Chapter 5 back home

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I awoke the next morning to find that it was raining outside i could hear the rain drops hiting the top of our den, it has been one moon now since Nicholas has seen me. (I kninda miss him, but he's old enough to come viset me anytime now!) i thought feeling kinda hopeful that i'll get to play with him again soon. My dad yawnd and got up, thunder cracked outside makeing me feel uneasy i got close to my mom trying to hide form the storm as i heard more cracking and booming. "Mom is arceus mad right now?" I asked feeling scared of the lighting as i saw it flash outside. My dad laughed "ah haha it's ok Sondra it's only a thunderstorm we jolteon's love it when it thunderstorms outside." My mom smiled "Arceus isen't mad at us dear, he is giveing us rain to help keep Evergreen so green, and lighting is just showing how happy he is, it's nuthing to fear my little one." I felt better after hearing that, i closd my eyes for a bit then my father walked over to the den enterance "well im going out hunting, would you like to join me Sondra?" I shook my head "i don't like geting wet" i saide trying to sound nice about it. He noded in understanding "all right i'll be back soon." Then he was gon and it was just me and my mom, i sighed feeling bored knowing that i would be spending the whole day stuck inside. My mom sat down in silence watching the rain outside "it dosen't look it will last all day, the sun might come out later." I got close to the den enterance (i wonder how Nicholas is doing, is he scared of the storm?) then my mom licked me on the head "don't worry Sondra once the rain clears away we can go out, but no chaseing butterfree!" She teased me i noded my head "yea i know.." i still felt bad for that and makeing my parents worry about me, but i learnd my lession form that. Then after a few minutes went by my father came back with a linoon my mouth watered at the smell he droped it on the ground "Arceus was nice today." He laughed and my mother looked happy "wow thank Arceus for blessing us with this food" my father laughed "yea i was surprised it diden't take shelter form the rain." He siad with a smile. Mother passed it to me "here Sondra you take the frist bite" i noded happily and walked up to it, i saide my little prayer to Arceus "thank you Arceus for allowing my father to take the life of this linoon to feed us so that we may live." Then i took my first bite out of it ripping some flesh away then i passed it back to my mom so she could have some, then she passed it to my father, and we kept passing it around till we finshed eating. I was licking my lips after "mmm that was good." I snuggled close to my mother for a nap, the rain outside was makeing me tired. Father came and layed down with us "we'll go out once the rain stops" then i closed my eyes and found myself asleep right away.

"Pssst hello anyone home?" My ears twiched and my eyes opend when I heard a vioce comeing form outside then i heard a knocking sound
(-knock-knock-) my father slowly got to his paws and walked over to the den enterance then to my surprise it was Nicholas who came inside with my father he ran over to me "Sondra, wake up!" He sat down and i could feel wet fur rubing up against mine and i felt a little annoyed that his fur was saoking wet, but i diden't want to be rude either. My mom slowly got up and giggled "hehe why hello there young prince it's quit an honor that you like spending time with our little beloveded Sondra." I felt a little embarrassed hearing my mother saying that. "Oh mom... he only likes playing with me because theres no one els to play with." My father looked pleased to wich confused me a bit then it hit me (thier really happy to see me make a friend!) i thought with pribe.
Nicholas looked around "so this is your home?" He asked and my parents both noded "why don't you join us for dinner? We don't mind haveing you around." I got excited but Nicholas looked down at his paws "oh i wish i could but my father wants me back by super, mabey another time" my parents noded "oh we understand, but you are welcome to come anytime keep that in mind." I got up and ran to the den enterance "mom, dad can i go play now?" They hesitated and looked at each other "ok but don't go fare form the den and be back for super also" i noded and ran out with Nicholas i was runing and he was chaseing me "hehe can't catch me!" I teased then to my surprise he was really fast and he jumped on me and pind me down "haha i got you" he smriked at me "hey hehe let me up!" He started tickleing me "Nicholas stop!" I yelled then he tickled me in the side were i was really ticklish "HAHAHA! NO STOP!" I yelled "hmm do you surender?" I was still laughing "I do i do!" He still held me down "ok i'll be the best king ever say it" he teased i stuggled "hehe you mean the worst king?" He started tickleing me again "HAHA OK, Ok!" He stoped i was breathing hard "huf huf, Nicholas you'll be the best king ever" he got up and smiled "hehe i know" then he sighed after and i felt puzzled "whats wrong?" I asked, he looked at me "Sondra i like haveing you as a friend, your my best friend in the whole world sometimes im scared that when im king i won't have time for you." I walked up to him "aww don't worry i know you'll be bissy but that dosen't mean our friendship will end, were friends forever no matter what i'll always be here" he looked at me then smiled "yea and i can make time for you!" He jumped on me all playful again and this time i was able to get him and i started tickleing him "HAHAHA!" He got up and started runing and i chased him "yea you better run" i yelled in a playful tone of vioce.


The sun was starting to go down, me and Nicholas were laying in a patch of flowers looking at the clouds then he got up "well i should head back now or my dad will send soldiers out to look for me" i noded "and i don't want to worry my parents again" we both headed in differant directions and slowly started walking away he turnd his head over "bye Sondra" i waved at him "bye Nicholas, when will i see you again?" I asked before leaveing he answered "mabey in a few days, it depends but i'll be back" then we both headed our separate ways.
Once i got home i ran up and huged my parents "there she is!, our little gril!" My dad called happily i walked over to my bed and yawnd my mom looked happy "did you have fun playing with Nicholas?" i noded "yea were best friends now" my tail was waging as i said that and they both looked happy "well thats great, we saved you some rattata" she pushed it towards me and i took a few mouthfuls then i was don. She layed down beside me with my dad close by "good night Sondra" she saide in a soft vioce "good night mom" my dad gave me a few licks on the head "in just a few moons you'll be old enough to go out on your own, your growing fast" he saide in a proud vioce. Then i closed my eyes "good night dad"
"Good night Sondra sleep tight."

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