Chapter 46 Sondra's wounds

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Three days after the war

Sondra's P.O.V

I open up my eyes to see that im laying in a bed "were am i?" I slowly tryed to get up but felted paine in my neck then a femail jolteon hissed at me "don't try to get up!" I quickly lay back down "w..what happend?" I asked and she answered me "you've been out cold for three days.... your wounded but luckily your going to ok." I felt a load of questions on my mind i can't evan remember what happend.
Then she got up "im Sara Evergreens nurse i'll go let the doctor know your awak... i'll also imform the king he'll want to know." I sat back trying to think as she walked away (something happen... what was it?...) then after moments went by Nicholas came runing in "Sondra your awake!" I felted puzzled then it hit me (The war!) i shot up "oh no... Nicholas what happend did we win?... weres Aiden?!" He smild "oh Sondra what do you think?... i killed Vapor remember?" I then relaxed then a new thought hit me "what about?... Michelle d.. did she get away?" I asked and he sat beside me "she won't bother you anymore... she died shortly after you fainted.... Sondra i was so worried the doctor said that you might not ever wake up." I felted a bit shocked "i was in a coma?" He noded "yea i guss so." I frownd "so how long was i alseep?"
"Three days... your veary lucky.." i slowly tryed to get up againe but Nicholas stoped me "no the doctor says you need to rest for a while before you can leave they just want to keep an eye on you to make sure your ok before leting you go." I then grew fusterated "but i want to see Aiden!" He grew a differant look on his face "why?... you do know he can't come here right?" I sighed "i miss him.. dose he evan know im ok?" Nicholas bit his lower lip then answered "umm no... i'll write him a letter saying your ok." I glanced at him "he'll want to see me... please can you ask him to come over?" He looked the other way for a bit leting out a low growl then looked back at me "if it's want you want.." i noded "yes more then anything i really want to see him." He looked hurt after ".. i guss he can come for a short viset... but i don't want him staying in Evergreen." I smild "thanks Nicholas it really means a lot to me that you would invite him over to see me." The jolteon blushed a bit then sighed "you just focuse on geting well dear." I pinnd my ears back i really don't like it when he calls me that. (Ugg Nicholas when will you ever let this go?... he makes it awkward..) he had a smrik on his face "heh heh i evan got you follwers." Now my face was turning red with embarsment "why?.. you rember what i said right?... about being just-" he stoped me by placeing his paw over my mouth "umm you don't have to say it i know... i just brought them to you as a gift for you to get well." I then noded my head then he walked away leaveing me alone in the room.
I kayed my head feeling exhausted i close my eyes and let sleep overtake me.

