Chapter 47 a jealous jolteon

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Aiden's P.O.V.

It has been a few days since we brought Sondra back to my palace and to my surprise i haven't heard form Nicholas yet... well that is untill now when i go to check the mail i see a letter from the jolteon i open it and read.

Dear: Aiden
I know she's with you Aiden you have a lot of nerve takeing her from me espacilly when she's injured. :(
Now this is were i draw line she isen't staying with you she is registured in Evergreen i exspect to see her home in three days... thats all im giveing you and if you refuse to listen then i will attack you... PS i know your espeon's are still recovering so better choose wise.

I pinn my ear's back feeling stressed out at what i just read (great he's makeing war threats... but his Jolteon's can't be in much state to fight either he's probily just bluffing.) i just shrug it off and throw the letter out.

Sondra's P.O.V

I wake up in the medical bed feeling fusterated wishing i cloud get up, i diden't feel weack i slowly got up feeling just fine then the doctor walks in "good news you finally made a full recover." I smiled "great i can't take another day in bed it's to boreing." He noded "just be carful... althrough i guss we just got through hard times im just glad it's over." I noded "well thanks for your help i think im ganna go out now." I say and he smiled "well helping others is what i do." I headed out looking for Aiden then i spoted Jasper walking by heading towards his room he paused when he saw me "hello Sondra im glad to see your well enough to walk again." I smild "thanks Jasper." He noded and i cloud sence that he wasen't happy "are you alright?" I ask and he hesitates before answering "yea i'll be fine.. thanks for asking through." Then he went to his room and i head towards Aiden's room.
"Aiden?" I call then i jump in surprise when Spark answers "oh he's not here he went to Riverspot." I turn around to see the pikachu standing behind me.
"Oh... when did he leave?" I ask and he shruged "i dono know just saying that i saw him go there." I nod and head back downstairs and walk out the frout doors heading for Riverspot


Once i arrive i look around but still no sight of him and thought.
(He must be at Sofia's.) i head over to the nintails shop and knock on the door and she answered "oh Sondra im so glad to see your well again." I gave a polite smile "thanks... is Aiden here by any chance?" I ask and she shook her head "im afraid not." I glanced around town trying to see then frownd "mabey he left already..." she looked a bit concernd "is everything ok?" I noded "yea i'll find him later since im here i may as well viset for a bit." She smild and invited me in and i sat down as she made tea then we she sat with me and we visted for a bit.
"So dose Aiden and Nicholas both know your well yet?" She asked and i shook my head "thats why i was looking for Aiden."
There was suddenly a knock on at the door
and the ninetails went to answer it and to my shock it was Nicholas's vioce "heh hello Sofia." i felted a shiver. (how dose he know im here?... was he spying on me?) she narrowed her eyes in Suspicion cleary just as concernd as i was.
"Hi Nicholas... it's not veary likely for you to viset.. what brings you here?" I stayed were i was knowing that Sofia would handle it and make him leave.
I perked my ears up to listen.
"Sofia i think you know why im here... i just want to talk to her if you don't mind." I heared Sofia say in a stern vioce "how did you know she was here?" She asked "umm Elliott saw her come here." Sofia hesitated then sighed "Wait here i'll see if she wants to talk to you." I got to my paws and marched over to the door.
"Nicholad what are you doing here?" I demanded and he smild as his gaze met mine "oh.. it's good to see you made a full recovery" then he frownd and narrowed his eyes "why did you leave?" He asked and i held his glare "i left because of what you did you lied to me! You said you apologized to Aiden he never got that letter you sent... and Jasper.... i can't beleave you did that... oh i can't evan!" I hissed and pure guilt crossed his face.
Sofia rested two of her tails on my shoulder "please lets not get into this right now... go back inside." I noded my head turning away form the Joltion Nicholas called out "Sondra wait! I-" Sofia cut him off "im sorry Nicholas but i think she needs time to herself... i think that you should go," he opend his mouth to argue but she stoped him.
"Picking a fight with me will not make this any better." He gave a growle of fusteration before storming off through town.
Sofia closed the door and came back sit down i was qiuet feeling upset with Nicholas.
(Whats becomeing of him?)
I thought and she looked at me "are you alright?... i know it's not really my business but if you want to talk about it thats up to you." I frownd "im upset with him because while i was in the docters room he cuased an invashion at Aiden's castle... not only that but he also took Jasper hostage then he lied to me about it and saide he was sorry but he never made up with Aiden... he's just saying what he can to win me over."
She noded in understanding i know she knows about the invashion already because she was the one who spoted the joltons then ran to Aiden to warn him.
She frownd "he kindnaped Jasper?" There was a hint of disbelief in her red gaze and i noded.
She shook her head "that joltion is pretty competitive with Aiden... but unfortunately we can't change how pokemon think." I sighed "Nicholas is supost to be my freind." She noded "yes but he wants more then that don't forget." I frownd droping my gaze "aww don't feel bad Sondra non of this is your fualt if he wants to be stuborn that way let him in time im sure he'll see what he's doing if he truly dose love you he'll want you to be happy... give it time he'll apologize one day." I closed my eyes for a bit "i hope so..." she gave me a freindly nuge "come on mabey a good hunt might take your mind off of him." I followed her out and we walked into the forest together.

Queen Sondraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें