Chapter 38 a complicated freindship

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Sondra's P.O.V.

I headed for poka town ignoring the pouting jolteon and once i got there i headed for Sofia's den then i noticed a shiny umbreon in the town she marched towards me and i got scared then she stoped in frount of me "Michelle.. what do you want?" I asked and she hissed "this isen't over Sondra just know that i am still going to kill you! Your precious boyfreind Nicholas can't keep you safe!" I rolled my eyes "he's not my boyfreind!" She laughed a bit "hehe your such a liar if thats true then why did i see you go out an a date with him?" I growled "what do you want form me Michelle can't you leave me alone?" She shook her head then i heard another vioce "Michelle!" I looked over my shoulder to see Nicholas comeing and the umbreon turnd tail and ran away and i sighed before turning to glare at him "Nicholas what are you doing here? I siad i want to see Sofia!" He smild a bit then gave me a rose "ok ok... heh come see me after ok." I frownd feeling Annoyd "ok.. what do you have planed?" He blushed a bit "heh heh why don't you find out?" I rolled my eyes "Nicholas... i told you over and over we're just freinds." He glanced at me "Remember that talk we had last night?" I glared "i never said i was going to date you." He smriked "heh heh we'll see my dear i think i can change that." I growled "no.. Nicholas im in love with Aiden.. i don't think he was actually with Michelle i need to talk to him." Then the jolteon's smriked droped to a frown "oh... eh but i saw them together." I sighed "well Sofia said Michelle hasen't been with Aiden for days that tells me something." He grumbled something "err that nintails werking everything." I shot him a mean look "umm excuse me?" I asked in a stern vioce and he frownd "oh it's nuthing... i guss i'll see you later then." He walked away after i sighed then walked over to Sofia's den then stoped when i saw Aiden outside her den talking to the nintails and i hesitated then just as he looked at me someone yelled out "Aiden!, Aiden!, Aiden!." He looked really irritated by it and i rolled my eyes as Nicholas jumped inbetween us then Aiden looked stressed "what is it Nicholas? Can't you ever leave me alone?" Nicholas smild "thought we were freinds?." I sat down and wached with fusteration Aiden glared at him "yea a freind who attacks every now and then... oh and trys to Imprison me." Nicholas diden't answer he diden't look happy with Aiden's come back then Aiden looked at me and just as i met his gaze Nicholas blocked our view "what are you looking at me for Aiden are you Jealous?" He asked in a veary cocky tone and Aiden hissed "get over yourself im looking at Sondra!" Nicholas walked up to me and got close to me i gave him a warning glare "umm Nicholas can you please excuse us for a bit." I hissed and he rolled his eyes "what do you need to talk about?" Then Aiden growled "i just want to talk to her but you won't let me! Go away!" Nicholas's fur rose up in spikes and he walked closer to Aiden with pure hate in his eyes "you don't tell me what to do!" He hissed then went on "i know you think you can win her back but your wrong you cheated on her!"Aiden snaped back "no i diden't i never did it was all a big misunderstanding!" I looked at him and walked up "it was?..." i asked and he noded Nicholas looked grumpy as i looked at him "Sondra please i diden't know what Michelle's intentions were i exlid her as soon as i found out." I sighed "but you kissed her." He shook his head "no she kissed me i don't like her im telling the truth i promiss." Nicholas rolled his eyes "heh heh is just what a liear would say." I shot him a look "Nicholas give us some privcy please." The jolteon shook his head then glared at Aiden "Sondra is with me!" He snaped and i growled "no im not Nic-" i was cut off when he kissed me and Aiden hissed "hey she said no!" Nicholas ignored Aiden and pushed me down i tryed to push him off but wasen't strong enough then Aiden used his psychic power to pull the jolteon off and right away Nicholas got mad and used thunderbolt and ended up hiting a shop when Aiden avioded it then Sofia ran outside yelling in shock "stop fighting this instint! Your in town have you any shame?" She asked and Nicholas turnd his head away "harmph im a king whats there to be ashamed of?... well unless your Aiden i guss thats a shame." Aiden looked really mad "well you should be ashsmed you just forced yoursrlf on Sondra when she diddn't want to then you attack me for helping her?" He rolled my eyes "i would never do that Sondra dose love me." I glared at Nicholas "only as a freind im not going out with you! Look im sorry but i want to be with Aiden." Nicholas frownd "... but it isen't going to work.. arn't you still upset with him?" Aiden rolled his eyes "why because you lie about me all the time?" I frownd feeling a bit awkward "im sorry  Nicholas but i keep telling you just let me go, we're still good freinds." He was glareing at Aiden with a hateful stare (is this why he hates Aiden so much?... thats not fair.) i thought then Aiden glanced at me "guss i'll see you some other time.... i love you Sondra." We kissed and Nicholas's claws sild out then Aiden walked away Nicholas narrowed his eyes then looked at me "well have fun viseting with Sofia... i still would like you to come over after." I noded "ok sounds good." Then just as i walked into Sofia's den Mewtwo came into poka town and right away i froze feeling shocked Nicholas had a look of interest in his eyes Sofia walked out and bowed her head in respect as he approached her den "Soifa it's nice seeing you how are things?" He asked and she gave a polite smile "things are well." Mewtwo glaced at Nicholas "how is Evergreen?" Nicholas smild "heh heh im doing a great job." I tilted my head feeling puzzled woundering (why is he here? What dose Mewtwo want?) then he folted by us and went after Aiden "Aiden may i have a word with you?" The king espeon came runing to Sofia's den at once and a look of hate crossed Nicholas's face "aw umm... Mewtwo why do you want to see Aiden?... why not me?" He asked then Mewtwo sighed "because it's Aiden i need to see." Then Jasper and Spark came walking up and Jasper bowed his head right away "oh Mewtwo what a great surprise to see you." Mewtwo noded at Jasper then turnd to Aiden "i must ask you a favior." Aiden noded his head "anything for you Mewtwo." Then he went on looking at Jasper "i knew the specail eevee was comeing this way.... after his dream he got by arceus." Jasper shyly suffled his paws and Nicholas shot him a cold look "wait... your meaning to say that this eevee is specail... why is that?" Nicholas asked and Sofia shot him a warning glare and Mewtwo answered "it's not my place to say but what i know is Jasper needs pertection for something yet to come Aiden do you mind allowing him to stay with you in your palace?" Aiden looked a bit taken back "why.. of course... but what dangers are to come?" He asked and Mewtwo said "trust me you'll know when it happens, just let him stay in your kingdom and keep him safe form outsiders it's destiny that he stays with you." I felted shocked myself but then my anger started to boile when i saw a look of disbelief on Nicholas's face "now hold a minute!" He barked in rage and Mewtwo turnd to face him as the barking jolteon went on "why is it Aiden's destiny to keep a specail eevee safe? Im a king to pluse i could do a much better job then Aiden!." Jasper looked puzzled "b.. but i thought you said i wasen't aloud in Evergreen?" Nicholas growled "but that was before i knew you were specail!, let me take Jasper." Mewtwo rolled his eyes "how about you ask Jasper instead of pushing him around he's a pokemon being to you know." Then Mewtwo teleported away. And Nicholas shot Aiden a glare i frownd already seeing were this was going Aiden sighed "Nicholas im not going to agrue with you about this Mewtwo is right who are we to tell Jasper wich kingdom he'll stay in it's his decion." Nicholas looked at Jasper "heh heh well he came to me frist so it's obeous right Jasper?" The shiny eevee's ears droped in distress and he looked nervous "oh... but i thought you hated me?" Nicholas rolled his eyes "what.. of course i don't hate you." Jasper shuffled his paws "well im sorry Nicholas... but i just feel more welcome in Awaking.. no hard feelings." Sofia walked inside her den and moments later she brought out a suitcase and gave it to Jasper "well Jasper im happy you found a place... it was good haveing you over i wish you the best of luck." He smild and Aiden used his psychic power to pick up the siutcase i met his gaze and he noded "see you around Sondra." Then him and Jasper walked away with Spark following them "oh boy a palace i can't wait to get there!" The Pikachu called out. While Nicholas was pouting i frownd at him "what are you upset about?... don't you hate Jasper anyways?... i mean you did treat him like carp and called him down a lot." He rolled his eyes "it's not about that Sondra." I tilted my head "what?... then what is it about?" He looked at me "why dose everyone like Aiden?.. what about me?" I frownd "you really shoulden't compare yourself with Aiden it's not good why not try to look at what you do have and be happy with that?" He looked at me then smild "heh heh yea i guss your right theres a lot of stuff that i have that Aiden dosen't.... heh heh and better yet i can just take what he has." I felted shocked "w..what why would you do that? Thats kinda low Nicholas your a better pokemon then that just leave Aiden alone." He frownd "ok.. im sorry Sondra your right i'll just let it be." I then relaxed a bit as he looked at me "i'll see you later." Then he walked away and i went inside Sofia's den to viset.
We sat down and she got me a cup of tea "wow that Nicholas really is something isen't he?" She asked and i noded "yea... but he is still my freind i know he can be a bit rude at times." Sofia looked at me "don't worry about it Sondra you can't change who other pokemon are if he decides to make bad decisions in life then thats his loss, but im sure he'll come around." I sighed "i hope so.. i really wish he could just get along with Aiden instead if starting fights with him all the time." Sofia let out a sigh "well thats mails for you... look just give it time if Nicholas truly cares about you then he'll want you to be happy." I smild and drank my tea.
Then after a few hours went by i started to feel a but drowsy and decided to head home. "Well Sofia i had a good viset but i think it's time i go now." She noded "ok stay safe.. and don't be a stranger im always here if you need someone to talk to." I noded feeling great as i left i really liked Sofia she was a good pokemon to talk to and i felted a connetion (she really understands me.) then i headed back to Evergreen.
Once i got to Nicholas palace i saw a groop of Jolteons battle practing with each other and i felted a bit puzzled i walked up to Elliott "Elliott whats going on?" I asked and he met my gaze "oh.. Nicholas just wants us to stay sharp... you know in case Michelle attacks again." He said with a sheepish smile then before i could aske more questions he interputed "why don't you head upstairs.. Nicholas is waiting for you." I felted puzzled then went inside heading upstaris then once i got to his room i frownd the lights were din and there were candles lyeing around the room i rolled my eyes then he walked up with a rose in his mouth i felted a bit uncomfortable "umm Nicholas?... what are you doing?" He gave me the rose "heh heh being romantic dear.. tell me dose Aiden do these things for you?" I turnd away "ok im out." Then his paw was on my shoudler and i stoped feeling more uncomfortable as he turnd me to face him "do you have to make this a complicated friendship?" I asked and he smriked "just spend tonight with me and if you still feel that you want Aiden i'll let you go." I frownd "ok but no kissing and no touching." He noded "i won't do anything...  that is only if you don't kiss me frist." I rolled my eyes "im not going to, im with Aiden." Nicholas smild "heh heh lets see about that." I frownd then he gave me a glass of wine and i narrowed my eyes "im not geting druck so you can take advantage of me." I hissed and he smild "of course not it's just one glass." I rolled my eyes "yea thats what you said last time." He sighed "just one i promiss i won't let you get drunck this time." I then siped it the wine tasted differant form the last time i had some it tasted a little more bitter then once i fineshed it Nicholas smriked at me "heh heh how do you feel?" He asked and i felted stressed out knowing that i was tipsy (how?.. i only had one glass.) then he got really close to me and started rubing my back i sighed "you tricked me? Why?" His mouth got close to my ear and he wispered "that wine was really strong dear." I got up but then he pulled me back "heh heh i'll start takeing things that are perish to Aiden starting with you." I got mad and slaped him in the face "how dare you say that im not a trophy!" He then looked ashamed for saying that "wait Sondra i.. i diden't mean it like that... i loved you way before i met Aiden you know that." I got up "then let me go.... Nicholas i just want to have a normail freindship is that to much to ask?" He sat down and sighed "it's hard through... i can't stop loveing you... can't you at least just give it a chance?" I sighed "no.. i can't im happy with someone and if your a true freind then you'll be happy that im happy... and you do want me to be happy right?" He looked sad as he answered "yes.. Sondra all i want is to make you happy." I sighed "and you can... by being my good freind." He then looked a bit hurt and the look on his face told me he was thinking what about me? I walked up to him "there is someone out there for you, theres always someone for everyone i know it hurts now but you'll find happyns if you try." He huged me "but you will always be my freind right?" I noded "yes.. now i think i should ho home now i'll come by tommrow." He noded and walked me out the door "sorry Sondra... i shoulden't have tricked you into geting drunk i won't do it againe" i noded "ok." I felted a little to tipsy to walk and Nicholas ran up "i'll walk you home... are you sure you don't want to stay the night here.. you are kinda drunck." I shook my head "sorry but no i kinda want to go home." To my surprise he diden't agrue and walked me all the way back to my den then once we got there he brought me to my bed "heh heh your sure you don't want me to stay?" I shook my head "i kinda want to be alone." He noded "ok dear good night Sondra... please tell me your not going to go woundering to the river?" I shook my head "no i just want to sleep.. thanks for walking me home goodnight Nicholas." He looked a bit worried as he left then i gave a sigh of relief that i was finally alone (tomarrow i can finally go see Aiden.) then another fear struck me (what if Michelle is around?... na i should be fine)