Aiden's P.O.V

I was in my room feeling streesed out thinking of Sondra in the past few days Nicholas had broke his promiss to let me see her he only let me come viset the frist day and then after that the jolteon gurds woulden't let me past to get in and when i asked to speack with him he threatened to have me arrested for being on his land but honestly i wasen't surprised form what i've learnd about the joltion so far is he is not only selfish but jealous of the relationship bewteen me and Sondra he will do anything to keep me from seeing her.
I heaved a deep sigh "how much wrose will it get?" I asked myself out loud (will he evan tell me when she wakes up?...... well i hope she's at least geting the follwers i've been sending her... but i want to hear good news about her will she ever awak form her wounds?) and at that secound thats when i hear
I glance over my Balcony and feel a spark if hope when i see Nicholas at the door.
I get to my paws and race down the stairs feeling excited then i almost triped over Jasper "hey watch it!" I felted embarest "oh im sorry Jasper... im just really egar to hear good news about Sondra." A new look flashed in his eyes and he followed me down but once i got there i saw that Spark had already answered the door and was talking to the joltion.
"Oh sorry dude he's not here right now but feel free if you wanna swing by later." I hear the pikachu saying and
I felted annoyed (no why is he talking to him?.. he always messing things up!) then i heard Nicholas "ok then if he's not here i'll explane that to Sondra." I then bolted down "NICHOLAS WAIT!!" Spark tryed to close the door but i use my psychic to pull it back open then i turn a glare on Spark makeing him flinch "what i thought you hated the guy? I just doing you a favior JEZZE!" He says out loud makeing me feel more embarrassed as Nicholas glared at me "wait you said that? Umm i don't know what to say Aiden ouch..." i rolled my eyes "well you always say you hate me right to my face." then Jasper broke the sliance "so how is Sondra then is she ok?" Nicholas turnd his head away "hmm i don't think i feel like shareing that news anymore Aiden hates me." I pinnd my ears back "really? Are we seriously doing this? your a grown jolteon."
Then Noah broke in comeing down the stairs "yea what differance dose that make?" Nicholas then growled and pionted at Jasper "well at least im not a little eevee still like he is!"
"Hey! I chose to stay this way and as fare as i know im way more mature then you'll ever be." The shiny eevee was shakeing his head disapprovingly at the jolteon "for shame, you should be ashamed of yourself." Nicholas smild "for what?" Noah answered "for being a jolteon of course." I turnd on Noah "Noah i think you should go find something els to do other then picking fights.." he frownd "im not the one who started it." He snaped before walking away then he paused turning back with a look of worrie "what about Sondra?... is she?" Nocholas finally snswered "awake yes she woke up there now you all know." I felted so relieved to hear that then then Jasper held the joltons glare "Nicholas what you did was wrong i hope in time you'll become a better pokemon... i am willing to forgive you if you ever have to heart to apologize." I felted puzzled for a bit then i rembered what happend when Nicholas had betrayed Jasper and handed him over to Vapor.
(But i don't think he ment any harm i think he's just niave is all... but still it was a veary bad move.) Nicholas frownd "beleave me Jasper i thought i was doing something right he told me if i handed you over they would relash Sondra." Jasper looked veary displased with that and i spoke "well thats all in the past now im sure we can just forgive and forget so you made a mistske in joining Evergreen, im just glad to see that you realize Awaking is your rightful home." Nicholas then grew a look of panik catching me off guard as Jasper let an outrage yell out "I NEVER LEFT! HE KIDNAPED ME!" The shiny eevee's fur brisked and i felted my mouth drop open "w..what?" Nicholas gave a nervous smile "oh come on Aiden i woulden't do that don't listen to him.. besides it's not kidnapping i asked him to come and he listend." Jasper growled "because you lied to me!" I felted really lost "so that night you went missing?... Nicholas tricked you?.. i don't understand if he made you go with him why did you stay?" I felted i clouden't beleave what i was hearing (mabey Jasper is overreatcing... pluse Sondra said she saw him and he was quit happy being with Nicholas) Nicholas grumbled "come on Aiden we're waseting time listening to him Sondra is waiting..." he said impatinly but i wanted to hear what the eevee had to say "let him finsh." Nicholas rolled his eyes as Jasper went on "because i thought he was keeping me safe form Vapor i thought i was under his perction... but when he refused to lift a paw to help me i realized i wanted to come home to you... thats when he locked me in the room upstairs and held me captive." I turnd my head to Nicholas then he growled out "he's lieing now lets go" i glanced at Jasper knowing veary well that Nicholas was lieing (why would Jasper make up such a story and...) then it hit me as i rembered how mad the jolteon had been that day and Mewtwo had told me it was my responibitly to pertect the shiny eevee form any dangerous threat.
Jasper then sighed before skowly stalking away he turnd one last glance "in time Nicholas im not one to hold grujes in time i will learn to trust you againe." Nicholas grunted "heh like that matters.." i sighed "alright Aiden we wasted enough time lets go!" I ran after the jolteon heading to Evergreen still finding it odd to think that the jolteon would kidnap...
(But am i really surprised?... he did seem really jelous.., eh all well he's sorry for what he did and Jasper is wiling to put it behind him now.)

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