Chapter 56 Nicholas's isues

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Nicholas's P.O.V.

I stared at Sondra in shock it felted like the world seem to stop turning for a bit as i felted my whole world just shadder right in frount of me.
(My heart just broke.... im bleeding on the inside and she's just ganna be really happy about it?) i felted like i wanted to vomit (im ganna be sick forever!)
I looked at her and she was still talking but i coluden't hear a word she said i was still tacken in the engament news.
"Hey Nocholas?..."
I finally took a deep breath closeing my eyes for a moment (no... it's not over im not really going to lose her... i can't)
"Nicholas are you going to be ok?"
Suddenly i snaped my eyes back open feeling the fresh wave of anger and outrage over take me.
"No Sondra im not going to be ok!"
I snaped and she flinched looking hurt "Nicholas... im so sorry i-"
I cut her off "how colud you do this to me? My paw was broken and you said yes to him?!"
She then narrowed her eyes "your paw isen't broken!"
I pulled out a ring i was hideing "Sondra do you know just what i had plannd?."
Her eyes went wide "you were ganna ask me to marry you?.... Nicholas you know we're just freinds."
I got mad and yelled "I DON'T WANNA BE FREINDS!!"
She backed away now looking scared
I pinnd my ears back now feeling great paine in my chest almost like i coluden't breath tears started rolling down my cheecks.
"I love you Sondra can't you see that?.... please don't marry him you can't do that i need you! I do everything for you i try so hard can't you see im nuthing without you?"
She paused for a bit then looked at me "Nicholas... im really sorry for breacking your heart... but im in love Aiden.... i don't mean to hurt you... you need to stop this please.... if you really do care about me you need to let me go."
She walked up to me "Nicholas.... please i need you to pull yourself together..." i  looked up at her saying nuthing.
Then heaved a sigh.
(It's not to late i can still win her over i know i can im better then Aiden she belongs with me.)
"I need you to unregister me from Evergreen.... im leaveing in one moon."
I looked at her in disbelief
"Hmm and what if i refuse?"
She looked a bit tacken back "fine then don't but im going to Awaking."
"Not if your registered in Evergreen your not."
Now anger flashed in her eyes "you can't stop me from going Nicholas."
"Oh i think i can... your not marrying him Sondra."
She stared at me in shock for a bit.
"I thought you were my freind?... this right here is why i avioded you! If your going to try and control me i want you stay away from me!" She snaped in raged.
I frownd "Sondra i told you from the start you and Aiden are just not ment to be im your king and i order you to stay in Evergreen and your going to listen to me this time!"
She hissed "im leaveing Nicholas! And there is nuthing you can do king or not!" She snaped before wiping around and storming out.
I frownd feeling my chest tighten up.
"Wait... Sondra wait!" But to late she was gon now.
Feeling angry i ran upstaris to my room.
(I can't let her go... how colud she choose him over me?.... i can't live without her....Gerrr it's Aiden's fualt that espeon has werked everything he is ruin my life!) then the thought hit me (i wish he wolud just dissapear forever then Sondra wolud be all mine.)
I layed in my bed unable to sleep
(Gerr Aiden,Aiden whats so great about him anyway?)
Then i colud picture it in my head the espeon laying dead and mostionless on the ground.
I blinked open my eyes (i coluden't kill him... Sondra wolud truly hate me if i did...)
I got up and called for Elliott and he came runing st once.
"Elliott i want you to get the army to gurad all the borders."
He looked shocked "what?... why?"
"Because i had enough of this Sondra stays in Evergreen she is not aloud to leave is that clear?"
"What about Riverspot?"
"She's staying in Evergreen i forbid her to go anywere! She is not seeing Aiden."
He looked at me "what about Aiden?... won't he just sneek across the borders?"
I stomped my paw down feeling hatred towards the espeon.
"If he steps one pawprint over my border agiane... you have my permission to end him."
He smild "sholud i tell that to all the jolteons?."
I noded "yes then mabey Aiden will take me more seriously."

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