Nicholas P.O.V.

I left Sondra's den feeling a bit upset that she wants Aiden i growled just thinking of him (Aiden,Aiden Aiden! What is so specail about him anyways?
Why dose everyone want to be with Aiden!) i felted fusterated with the thought of Jasper there now and Aiden with a big stupid smile on his face looking honoured to have the specail eevee under his kingdom then i felted pure hate (he thinks he's so important... hmmm well lets see how good you feel when you wake up to Jasper being gon!) then the idea hit me (yes! Thats it i'll just get Elliott to come with me we'll sneack in and snach him form Aiden and then Aiden will be dishonoured by Mewtwo and Mew heh heh he'll have let them down and i will be the more imporant king with the special eevee it's the perfect plan) i dashed off to my castle as fast as i could and called Elliott and another servent named Stance they both ran up "yes your majesty?" Elliott asked and i smriked "come on i have an important task to do and i need both of your help now theres no time to lose those espeons go to bed earlyer when it gets dark now come on i'll explane on the way!" Then i headed for Awakeing takeing the lead with both of them at my heals "so what are we up to?" Stance asked and i answered "were takeing Jasper."

Michelle's P.O.V.

I was hideing outside the town feeling crapy (ugg this is stupid i hate haveing to hide... i need to get a new gang to help me... or mabey i could try to blend in with the town pokemon?... Leon and Storm cowered off to that village of shawdows maby if i can find them they can help me once againe.. unlike Mia that stupid brid) i thought feeling fusterated that my groop split apart mooms ago after they faild to kill Sondra (i did tell them they can't stay with me incasecthey blew my cover... but it's already blown so i could use them againe.) i made my way to the village.

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