Chapter 16 love at frist sight

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I was sleeping in my den it has been two days since the ceremony. I got up and looked around my mother wasen't there (must of gon out to hunt.) i walked outside "good morning! Ma'am" i jumped in shocked two jolteons werecstanding outside my den i narrowed my eyes "ah good morning... why are you siting outside my den? I kinda like my privacy." The one smiled "it's the kings orders were your bodyguards." I felt unwasy with that (so thats probilly why mother left then...) i thought with annoyance then i started walking away and they followed me i stoped "umm can i help you?" They paused then one steped up "im Elliott i was just hired the other day and Nicholas asked me to keep a watch on you." He said i glared "well i do not need babysitting thank you veary much!" Then i continued walking but they both stayed close by me, my eye started twiching and i stoped again the other one paused "is domething the matter?" He asked then Elliottt shot him a look " quiet Rawon we're not supposed to talk to her our job is to protect her." I turnd and hissed at them "i don't need to be looked after!" Then i started runing and they chased me "come back!" Elliott yelled then he cut me off (these jolteons are faster then the ones form before were!) i got mad "let me go!!" I screamd then Rawon sat down "don't worry we're just makeing sure your safe it's the kings orders."
"Ya i will not let him down!" Elliott said in a cool vioce "so we can do this the easy way or hard way wether you like it or not i promised Nicholas i would keep you in sight, and that i will!" I got mad and started marching towards the castle "oh im ganna give him a pieace of my mind! I am not ok with this!"
Once i got to the castle i coulden't help but notice the guards were gon (so he actually fired them?) i walked right inside and some jolteons smiled at me "hello Sondra! Nicholas is bissy right now but he said that if you stop by your welcome here and you can make yourself at home if you like." I frownd but felt good knowing that i can come over anytime i like i walked then Elliott and Rawon finaly walked away, Elliott froze and looked at me "Sondra if you need me i would be more then happy to help you, since your the future queen." He said
I rolled my eyes "thats really nice but me and Nicholas are just friends." I replied then Nicholas walked down the stairs with a groop of jolteons behind him he paused when he saw me "Sondra you decided to come see me again!" He ran up to me and i shot him a mean look and he tilted his head "whats wrong now?" He asked with concern in his vioce "really Nicholas bodyguards? Im old enough to look after myself can i please have my privacy back?" I asked he looked down "im sorry Sondra but im just worried about you.."
I narrowed my eyes "well don't be! Nicholas those bad pokemon are gon they probably ran off after you cought that houndoom i know i woulden't want to stick around if the king wanted my head." Nicholas had a look of discussed on his face "eww i don't want thier heads! You make it sound like i keep them after words.." i hissed "you know what i mean" i sighed "look it's nice knowing you care about me, and i really care about you to but please i can't take it please give me some speace." He smiled "ok Sondra... anything for you my darling." I growled "au hem you mean friend." He walked closer to me "Your more, much more then a friend to me, you may not be ready for me yet but one day i know you will be' and when that day comes i'll make you my queen, and i promiss to treat you like the queen you deserve to be." I sighed "well you can think what ever you like then... so are you bissy then because i thinking mabey we could go to riverspot together sometime i've never been there before and want to check it out." He smiled "of course but unfortunately i got my paws full right now mabey tomarrow if that works?" I noded sounds good then i headed for the doors he ran up in frount of me "Sondra.... please be carful" i noded "i will be don't worry." I smiled at him "i'll see you tomarrow ok.." he looked happy to see me smile "ok Sondra take care." Then i left
On my way home i ran into Michelle she hissed at me "watch were your going!" She snaped and i flinch "whats wrong Michelle?" She glared at me "your whats wrong! I hate you!" Then she ran off and i felt really lost (if she hates me then why was she all over me just a few dsys ago?." I shruged it off then walked away.

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