Chapter 24 going a little to fare

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Sondra's P.O.V.

I had my face buried in Nicholas fur with tears pouring out of my eyes i coulden't controul my feelings i was so deeply upset and shocked to take in the fact that Aiden would even do such a thing (did he? But why would he sneack off form Awaking and keep his viset with Nicholas a secret form his father?.... and Nicholas dose have choke marks on his neck.) Nicholas huged me tighter "please.. don't cry Sondra it pians me to see you like this.." i pulled away and look him in the eye he looked worried "i can't help it my heart is broken... i don't understand how could someone as nice as Aiden do that?, it just dosen't make sence what could he gain by killing you?" I asked with disbelief Nicholas looked hurt "mabey because he's form Awakeing.... i keep trying to tell you thier bad." I shook my head "thats not true!" He sighed "then why did Aiden try to kill me?" I droped my head "but why would Aiden be a murder?" Nicholas shruged "who knows mabey he just hates jolteons... Sondra im sorry he did this to you." I felted a stab of pain in my chest not knowing what to believe anymore i started to cry again then Nicholas grabbed me and i found myself locking lips with him i pulled away real quick "whoe....that was an accident...." he smiled at me "oh was it now?" I blushed a bit feeling embarsed (what am i doing! This is my closet friend the one i grew up with!) i rolled my eyes "don't look at me like that! I told you it was an accident look im just really upset right now because of Aiden." He leand really close to me then touch his nose with mine "whatever you say my dear." I felted fusterated then it was replced with sadness again Nicholas frownd "i think you should spend the night here with me look im your friend and i only want to help you." I sighd "ok.. thanks." then he smild "hey thats what friends are for come on now this way." He nuged me up the stairs then i followed him he giuded me to a bedroom that was down the hallway form his room "this is my guest room you can sleep here." I walked in,
it was a really nice room with a nice carpet he walked in behind me "thank you Nicholas i really appreciate this." He smiled "of course now if you need anything just ring this bell." I noded "thanks im sure i'll be fine good night Nicholas.." i layed in bed feeling still kinda lonly he frown "Sondra?..." i looked at him "yes?" He met my gaze "you know im always here for you no matter what... i really care deeply for you." I smild "i know... i coulden't ask for a better friend" his face turnd red and he blushed a little "good night Sondra my dear." He then turnd off the light and left Silently closeing the door behind him.

Aiden's P.O.V.

I was laying on the cold hard ground it's been two days now that i've been stuck in this dump (how could someone be so low?) then i looked up when i saw a jolteon approach he walked past the two guards who were keeping watch and walked right up to the bars "aww morning prince good to see your up." I glared at him "who are you?" I asked not likeing his attitude he smiled "oh im sorry how rude of me my name is Elliot im Nicholas most trusty servent" i hissed "oh so are you finally ganna let me go?" I asked then he started laughing "hehe hahaha" i felted a little puzzled by the laugh "what is it? Whatever is so funny?" I asked then he had a huge grin on his face "you think we're really ganna let you go? of course not!" i rolled my eyes "so why are you here then?" He chuckled "cheeking on you of course... oh and by the way Sondra thinks your a muder because of what Nicholas told her." I felted shocked "WHAT!" I yelled and he smiled "oh but don't worry she's moved on already she's with Nicholas now just thought i'd let you know that." Then he walked away. He stoped by the two guards "oh and Nicholas said that your both excused form guard duty we don't needs guards it's not like he can get out anyways." They both noded and they all ran up the stairs leaveing me all alone in the basement. I felted my temper riseing (how could Nicholas do that! Thats going to far he actually lied to Sondra? This isen't right!) i felted my heart pounding as i thought of her (poor Sondra... she's probilly really hurt if thats the case... i need to get out of here! Two days is long enough!) i looked across the room to see the keys siting on a hook i used my psychic powers to pick them up and bring them to me once they were close enough i grabed them and unlocked the cell (im geting out of here!) i thought as i walked out with my head up high i bolted up the stairs to see that no one was evan around at all (to easy.... were is everyone?) i thought feeling puzzled then i shook my head (theres no time for that now i must get back to Awakeing before my dad sends out an army) i opend the doors and made my escape.

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