Chapter 51 A heartbreacking war

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Suicune frownd "sorry Aiden but you must leave this place at once." Aiden looked stund by that.
"Hu?.. what do you mean?.. you mean leave as in come back later?... why through?" He shook his head "no i mean LEAVE and don't come back." I felted shocked "he can't leave He's the king of Awaking!"
Suicune turnd to face me "i know..... but im under orders to attack you so now the chioce is yours leave now or die." My mouth droped open and Aiden pinnd his ears back and lashed his tail "i don't understand why are you doing this!" He hissed
"Im not Nicholas is!
Don't you get it! He has us under his comand right now and untill he lets us go we have to fight his battles." Aiden looked just as shocked as i felted then suddenly the legendary beast attacked useing hydro pump hiting him by surprise.
"AIDEN!" I shriked and run to his side then Suicune turnd on me snarling feeling scared for my life i backed up and the beast used ice beam.
"AWWW!!" As i got hit and the big powerful pokemon pinnd me down with his claws sinking in i closed my eyes and just before he colud use another attacked Aiden slamed himself into suicune shoveing him off "Sondra run!" We both bolted down the stairs and heared Suicun roar behind us
We were just about to the doors when suddenly
Noah run inside with a horrified expression on his face as he pulled the doors close "Aiden we're under attack by those-" he paused when suicune growled and jumped down the stairs "awww! im geting outta here!" He ran back outside we both followed him with suicun hard on our tails then once we were outside entei and raikou were there runing around killing espeons i gasped out in shock at the site of war jolteons and eapeons were fighting and we were loseing veary badly because of the legendary's Aiden's mouth droped "stop fighting at once!" He yelled then at that raikou and entei turnd glareing at him and run straight for
"Aiden!" Everyone stoped fighting As the three legendary beast all surroundred him growing and showing thier teeth i let out a panik yell "NOO!"
I tryed to run to him but someone stoped me "no Sondra stay outta of it." I turnd in shock to see Nicholas i was stund for a bit "Nicholas?... whats going on?" I asked and he diden't answer my question instead he tryed to change the subject.
"Why don't you go wait in the castle were your safe." I shook my head "no! Im not leaveing Aiden's side when he's about to be killed!" He only just snorted after "so all this time you stayed in Awking then?" I shook my head "no i diden't! I-"
He stoped me "save it i know your lieing and i won't have this anymore!" He walked over to Aiden with a smug look.
"Aiden, Aiden, Aiden."
Aiden pinnd his ears back "so when you went away this is what you were up to?... i can't evan that is veary disrespectful of you! Tell these legendary they can go home!"
Nicholas smriked "yea you'd like that woluden't you?.... i had to beat you somehow Aiden and you left me no chioce i told you stay away from her and you diden't listen." I felted my mouth drop "you what?!" Nicholas turnd a glare on me "come on Sondra you know im right you can't be together and this has gon far enough you live in Evergreen and as your king i order you to stay home!" Aiden snarled "so you really went outta your way to froce these legendary's to fight your battles, kill my espeons, just to separate us?" Nicholas grunted "well i did warn you i was going to attack."
"Yea... i just diden't think it was possible to sink to this level."
Nicholas smild "oh and what are you going to do about it?" Aiden diden't answer then the jolteon went on "hmmm yea nuthing i thought so... well Aiden you know what i want so now the chioce is yours surrender Awaking now or be destroyed what do you choose?"
Aiden hung his head then gave Nicholas a cool look "well unlike you im not going to make my espeons suffer more then they already have."
Nicholas grew a big smile on his face that made me want to just slap him so bad but i knew better not to.
"A wise decision Aiden now tell all your espeons to get off my territory and any espeon ever spoted in EverAwking will be killed on the spot."
"So dose that include me to?"
I asked and Nicholas shook his head "except for you because you live here."
I got to my paws and glared at him "not anynore i go were Aiden go's." Nicholas pinnd his ears back and Aiden glared at him "looks like you faild to spreated us." Nicholas held my gaze "you can't leave i order you to stay im your king and your going to listen to me." Aiden looked worried "you can't froce her to stay!" Nicholas looked at Entei and Raikou chase off those espeons and if they refuse to leave kill them then he turnd to Suicun "and as for you take Sondra back to the Palace." I felted panik at the realization i might not ever see Aiden againe.
"Aiden!" I wailed as Suicune jumped in frount of me and i started paniking "SONDRA RUN!" I heared Aiden's paniked vioce and i started runing only to get cut off by suicune Aiden used psyshock on him but the legendary diden't seem to care he used bite witch effected me a lot makeing me weacker then he garbed me and carried me away "HELP!" I shriked but it was useless i knew noboby was going to be able to help me as Suicune carried me away back to Evergreen.

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