Chapter 25 the Conflict between us

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Aiden's P.O.V.

I was siting with my father with tears falling down my eyes then his eyes open "A.Aiden?" I was shocked to hear his vioce "dad your alive." Then i looked at him he diden't look well be tryed to move but coulden't "Aiden.... it's time for you to take the theown now.." i gasped in shock "dad what do you mean? your not dieing you'll live i can help you!" He growled "no im not going to make it!" He sighed "look i've been a bit hard on you but it's because i worry about you sometimes those jolteon's seem to want you dead all the time and i just wanted to you understand what role you'll be playing one day i needed you to be ready and now you are." I shook my head "no im not ready! I can't!" More teras traild down my face and he looked a bit sad he grabed my paw in his "Aiden you are ready, i know you'll make a strong and decent king... i know i never said it but i love you son... i always have, and i always will, me and your mother will still be with you as will Jayden." He coughed up some blood and his body went still he still barley just breathing "good bye Aiden." I was termbling "f..father! Please don't go!" I grabed him "father i love you to please don't die." But it was no use my ears droped i knew i had to carry him back for a funeral i grabed him by the scruff and started drageing him away towards the palace (what am i ganna tell them? I saw Nicholas it's was his fualt... i know he diden't mean it but still!) i felt really upset with the jolteon knowing that if it wasen't for him my father would still be here.

Sondra's P.O.V.

I was sleeping in my den then my ears pricked up at the sound of pawsteps i came out then to my shock it was a shiny umbreon "Michelle? Were have you been latly? i haven't seen you in a long time." She rolled her eyes at me "well in Evergreen of coruse this is were i live i just thought i'd stop by to see you." I tilted my head then i let out a sad sigh "look im not doing so well right now another time ok?" She grunted "Sondra tomarrow meet me in Riverspot it's important." I frownd "oh i don't know Michelle." She hissed "just do it it's important!" Then she bolted away and i felted puzzled (it's like she's runing form something i wounder whats on her mind?) i headed for the waterfalls feeling sad still all i could think of was Aiden then suddenly a jolteon came chargeing at me and knocked me off my paws "HEY!" I hissed i got up it was Nicholas "Sondra!...  were are you going?" He asked and i sighed "well i was just headed to the waterfalls." "No! You can't!" He growled i felted puzzled "why? Whats happening?" He grabed me and i yelled "hey what do you think your doing?" I yelled in shock and he barked "Sondra no time come with me now Thats an order!" I followed him back to his palace and we headed inside he walked me up the stairs then opend his bedroom door i froze "whoa Nicholas thats not happening.." i said but he just yanked me in anyway and closed the door behind me i felted uneasy after he looked really wiorred he was peaceing the room back and forth and i frownd "so do you want to tell me whats on your mind?" He paused looking scared i felt a bit wiorred "you can tell me thats why im here im your friend you can trust me" He shot me a glare "can i now?' Or are you just ganna go runing off to those waterfalls!" He snaped i froze in shocked "well whats at the waterfalls?" He grumbled "nuthing... well.. ok so i went there and found king Eric he was dead." I gasped in shock "what happend!" He shruged "i don't know..." he stoped dead in his tracks and his ears droped i tilted my head "are you ok?" I walked up to him then he turnd away i felted a bit surprised he's never don that to me before "Nicholas?..." i looked at him he had his back turnd to me he was shakeing "what have i don?" He wispered and i only just cought it i walked around him "don what?" He opend his eyes in shock "oh... nuthing im sorry Sondra i want to be alone i think you should see yourself out." I noded "ok... i understand but i have question." He looked up "what do you want to know?" he asked "what did you do?... you diden't kill him d..did you?" My vioce was a bit shakey (how will Aiden take this?... mabey he's the one who did it! He's heartless after all.) Nicholas walked up to me he had a few tears in his eyes he took a deed breath then answered "no i diden't... i just diden't like what i saw.... Sondra please promiss me you won't tell anyone i don't want Aiden to know i was there." I noded "ok?... why?" He looked worried "please just don't, as a friend i ask you promiss not to tell?" I noded "ok i promiss." He gave me a small smile he started geting close i leand back not knowing what to do (i don't want to kiss him..... but i do feel bad for him.. this is awkward.) he solwly headed towards me and i backed up to till i hit the wall and the jolteon had me cornered he locked lips with me and i struggled at frist but then it felt kinda nice i colsed my eyes for a bit then he pulled away i opend my eyes again he smild "your veary beutiful... you make me so happy i don't know what i'd ever do without you." I blushed a bit.
(i better get out of here he's geting the wrong idea!) i tryed to leaved but he pushed me against the wall "come on Sondra i know your feeling something.... just atmit it." My heart started pounding in my chest (i want to leave and he's not leting me!) i looked him in the eyes "look im sorry you got the wrong idea here i only love you as a friend i don't want it to go any further then that let me go." He frownd then met my gaze "you liked it just now, are you lieing to yourself or to me?." He placed his paw on my chest "deed down in here wants me, i just know it." I started to feel scared (weres this going?!) he backed up finally "ok Sondra you can go, i need some time alone anyways." He looked upset againe as i walked out the door "by Nicholas i'll come see you tomarrow ok?" He noded then as i was heading out he placed his paw on ny shoulder "let me take you out tomarrow." I froze before faceing him againe "why are you doing this?" I wispeared "just leave it alone please." But of coruse he diden't he kepted pushing it "Sondra i know your hurting because of Aiden but please i can take that pain away im what you need, give us a chance." I looked away "i.. i don't know... it just seems wierd." He put his paw on under my chin and turnd me to look him in the eyes "just one date is all i ask, just give me tomarrow thats all i ask and if you still feel the same way i'll leave you alone i promiss." I looked at him "you promiss?" He noded "i do if you don't love me by the end of the day we'll just stay freinds i promiss." I felted pressured (but... i still love Aiden... am i ready for this?... do i really have feelings for him?) i frownd feeling heart broken form Aiden a few tears slid down my cheeks and he huged me "shhh there, there it's ok Sondra i promiss i'll never do anything to hurt you like Aiden did i just want you to be happy." My feelings started geting out of controll i huged him tighter and started crying he pated my back "mabey you should spend the night here, i'll get one of my servents to grabed you a cup of coffie or something." I then wiped my tears away "no i'll be fine thanks." Then i pulled away form him, he followed me down the stairs "so i'll see you tomarrow then?" He asked i frownd "i'll come see you tomarrow." He smild "alright so it's a date then." I narrowed my eyes "fine but you better keep your promiss." He smriket "hehe im sure it will work out just fine." Then he headed back up stairs. I let out a long sigh then walked out the door and headed home. (Guss i'll just have tell Michelle i can't make it to River spot tomarrow seems how i have to spend the day with Nicholas.)

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