Chapter 49 a romantic date

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Sondra's P.O.V

Seven days have gon bye and still no word from Nicholas or anything i was siting outside my den decdeing to try talking to Nicholas againe i head for his castlei knock on the door and to my dismay Elliott answered "Sondra?... what brings you back here?" I frownd "please i just want to talk to him... may i?" He opend the door "come on in... i'd like a word with you." I walked in and sat down on one of the cowches in the liveing downstiars.
I felted upset "it's been a week since i last heard from Nicholas.... Elliott whats going on?... why did he try to arrest me?" He frownd "he diden't... that was me... i only wanted to talk please don't be mad." I got up "well sorry to say but i am.... wait why do you want to talk to me?" He frownd "well.... as you may not know the reasion why you never hered from Nicholas is because he's gon... he went away on a journey." I felted puzzled "hu?.. what do you mean? Were did he go?" He shook his head "i can't say... but you'll find out once he's back... but don't be mad at him he still cares about you deeply i just wanted you to know that." I felted a bit better knowing that "but why did he leave?... is it because of me?... whats going on i want to know." He shook his head "im sorry but you must leave now... you'll find out soon enough when he returns." Feeling fusterated i left the castle and decdided since it's been a while since i saw Aiden it wolud be nice to go see how he's doing.

Aiden's P.O.V

I was in my castle enjoying a good cup of tea under the warm sun thinking.
(Hmm these past few days we'v had good hunting on those cyndaquil and still no singe of Julian perhaps he realizes im right... those dum cyndaquil are finally learning that thier safer under ground like normail preay.) i get up and head to the siatrs and paused i colud hear lots of pawsteps comeing from downstairs once i get down there i gasped in shock there we're cyndaquil's they we're every were runing around and espeons we're chaseing them left and right but the small little pokemon we're a lot faster i look to see now that they we're carrying food from our food suplies and right away i became ferious and jumped in to attack the nearest cyndaquil i colud find i yelled "kill as many as you can! Get them out!" I yelled and finally they all vanshied into tunnles that i realized we're in my castle i felted raged "when did they attack?.. how come no one told me?" I demanded and Noah walked up "we... we thought we colud handle them im sorry." I looked at a hole in the wall were a bunch of them vanished "and since when has that been there?" Noah frownd "it's fresh... they just broke through the wall... i think they dug thier tunnles right into our castle." I felted really Irritated "well cover them all up i won't have this happen again, preay dose not make a fool of us espeons." He noded with an Irritated look in his eye "yea i agree those cyndaquil have a lot of nerve but i'll see that every tunnle is covered up." I sighed heading for the door (well at least it's been a while since i heard from Nicholas i guss it turns out he was just bluffing after all.)

Sondra's P.O.V

I finally arrive at Aiden's castle and knock on the door
Aiden answers and smlies "oh thank arceus it's you." He invited me in "who did you think i was?" Aiden shruged ".... well it's been a while since i saw Nicholas..." i felted shocked when i saw what a mess the place looked "oh what happend?" He frownd "oh... those stupid cyndaquil somehow got in... they stole from our food supply.. unfortunately it hasen't been a good day." I frownd "oh.. sorry to hear that." I said and he noded "come on lets go for a walk or something i need a breack from this." We both headed out and he asked me "so how are things with Nicholas?" I hesitated not sure if it's anything good "he.. well he's actually not evan home right now.. Elliott told me he left." Aiden now looked a bit concerd "left?.. what do you mean?" I shook my head "he woulden't tell me were he went or why just that he's gon and he'll be back..." i looked at him "what do you think of this?" I asked and he shruged " perhaps he decided to take his mind off of things for a while... i guss i sorta understand i can't see anything bad comeing outta it." We got to the peacha berry tree and sat there for a bit (how long will he be gon for?) i thought to myself. Then Aiden cought my eye "are you alright love?" I noded and he slowly pulled me closer.
"AIDEN!!" I felted my heart sink as i reconzied that vioce.
Julain walked right up to us "i hope you learnd your lession!" He said and Aiden glared at him through narrowed eyes "how dare you attack my kingdom with your cyndaquil!" He grunted "that was a warning next time we'll do more then just steal your food you will learn to live with us in peace... or there shall be war." Aiden met his gaze  "ok we can live in peace move your kingdom underground were their safe and it will be less likely for us to hunt them." Julain shook his head "im not moveing just because you told me to!"
"And im not going to stop hunting just because you told me either... this is Awakeing forest my kingdom." Julain snarled then turnd a mean glare on me "and who is she to you? Thought she lived in Evergreen?" Aiden hissed looking mad that he brought me up "that dose not concern you!" He said nuthing just glared back at him i started panking they both looked ready to spring at each other a few secounds went by then Julain grunted "you'v been warnd better listen this time if you want to keep your espeons safe." Aiden pinnd his ears back "if you evan dare lay a claw on her i'll-" Julain stoped him "just don't give me a reasion to Aiden." Then he marched off i felted worried now "why am i always the vitom here? What did i ever do?" Aiden leand in close "he's just trying to find my weack spot but don't worry love they don't stand a chance i have a whole army of espeons compared to his weack little army of preay pokemon we can handle this." I frownd "great more war... just what we need."
Then i felted his tail slid under my chin "hey don't worry love theres not going to be war... they woulden't stand a chance Julian isen't that dum." I noded "mabey... lets go to River spot i want to take my mind off things." Aiden purred and we both headed to town together walking side by side.

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