Chapter 40 a shiny eevee in trouble

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I was stareing at Jasper in shock then i glared at Nicholas "please tell me you diden't kidnap him Nicholas stealing is one thing... but kidnaping?!" He frownd and Jasper walked up "oh hello Sondra what seems to have you upset?" I felted a bit puzzled "Jasper Aiden is worried about you right now...and what happend did Nicholas kidnap you?" Jasper grew a look of gulit "oh im sorry i had to leave Aiden like that could you please tell him i said im sorry... it's just i had to leave." I felted confused and Nicholas looked nervous as Jasper went on "Nicholas diden't kidnap me he rescued me." I tilted my head "oh?.. form what?.. what happend?" I asked and Jasper told the story "well you see i was sleeping in my room peacful when i heard pawsteps on the other side of my door i heard someone tuging on the doornob and i got scared and hid under my bed then they picked the lock and to my shock it was Nicholas.., i missunderstood him at frist i did think he was trying to take me agansit my own will but then he expland to me that he diden't have much time and there were bad pokemon who were after me so he quikly helped me pack my stuff and we had to sneack out a window... so im greatful to Nicholas he saved my life last night." I shot a glare at Nicholas then Jasper headed back upstairs Nicholas frownd as i held my glare on him "so you did take Jasper." He suffled his paws nervously "yea but i diden't kidnap him." I hissed "yea but you still tricked him into comeing here i mean really?! Thats really low of you." He let out a sigh "im sorry.. Sondra please don't be mad." I turnd on him and stormd away and he ran after me "Sondra wait!" I growled "what?.. are you going to tell Jasper the truth and let him go?" I asked and he frownd "well is it really that big a crime? He's safer here then he would be with Aiden." I pinnd my ears back "i wish you would stop compareing yourself with Aiden." He frownd at me "umm your not going to tell Aiden are you?" I noded "umm yea of course i will it's not right to froce Jasper to stay here!" He let out a sigh "oh all right i'll tell Jasper the truth then it will be up to him if he wants to leave or not." He ran upstairs and i waited.

Nicholas P.O.V.

I ran upstaris feeling stressed out (what will i evan say to him? Will he get mad?) then i appreached the eevees room and walked in Jasper jumped in surprise "oh Nicholas you scared me... hey i just have a question about those bad pokmon.. did you catch a glimps of what they were?" I then felted a little puzzled (wow Jasper is veary gullible he really thinks those bad pokemon i made up are reail how sad.) i frownd "umm about that actully theres something i need to tell you." Right away he looked worried "oh no.. don't tell me! It was a vaporeon wasen't it! Oh dear oh dear this is not good!" The shiny eevee started peaceing back and forth full of panik i then grew a smrik (heh heh this is to perfect.) i frownd "umm so do you know him then?.. because i did see one last night when i rescued you." He jumped "he's my brother!... and he's out to get me oh dear what are we to do!" I smiked "well luckey for you i am an electrick typ.. unlike Aiden." Jasper noded "your right staying here would be my best bet right now... i just feel bad for diching Aiden." I noded "well Sondra is still here... she thinks i kidnaped you." He got up "i don't really want to many pokemon to know about Vapor right now but i'll tell her im happy here." I smild and Jasper followed me downstairs

Sondra's P.O.V.

Nicholas returnd with Jasper and the shiny eevee spoke "no need to worry Sondra im happy here... but please do tell Aiden im sorry." I felted confused (something isen't right) "umm Jasper you are aware that Nicholas tricked you into comeing here right?" Jasper shook his head "there are bad pokemon after me and i think it would be best if i just stayed here for now." Feeling puzzled i frownd "umm ok then see you around i guss." He noded then headed back up the stairs and Nicholas frownd "i did tell him what i did and he still thinks he's safer here." I felted concered "he still thinks there are pokemon after him!" I snaped and Nicholas sighed "umm actually Coincidentally there is he said he knows someone who is out to get him." I frownd "who then?" Nicholas pinnd his ears back "he said he dosen't want to many pokemon to know yet... but seems how your my grilefreind it's his brother named Vapor." I glared "im your freind... just your freind." He smild at me "yea... and your a grile." I rolled my eyes "well im off to Riverspot." He walked up to me "mind if i go with you?... as your freind?" I hesitated "i was kinda hoping to see Aiden." He looked anyoed "hmm fine perahps another time." He grumbled as i left.

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