this town im sure it was an accident." Then the king Typhlosion got furious "what! Someone just died! A life was tacken just now and your meaning to tell me this will go unpunished?" He demanded and the Aranine frownd "well he is the king of Evergreen so theres nuthing we can really do about it." He growled in rage "well im king of the underground!" He stopmed his foot down and the Aranine went on "but this town was bulit for Evergreen and Awakeing not the underground... look it was just an accident they happen sometimes." He gave Nicholas a cold look "well it diden't look like an accident! Jack was screaming for his life and that heartless jolteon ate him anyways!" Nicholas hissed "it's nature! Pokemon eat other pokemon and the world keeps spinning!" I sighed "well come to think of it, it's not that big of a crime because that part is right i mean Jack could have been hunted down the next day for all we know." The Typhlosion looked really mad "umm no, no one hunts any cyndaquil in my groop!" I then felted a bit taken back then Sofia steped in "enough! Look at us fighting like this.
Look whats don is don can't do nuthing now." Then she turnd to Nicholas "Nicholas did your dad not tell you about the truce of Riverspot?" He shook his head then she sighed "well now you know you can't hunt in town it's forbidden when your in town every pokemon is freinds and treated as equal pokemon and when you and Aiden come in we all show our respect for the two kings." He noded "ok... well no one ever told me that.. i was woundering why the preay pokemon were woundering around with so much confidence i thought they were wiiling to die." She noded "good now i don't ever want to see that again it was disturbing and veary disrespectful." He noded and everyone in town went back to doing thier own thing except for the Typhlosion he stood thier still glareing at Nicholas "your the king of Evergreen you say?" Nicholas noded and he growled "well i think i'll stay away form your land for now, but this is not over!" Then he marched off angerliy and i turnd to growle at him "can you at least explane why you diden't kill before eating? Because that kinda was disturbing." He shruged "oh Aiden who cares it's just preay thier going to die anyways, and those preay pokemon, thier only purpose in life is to feed stronger pokemon like us." I hissed "your not supposed to torture either! Have just a little respect you should resect the food you eat because thier giveing up thier lives so you can live yours." He rolled his eyes "i like my preay warmer and trust me whens the next time a cyndaquil is ganna stand right in frount of me to eat? Never because they run away." I giggled "well good luck with your hunting now all those preay pokemon will be runing when they see you after what you just did." He grumbled "whatever.." then he started walking away "Aiden do you trust me?" He asked and i hesitated "umm no offence but not really.." i said and he looked annoyed " i was ganna invite you over to my palace again." I shook my head "no but you can come to mine, come on." I lead the way back home and the jolteon followed.

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