Chapter 7 Evolveing

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The sun was up and Sondra could hear the Bird Pokémon singing thier morning tunes she opend her eyes and got up out of bed it has been a few moons since Nicholas evolved and Sondra was old enough to evolve herself now. (Today is my big day) she thought with excitement, then her parents got up and my dad looked at me "good morning Sondra are you ready to evolve today?" He asked and i noded i knew what i wanted to be and i know im ready. I noded "yes im ready will you help me?" I asked then my mom answered "yes of course we will help" she laughed and we all headed outside, it was a Beautiful morning and i felted eager to get started. (oh i can't wait to see the look on Nicholas's face later when he sees the new me!) we headed out then once we got to a good clearing we got started. "Ok are you ready Sondra?" My dad asked and i noded my head "ok come at me!" He called and i ran up and used swift attack and hit my dad then he used quick attack and i got hit by it and my mom called "come on Sondra i know you can do it!" She cheerd me on and i used bite my father moved away in time to avoid it then he used thundershock and i jumped out of the way "nice dodge!" My mom called then she joind in the battle and used magical leaf and i got battered by the flying leafs then i used swift hiting both my parents then my dad rushed at me and i moved away in time then used quick attack on my mother, then when my dad used shadow ball i moved and it hit my mother "oof!" She fell over and we all stoped i was breathing hard starting to feel exhausted form all the engery i was useing "huff,huff why haven't i evolved yet?" I asked my dad helped my mom up "Blossom are you ok?" He asked and she noded "oh yea im fine don't worry hony" then she looked at me "oh don't worry Sondra you will evolve just give it time your doing really good, were both really impressed." I sighed "can we try again please?" I asked my mother smiled "ok, lets go again" then she used Solar beam and i got hit then my dad tryed thunderbolt but i moved away and used bite on him then suddenly i felt a lot of energy and started growing taller and i noticed a bright light was flashing and it was comeing form me then it cleard away and i felt differant and my parents both looked proud. "Good job Sondra you did it! You evolved come on lets go to the waterfalls so you can see yourself!" My mom yelled with excitement and i followed my partents over to the waterfall and looked at my reflection in the water i was an espeon the form i wanted to be. I felt a rush of happiness overwhelm me and i yelled "im an espeon now!" I ran up and huged my parents "oh thank you so much for helping me!" They both looked really pleased "well your still our grile and we will always help you no matter what" my dad saide and i smiled "i love you guys!" My mom huged me tighter "we love you to Sondra and always will" then i let go of them "i want to go see Nicholas! Is it ok if i go?" I asked and they both laughed "of course you can go, you don't have to ask that any more your a espeon now." I got excited and started runing off towards the castle "bye mom, bye dad i,ll be home later!" I called and they both waved thier paws "ok, stay out of trouble though we still worry!" My mom called after me.


I was runing through the Field geting closer to the palace then once i approached, the guards all looked at me "what is an espeon doing in Evergreen!" One of them growled at me then another steped up "you got a lot of nerve comeing all the way to the palace and now you are in big trouble!" He snarled and my ears went down "but i....i live in Evergreen though!" One showed his teeth "liear espeons live in Awakeing forest you are clearly a trespasser! GET HERE!" I got scared and started runing away form them "huff,huff" (i don't understand why are they chaseing me! Im not form Awakeing i live in Evergreen!) i thought my mind filled with panik i risked a glance behind me to see that they were catching up realizing as jolteon,s they are fast, i started runing in zig zags trying to lose them, then i kepted runing till i got all the way to the waterfall as soon as i got there i was so exhausted and out of breath form runing i faited and blacked out my mind was still paniking.


I don't know how much time had passed when i finally open my eyes to see that im laying in the grass near the water i looked around desperately trying to see if there were any jolteon's around but saw nuthing, i gave a sigh of relief "aww your awake now" i turnd my head in shocked then relaxed when i saw an espeon and i recognized him right away "..Ashton?" He noded "oh so you remember me hu?" I noded "what happend?" He smiled "don't worry i chased those jolteon,s away, like i saide there is a truce at these waterfalls and i know king Charles would never disrespect that rule." I slowly got up "but... i don't understand why they chased me im not a trespasser" he shook his head "they clearly miss understood you for one of us, because most espeons around here live in Awakeing forest you better be careful next time." I looked at him "im Sondra by the way may i ask you a question?" He slowly noded his head "go on"
"Why is it so important to stay on my side of the borber how come we can't all just share the forest?" He shook his head "every forest has a differant ruler and it just so happens that our forest are Neighbors and we share this waterfall" i sat in thought for a while (well there must be a story to why we share this spot... i'll ask him) then when i looked up once again the espeon had vanished and i felt a bit dissapionted, then i heared branches cracking and pawsteps comeing towards me i picked up the sent and recognize it (it's Nicholas! He must be looking for me) i thought with exitment then i spoted the jolteon he froze when he saw me and i approached him with my head up high he looked a bit shocked and his face turnd red "my, my whats a espeon like you doing here?" He asked i smiled "i live here silly you know that" i teased him and he looked surprised "Sondra? You evolved!" I smiled "ya so what do you think?" I asked he looked happy "you look great! Wow i can't beleave you finally evolved!" He gave me a playful nub and i chased him around then i jumped on him "haha i got you!" I saide in a playful tone of vioce then he pushed me off and smiled at me then i sighed "Sondra whats wrong?" He asked and i met his gaze there was something about the way he was looking at me, but i diden't think much of it "i think you should talk to the guards at the castle, because when i tryed to go viset you earlier they all got mad at me and accused me of trespassing and i diden't like it."
He frownd and looked down at his paws "im sorry to hear that Sondra..." then he looked up agian "don't worry i'll have a word with them you belong here not in Awakeing forest i'll make them understand that." We started heading back into Evergreen forest again "i guss i should have thought twice before evolveing into an espeon" i joked "but i coulden't help it i always wanted to be one i diden't mean to sture up trouble" he laughed "well it's your chioce what you want to be and just because your an espeon dosen't mean you don't belong here" then a sudden question appeared in mind "hey Nicholas?" He looked at me "yea?" I felt a little stab of guilt "did you get to chose what you wanted to be?, i mean did you want to be jolteon?" To my relief he noded "of course i wanted to be one! Jolteon,s are one of the fasted pokemon pluse were bold and strong i've always wanted to be one not just because of family tradition." I laughed "i bet i could beat you in a race!" I challenged him playfuly "oh your on!" He luaghed Then i started runing "hehe looks like im winning!" I teased him then like a flash of lighting he shot right by me and i was surprised he gave me a smrik after "well, well looks like i won!" He ran up to me playfuly and i tryed to jump on him but he moved away in time then he started runing fast circles around me like he was teasing me "oh Sondra you can't catch me evean if you really wanted too!" I stuck my tail out and he triped "oof!" I pind him down "looks like i got you!"
"Hey you can't do that it's cheating"
I got up and looked to see that it was geting late "oh i should probily head back home now" i saide and he frownd "aww but i won't get to see you tomarrow though" i giggled "Nicholas you'll be fine i'll come try to viset you when you have time." He got up "mabey i can sneack away tomarrow and meet you at the waterfalls like usual" i shook my head "no you have a responsibility as prince you should stay and do what it is your supposed to be doing"
He sighed "aww oh all right then, i'll see you around Sondra" i huged him "hey remember what i saide? Were still friends and always will be." He looked happy after i saide that "ok Sondra by i'll see you soon!" Then he took off towards the castle and i turnd and headed for home.

Queen Sondraحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن