Chapter 21 ungreatful

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Nicholas P.O.V.

I was in my liveing room siting in frount of the fire place thinking of Sondra. (Sondra better not be going to Awakeing.... thats not aloud..) then i felt stressed. (i need to go see her right now!) i got up and ran down the stairs and out the doors then i stoped Elliott was standing at the doors "sir you got a letter form the prince of Awakeing." I rolled my eyes "just through it away." I walked by him, he smiled "as you say your majesty." Then i froze when Sondra ran up to me "hi Nicholas!" She seemd happy "Sondra... you came to see me." I felt a bit surprised but happy she looked puzzled "well why woulden't i?" I frownd "i thought you would have been sneacking off to see that espeon in Awakeing." She glared at me "i woulden't do that! It would be trusspassing, unless the king were to invite me over." I growled "ummm ok... and it's not trusspassing for him to come here?." She met my gaze then let out a sigh "your right... im sorry... i just diden't want to be alone that night." I frownd "well why do you think i wanted to see you?, i knew you were hurting." She huged me "that was thoughtful of you." I smild "why don't you come inside for a bit?" I asked and she noded and followed me in we walked up to my room she froze near the garbage "hey theres a letter that hasen't evan been opend, someone must of thrown it away by accident." I felt a little annoyed as she pulled it out (why is she looking in my trash again?) she gasped "Nicholas! You got a letter form Aiden and diden't evan read it!" (Oh boy here we go.) i thought. My ears went down "heh... heh... woops." She gave it to me "so what dose it say?" she asked with intrest i narrowed my eyes "i don't know i'll read it later." I put it on my dreeser "why don't we sit dosn together and have some coffie" she tilted her head "whats coffie?" She asked and i smiled "i'll get you some it's cafen i think you'll like." I led her out to the balcony and pulled up a chair for her to sit in." She sat down "thanks Nicholas." I noded "no need to thank me, you know i would do anything to make you happy." She looked at me "your a good friend." I leand closer to her "no Sondra... im more then a friend." She looked a bit nervious "umm ya we're best friends." I shook my head "not good enough... Sondra i have strong feeling for you, i need you please give me a chance to make you mine." She looked a bit shocked "i can't!, Nicholas im really sorry but im in love with Aiden." I felt hurt when she said that (nuthing pains me more then to see her with another guy, im not ganna let it happen!) i thought feeling bitter "Sondra... you can't be with him." She sighed "i know... but mabey we can find a way.." i got mad and growled "NO! I forbid you to see him!"  She gasped in shock "what! But.... why?" I gave a disapproving sigh "it's called forbiddion love for a reasion, and your not to see him anymore! as your king thats an order he's not to come to Evergreen againe!" she glared at me and hissed "well your majesty guss what you don't own the waterfalls or poke town, those are the places i can see him weather you like it or not!" My ears went back in distress "oh no Sondra i just ordered you not to see him again! And i better not catch you again." She narrowed her eyes "or what?" She asked i felt a bit tacken aback "Sondra... please just listen to me, im trying to save you form heartach." Her tail was lashing back and forth "well i can aee him if i want to, and theres nuthing you can do." Then she got up but i quikly stoped her "Sondra im sorry please don't be mad... i'll get that coffie i promised you." She let out a sigh then sat back down and i quikly ran off to get the coffie, then i came back with two cups, i put one in frount of her "i made it a little extra sweet for you my dear."
She noded her head "than you." I sat down next to her "well go on try it.." her gem glowed and she used her pyschic to make it flaot towards her she looked like she was struggleing bit then she sipted it, she made a face after wich told me she diden't like it, she put it down "well thanks but it tast a little bitter." I frownd "i can add surgure mabey you'll like it." She stoped me "you don't have any tea do you?" I felt puzzled with that "hu tea? Were did you hear that form?" She shruged "when i was with Aiden, his friend made us tea and it was dicious, but if you don't have it thats ok, i don't really wanna waste this coffie that you made for me." I laughed "waste it heh heh oh please if you don't want it i'll take it." She smiled at me "thanks.. im sorry i don't like it." I siped my coffie "i like mine with nuthing in it, nuthing like black coffie." I looked at her "so whats your plans for today?, cuz i was thinking mabey we could" i got cut off "oh sorry i already have plans mabey tomarrow ok?" I narrowed my eyes "oh.... hu... odd what are you doing today?, not seeing that espeon i hope." She paused for a bit "well... just at the waterfalls for a bit." I shook my head "if i see him!" I stoped when i saw her glareing at me "no go on what will you do if you see him?" I frownd then let out a sigh "nuthing..." then she got up "well it was a nice little viset but now i must be off, i'll come back tomarrow." I felt a little disapionted as i watch her walk away. I sat out on my balcony for a while longer feeling streesed as i thought about her seeing that espeon. (Im not evan aloud to arrest him because Sondra would get mad at me if i did. it's not fair!) i got mad and walked back into my room then i paused as my gaze fell on that stupid letter (all right lets see what this guy wants!) i riped it open

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