Chapter 27 the first threat

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Sondra's P.O.V.

I was sitting with Aiden as we watched the fireworks together we we're still celibrateing his king ceromony i got close to him "oh Aiden im haveing a great time with you." He smild at me "im really glad your here with me." I let out a loud purr and rested my head on his chest and he licked my cheek "i love you." Then the show eneded and everyone started leaveing "well then it's time for bed i guss." Aiden said and i suddenly relized i would have to go back to Evergreen Aiden seemed to noticed what i was thinking "don't worry theres no way im leting you go back after what he did to you, you can stay with me if you like." I felted better "oh thank arceus, i was geting scared for a secound Nicholas is so mad at me i don't think i could face him." Aiden looked fusterated "well he's wrong to be mad at you, your a grown espeon and can go were you like, and you know your welcome in Awakeing forest anytime you like." I huged him "Thank you Aiden." He blushed a bit "anything for you love, now lets get to bed now." I noded and followed him back inside his palace."

Michelle's P.O.V

I was hideing in a tree close by the Awakeing castle spying i watched as the two espeons went back inside i gritted my teeth feeling fusterated (gerr so he really dose love her?... but Nicholas is on my side for this one she belongs in Evergreen... that or i kill her then no one gets her.) i sliped fown form my tree and headed back to my den trying to think of a way to get her away form Aiden then my ear twiched at the sound of vioces close by i hid right away then two jolteons walked by "so our big day is tomarrow are you nervous?" One asked the other and he just laugh "of coruse not im looking forward to shredding those dum espeon they aways seem to think thier better then us but tomarrow we'll be the laughing ones when we take thier forest!" the other seemed more scared "yea... thats if we live, this is war were talking about arn't you a little nerous?" He just chuckled "your kidding right?, this is why we became solders to fight for our king." The other gaulped "what if i don't want to? Do you think it's to late to quit being a solder?" The other jolteon looked shocked "what!?, of course you can't should of thought of that before becomeing a solder!" Then they were gon. I slid out form the bushes (a war now?... to get rid of Aiden?... i don't think i like that, thats it Sondra has to die then this bullshit will stop Nicholas will leave Aiden alone and i can have him.) i ran off heading for home.

Nicholas's P.O.V.

I was sitting in my thrown wearing my crown on my head asselmbing the solders geting them ready (this is my frist war... i hope it gose well.) i started organzieing groops today is Aiden's frist day as king (it's to bad for you Aiden you'll get watch yourself fail on your frist day.) Elliott walked up to me with a groop of more jolteons behind him "ok so my groop will breack into the castle and i'll seek out Sondra while the rest of my groop fights any espeon that trys to stop us." I noded then one asked "what if she dosen't want to come with us when we reach her?" I glared at the jolteon who asked "then you arrest her she is to come home under my orders." Elliott smiled "don't worry i'll get her i have my ways." I felted puzzled "umm ok.. just don't let me down i trust you, now as for the other two groops." I glanced at more jolteons "i will lead the first groop and then the secound i want you to sneack up form behind." I glanced at another jolteon "Stance i know your a pretty sneacky jolteon i want you to lead the secound groop." He puffed out his chest "will do promiss i got this." I smild "good and as you you Elliott i think you should wait till both groops attack before you lead yours into the castle that way everyone is to distrackted to notice you." He noded "got it." Then i gave the order "ok lets go cliam Awakeing."

Aiden's P.O.V.

I was sleeping next to Sondra purring i had a great night with her last night i licked her on the cheeck then she opend her eyes and let out a yawn i purred "wake up love i thought mabey we could go see Sophia today." She smild "ok it's been a while since i last been to Riverspot." We both got up out of bed then i noticed her gem started turning dark "Sondra.. your gem something bad is about to happen." I said then she looked shocked "umm your gem is slso turing dark.." then suddenly there were a lot of loud crys comeing form outside we both ran to the balcony to see a whole army of jolteons attacking the guards and trying to get into my Palace and i noticed that Nicholas was one of them, i looked at Sondra She looked shocked "NICHOLAS!!" She screamed out and everyone stoped "what in arceus name do you think your doing?!" She demanded then he steped forward to stand in frount "heh heh why i've come for you my dear." I stood protectiveliy in frount of here "well your not going to get her! Go home" i hissed he smriked at me "i am home." My mouth droped open "and just what do you mean Exactly?" I asked feeling my anger rise he puffed out his chest "the time has come for great chang Aiden im going to drive you out forever, then i will rule over Evergreen and Awaking i think i'll call it EverAwaking." I felt shocked (holly Mew how greedy can one get?) i let out a low Growle "thats veary selfish of you." He smiled "well Aiden life just isen't fiar now is it?" He mocked my tail was lashing back and forth "and what if i refuse to leave hu?" The jolteons gaze turnd cold "well then i guss i'll have to kill you then, theres only room for one king Aiden and it's not you." then Sondra burst out "if you make Aiden leave then im going with him!" She spat and to my dismay he laughed "hehe no Sondra you are ment to be with me a king that is worthy such as myself should always get what he wants." She looked outraged "I WILL NEVER BE WITH YOU!" she yelled out, He snarled back "you love me! Your just denying it because you want Aiden more, but sorry dear he has to go!" She yelled "Noo!" Then his jolteons went back to attacking.

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