Chapter 33 a love thats forbidden

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Aiden's P.O.V.

I was in my palace feeling a little bit down thinking of Sondra (why hasen't she come like she said she would?.... Nicholas must have don something) i thought feeling worried i headed out towards the waterfalls hopeing that she would be there but to my disapiontemt no one was there i looked over at the Evergreen side (theres a reason why he made that deal for me to stay out of Evergreen.) then i heard headed off and decided to go to Riverspot (he may be able to keep her form comeing to Awakeing but he can't keep her away for Riverspot.) i thought as i made my way towards town.


Once i got to Riverspot i noticed a jolteon was sneaking around as if trying not to be seen i felted my fur rise up in anger i ran up to him "hey Nicholas!" He jumped up when i called his name then he spun around and he looked mad when he saw me "Aiden?" He growled "and what are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes "there is a peace truce in Riverspot and the truce that you made with me remember? Or did you forget?" He smiled "Aiden, Aiden, Aiden i never forget." I held his glare for a bit then asked "why haven't i seen Sondra? Are you froceing her to stay in Evergreen?" I asked and he barked in anger "ha i did no such thing!" I hissed "then were is she it's not like her to stay away" he held my glare for a bit then he grew a big smrik "oh you poor fool Aiden, hehehe" i then felted puzzled "w..what? What is funny!" I hissed then he chuckled again "oh she's with me now, me and her are dateing." I rolled my eyes "yea last time you said that it was a lie! You know what im starting to learn more about you and so far form what i experience your nuthing but a liar who likes to cause trouble." He glared "i take offend to that! I did no such thing how dare you!" I turnd away and sighed "ahww you know what it's kinda low for us to be arguing , sorry i yelled at you it's just im geting a little worried about her." His fur spiked up and he took a mean step towards me "umm Aiden this is far form being over, i better not catch a single sent of yours in Evergreen or Arceus help Awaking" he sneered at me and i frownd "yea last time was to close a call for me." I said sarcastically and he smriked "yea Exactly you don't want to mess with me." I felted a bit taken back "umm i was being sarcastic." He started walking away "Aiden im waching you if you know whats good you'll stay in Awaking." I felt fusterated with him. (Wow he's not veary smart now is he?)

Sondra's P.O.V.

I was sitting with Sofia drinking tea while Jasper and Spark were both sleeping on her couch me and her have been talking about my situation for a bit and i explained to her how Mewtwo woulden't let me cross Awakeing borders she frownd "im sorry to hear about your hard times." She said then i sighed "i just don't know what to do." She frownd "you know it's not like Mewtwo to just show up like that someone must have said something to him about you.... but... unfortunately if your staying in Evergreen your not supposed to be seeing someone on the other side." I frownd then she smild "hey but there are ways around things i think you should follow your heart honestly what i Believe is love can always find a way." I felt a bit better hearing that "but how?" I asked and she winked at me "well theres no law saying you can't see him here in Riverspot or outside the boundaries, if you go to a differant forest technically no one can do anything about it." I then came up with an idea "Sofia thats a great idea! Thank you!" I huged her and she backed away "oh.. hold on now im sorry Sondra but i don't like it when others get to close to my tails..." i felted a bit puzzled "oh ok sorry Sofia." She smild "aww it's ok." Then i left her shop and she called "bye Sondra!" I waved her good bye then i walked around town looking around hopeing that Aiden would be here somewere then i saw him i made my way over to him "Aiden!" He looked my way and he started makeing his way over to me.
I jumped at him hugeing him then we kissed he met my gaze "Sondra what happend?" He asked and i frownd "Mewtwo woulden't let me cross the border... he told me i can't come to Awaking anymore." He frownd looking a bit upset "oh.. but were together right now... and theres always the river falls." I smild and noded then suddenly came a familar vioce "oh and what do we have here?" i rolled my eyes and Aiden looked anoyed "speak of the Darkria." He said then Nicholas chukled "oh you mean yourself right?" Aiden pind his ears back and i hissed "Nicholas what are you doing here? You said you had stuff to do back at the castle." He held my gaze "i did... all tacken care of, now onto you." Aiden lashed his tail "oh and what are you ganna do? Theres a peace truce rember?" Nicholas looked fusterated then he eyed Aiden coldy "fine you win this time." Aiden gave a sigh then i awkwardly shuffled my paws "so... are you ganna go now? This is geting a little weird." He frownd "umm you do rember that talk we had?" Aiden tilted his head "hu? What talk?" Nicholas glared at him "i was talking to Sondra not you, Mr i think im important!" Aiden growled "now that decrides you right there!" Nicholas puffed out his chest and smiled "heh heh well i am pretty important if i should say so myself." I rolled my eyes "aww jeeze" Aiden smiled "thanks for proveing my point." He smriked "yea your point is proven im veary important!" I hissed "ok Mr important do you mind leaveing?" I asked and he frownd "aww actually i was thinking that Aiden should leave because he is unimporatnt... oh and i don't have time for losers" Aiden growled "oh ok so aprrently i don't matter i guss" Nicholas noded "exacly right so i think you should be gon now... oh and Aiden ya got a little something i think it's called ugly and im just to good looking for that crap." Aiden's eye was twiching "my Arceus your an idiot who the heck dosen't get sarcasum?!" I got mad "STOP FIGHTING!" I yelled and they both stoped and looked at me with shocked expreshions on thier faces.
Then Aiden looked embarest "your right Sondra it's kinda low for us to be fighting... im sorry." Then Nicholas glared at him "yea Aiden what is your problem? You upset her i think it's time you go now." Aiden looked shocked "w.? She's upset with you to!" Nicholas chukled "hehehe Aiden we all know that i diden't do anything wrong." Aiden gritted his teeth "come on Sondra lets go somewere away form this low life!" Then Nicholas grabed me "come on Sondra your class is to high to be seen with him." Then Aiden grabed me useing his phychic power "we had plans together and he's recking it!" Then Nicholas tuged on me (what the heck is happening!? Their fighting over me!) i screamd "LET ME GO!" Aiden let go but Nicholas diden't and i fell into him pushing him down i landed ontop of him and he smild up at me "oh well hello there." He tryed to kiss me but i pulled away and jumped up then Aiden hissed and ran to my side "she dosen't like you in that way!" Nicholas smriked "yea she dose she just won't admit it." I frownd "Nicholas we'v been through this so many times i don't have feelings for you i love Aiden im sorry that this hurts you." He looked at me then frownd "but you can't be with him.." Me and Aiden went quiet for a bit and it felted awkward then the jolteon grew a smile as he looked at Aiden "she lives in Evergreen with me so it can work for us... but for you it will never happen." Aiden rolled his eyes "umm ok... do you mind going now?" The jolteon glared at him then he frownd "fine... i'll see you later Sondra." Then he finally started walking away, he paused to take one last glance at me before turning away. I let out a sigh of relief "oh thank arceus i thought he would never leave!" Aiden noded "come on lets go find a place were we can be alone, a place just for us were there are no boundaries." We headed for the twon exit but we headed for the one at the far end of town that lead to a differant forest were wild pokemon can raom freely.
We ran out of town together bolting off through the trees i actually felted really happy finally geting to spend time with Aiden.
Once we got deeper into the forest we sat down together and i rubed my head against his licking him on the cheek his face turnd red then we shared a kiss and he purred out loud "Sondra... i love you." He said in a soft vioce and i pressed my head against his chest purring
Loudly not careing if the whole forest could hear it "oh Aiden i love you to" we started kissing then he pressed me lighty against a tree trunck and i felted my face turn red as i was blushing hard then i tackled him playfully and he let out a laugh "hehehe" i pushed him down and i landed ontop of him he smild then his eyes glowed blue and i flaited off of him "hey hehe thats cheating!" I yelled in a teasing vioce as he pind me down right after "oh is it now? Why don't you get me back then?" He mocked playfully i felt a little to embarrassed to admit that i don't know how to use my power i just giggled a bit "haha." He licked me on the cheek and i blushed as he started makeing out with me, then after a few minuts went by he got up "come on Sondra lets go see what we can catch." I smild and got up following him then i picked up a sent Furet i licked my lips at the smell then i spoted movement and i got down crouching low i looked to see that Aiden was doing the same i slowly moved one paw at a time creeping slowly then once i was close enough i wiggled my hindquarters before prouning on the prey and snaping it's neck Aiden looked a bit puzzled "nice catch... why diden't you use your psychic? It would have been much easier to catch." My face lit up a bit then i just shruged "i like hunting this way." He held my gaze then raisd a brow "your lieing arn't you?" I froze not knowing what to say "umm.." then i sighed "ok so i don't know how to use my psychic power..." he looked a bit shocked "what! How come you never told me that? I would have helped you." My face turnd red "well i... i was a little embarest." He looked at me "so all this time you've been an espeon and you can't use your power?" I felted my ears drop with shame and i looked down at my paws "no.." then he looked a bit guilty "oh im sorry.. don't feel bad.. you are the only espeon liveing in Evergreen and jolteons can't help you with that so i understand." I looked at him "will you teach me?" He then held his head up high "of course i'll teach you after we eat that delicious looking furet you cought." I purred as he walked up and we sat down together takeing turns eating the pray once we fineshed eating i got up feeling egar to learn how use psychic. Aiden smild "ok so just relax your mind a bit." i tryed my best then he pointed at a apple tree "see those apples? Lets see if you can get one." I looked at a apple "ok so what do i do?" I asked and he smild "ok focues on the apple feel the psychic power thats within you, see if you have the to mind to." I closed my eyes and i could feel Aiden geting close to me "do you feel it?" I tryed my best to focus on my power then i opend my eyes "i think i can feel it." I said "good now release it, try to pick the apple." My eyes started glowing and i could feel a wave of engery i looked at the apple it started to move but i felted like my power was to weack then Aiden nuged me "good your doing it, but try a little harder." I tryed my best and the apple went flying out of the tree really fast and it hit the ground Aiden gave a nod of approvel "not bad but you'll have to keep practicing it takes a while before you learn how to controll it, but i think thats good for today." I got happy and i waged my tail "wow i can't Believe i used psychic just now!" He noded "come on it's geting late we shoukd head back home." I noded and we walked back together.

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