Chapter 41 a problem umbreon

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Nicholas's P.O.V.

I was in my upstairs liveing room waiting for Elliott to report to me that the gurads returnd with Michelle.
I started flexing my claws rembering the war she caused moons ago (my father would still be alive if it wasen't for her!) i felt a small growle rumbleing in my thraot (and... she duoble crossed me with that war... Sondra was almost killed when that carzey Absol took her away.) then i heard pawsteps runing towards the room and Elliott opend the door "your majesty you need to come qiuk the gurds have news you'll want to hear." I smild and got up then noticed that Elliott looked uneasy "don't tell me.." i frownd and he sighed "the gurds will tell you what happend." (No!) i pushed him aside and ran downstaris feeling fusterated (she better be in the basement!) then i met them at the bottiom of the stairs Stance the one i put in charge steped up and i noticed that one of them was missing and the other two had a few scarches on them "wait weres Mike?" I asked and they looked down "he's dead." My mouth droped open "what!... what in arceus name happend?.. weres Michelle?" Stance flinched looking scared to answer "well you see she got lose and..... there was this vaporeon and we got jumped by like six of them then Michelle killed Mike." I felted so fusterated "who is this guy were talking about? Since when is there a Vaporen groop? He better not be in our territory!" I snarled feeling angry then i heard little pawsteps come runing down the stairs and turnd my gaze to see Jasper "thats my brother Vapor!" I growled " serousliy? But why would he help Michelle?" I asked and Jasper shruged "well my brother is evil and-" i stoped him "ok hold that thought Jasper your geting worked up over nuthing." A look of disbelief crossed his face "what! But Nicholas this is important Vapor is dangerous." I giggled "are you serous Jasper im a jolteon he dosen't scare me." The shiny eevee ran after me as i started walking away "wait Nicholas!" He ran under my paws and i triped over him then growled with anoyance "Jasper get out of my way!" He stood in frount of me "Nicholas you have to do something and qiuk it won't be long before he finds me." I got up and brusshed the dust off my furr "oh relax he hasen't don anything.. if he crosses my borders then theres truble but not before then." He looked shocked "do you evan care?" He asked and i answered "umm no Jasper i feel like your makeing this up no ones out to get you holly Mew your gullible." He looked tacken back "what do you mean?... you saide you saw them.. diden't you rescue me just a few nights ago because you saw him?" I chucked "heh um yea about that i lied." He looked lost "what?... you mean i wasen't in danger that night?" I shook my head "um no i made that up." He looked shocked "i don't understand why would you do that?" He asked and i smriked "heh isen't it obeous? im a better king then Aiden i should get the honour of keeping you not him." His fur bitstled "you... you lied just so i would stay with you?.... Nicholas This is serous how could you do such a thing lieing to me like that?" I smild "heh heh yea so seroius now if you excuse me i don't have time for this story." He looked really mad "your low!" He spat and i giggled and started sining "oh low is me🎶 im so low🎵 and im proud of that🎶" he started following "Nicholas please tell me you will fight Vapor right?" I ignored him "stop following me Jasper i don't want to hear anymore of that nonsence." He yowled "fine be that way! You know what im going back to Aiden at least he cares im safer there with him then i am here with you." I stoped in my tracks and pinnd my ears back feeling insulted by the shiny eevee. Jasper ran upstairs back to his room. (Aiden will not get him back if it's the last thing in do.) i followed him to his room "ha Jasper for a secound there i thought you said you were leaveing to go back to Aiden?" he looked at me and started packing his siutcase "i am i..just can't beleave you... you don't evan care you lied to me." Then once he finshed packing i blocked the door "hmmm going somewere now are we?" I asked in a mockey tone and he grew a look of worry "aww why are you looking at me like that?.. oh dear." His ears droped "well it was nice staying with you.. now if you kindly just step aside i'll be on my way." I fliched back acting like my feelings were hurt "uh i never felt so hurt more betrayed why would you choose Aiden over me?" He shrank back "umm thats be-" i cut him off "look Jasper your not going back to Aiden, now im ganna kindly ask that unpack your stuff put it all back then get out of my face." He gulped "but i... don't want to stay here..." i smriked at him "hmm im sorry did i hear say you don't want to?... well heh im not asking what you want it's what i want." He frownd "you can't do that... i have free will this is-" i cut him off againe "im a king and a good king like me always gets what he wants now unpack your stuff... now." I stomed my paw down and He looked past me "oh Sondra's here." Feeling panik i quickly darted around "Sondra i can explan-" there was no one there and the shiny eevee darted right under my paws and bolted for the starcase "HEY!" I yowled as he started sprinting for the staircase i ran after him "gurds block the door!" I yowled then i got closer to Jasper then before he could reach the bottom of the stiars i grabed his scruff and scooped him off the gound his  suitcase went flying in the air and the little eevee scream "NO!!"
It landed at the bottion of the stairs and Jasper looked horrified "MY LIFE WAS IN THAT SUITCASE!!" I rolled my eyes (wow and he said i was low.) He started kicking his paws helplessy in the air "put me down at once" I carried him back upstairs to his room while he yowled and squirmed around "NICHOLAS!!! LET ME GO!!" I threw him in his room then slamed the door on him and right away he started banging on it
-Bang! Babg-
"you can't do this!!" I luaghed "haha yes i can and i just did." I grabed a key and locked it and right away the doornob started rattleing "let me out im haveing a panik attack!" I turnd around and decided now would be a good time for a bath (ugg he got me a little worked up.) "HELP! HELP!" He yelled "NICHOLAS you can't keep me here forever! This is wrong let me go!" I chuckled "i don't care... 🎶do da la la oh im the best in the wrold that thier'll ever be🎶 Jasper someday you'll learn im right you flooish eevee🎶." Then once i got to my room his yells died down (eh he'll get tired of yelling and grew tired.. he'll end up falling alseep soon.) then i rembered (oh yea his suitcase.) i headed downstaris and grabed it then i felted curisous of what was inside and opend it and the frist thing i saw was a picture... it looked like a family two vaporeons and three eevee's one was a shiny, the picture had a crack in the glass frame i closed it againe then went back to my room (i'll give it to him later when he stettles down.) i thought.
Then i saw Elliott and rembered that Michelle escaped "Elliott can you take out a party of jolteons to look for Michelle?... she got away and i want her arrested." He noded " got it you can count on me sir!" Then he headed away and i frownd (Sondra will be here later... guss i'll have to tell her that plans have changed.)

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