Chapter 4 lost our way

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The moon was still up and i felt uncomfortable and scared still "Nicholas i don't like this were vulnearble to predators" then he stoped "hehe don't worry Sondra im not scared" i felt a bit fusterated "you do realize if a predator find us were in danger, both of us!" Then we found a barrier were we would be safe form other pokemon and we crawled in together. I was shakeing form the cold then he cuddled close to me "i remember how to get home form here, i think you should come with me when morning comes" i felt shocked "to the castle! I don't know.... i want to go home" he frownd "you will go home my father will help you, i know your parents are worried about you"
I felt evean more nervus about meeting the king. "Umm i don't know im kinda shy, and meeting the king? It's kinda of a lot to take in" he gave me a look then laughed "haha come on my dad is really nice he'll help you" my face turnd red "im not ready to meet the king... im a little scared" "Sondra you do realize that im going to be king one day, your going to be friends with a king." I smiled at him "but this is differant because im not neruvs to talk to you" he smiled "Sondra this is the only way i can help you, i just want you to make it home safely" i looked at him "will you help me find my parents?" His ears droped "ya.... oh come on Sondra just come to the palace with me please i saved you so you owe me." I frownd "ok, ok but im still shy" he smiled "i'll be with you the whole time i promis"  i giggled "thanks Nicholas" he huged me "your welcome i've been looking for a friend i get lonly in that palace sometimes." I looked at him "really?, insen't there a lot of pokemon in there?"
He noded "ya but their all grown ups, and my dad gets bissey sometimes same with my mom." I felt a little bad for him then i sighed "my parents spend lots of time with me, so im not lonly, but i also wanted a friend to play with" he pawed me playfully "well now you do, pluse i saved you, my dad will be so proud of me!" He laughed "Nicholas im really happey we meet, i would have been dead by now if we haden't" then we both layed down and yawnd "goodnight Nicholas" i saide and he turnd on his side "goodnight Sondra" then his eyes closed. I looked out at the sky (i miss my parents their probily really worried about me right now) i thought with guilt then i closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Once the sun came up i got up and yawnd "good morning Nicholas" no answer he was still sleeping and i pawd him "come on it's time to get up now" he opend his eyes "hu... mmm so early im tired" i giggled "come on don't be a lazey furball"
He slowly got up "hmm im a prince i can sleep as long as i like..." his vioce was still droopie (he's still half asleep) i thought
"Nicholas wake up!"
"Aww! Im up, im up" he jumped to his paws, he looked around with a puzzled exspresion. "Oh ya i saved your life last night, now i remember" he walked out of our cover "come on Sondra follow me i know how to get back to the palace form here" i still felt nervus about going to the castle (i was hopeing my frist time meeting the king would have with my parents)


After we've been walking for what felt like hours i was starting to grow impaitench "hey are you sure you know were your going?" I asked "oh ya i totally know my way" his vioce was a bit cockey he stoped and looked around i walked up and smiled at him i was enjoying this "ok so wich way then?" He looked at the trees "umm i think it's this way" i rolled my eyes "you think! What do you mean you think?" He looked neveruvs "aw,aw i ment to say i know" he gave a sheepish smile "Nicholas if you don't know the way why did you lie about it?"  He frownd "well i thought i knew, i mean it's a palace how can you miss it?" Then suddenly a flareon and umbreon cuple walked by they both stoped when they saw us the flareon looked worried "hu? What are two little eevee's like yourself's doing out here on your own?" She asked i was relieved at the question "were lost, i can't find my parents and he blongs in the castle" the umbreon walked up "do you want us to take you to the castle?" Nicholas noded his head and i frownd "can you help me find my pardnts?" The umbreon smiled at me "oh it's ok king Charles is the nicest king i've known in a long time, he'll help you find your parents" Nicholas smiled "he's my father" he smriked they both looked shocked "your the prince!, oh whats a little prince like you doing away form the castle?" He pointed at me "because im a hreo i saved her life last night" i narrowed my eyes i mean im really gratful to Nicholas but he's kinda Breagan right now, and now i feel out of place.
"Well we better get you two back at the castle right away!" We followed the flareon and umbreon, Nicholas pawed me playfully "hey Sondra are you ok?" He asked "im sorry i lied i really thought i knew were i was going"
I sighed "oh well, thats ok im not really upset about it i understand"


We finally arrive at the castle and the cuple approach the guards. The jolteon's looked at them "what do you want?, to see the king?, well he's bissy his son went missing the other day!" One of them siade in a rude tone of vioce. I was shocked "hey Nicholas are they always this rude?" I asked feeling a bit neruvs. He noded his head "yea but don't worry my dad is actually pretty friendly" the flareon looked tacken aback "oh thats why we'er here, we found the yong prince" she moved aside so they could see us "Nicholas!" One of them yelled "were did you run off to hu? Your in soo much trouble you hear?" Then one of them walked up to the cuple "thanks but we'll take it form here" they noded "ok" they saide thier farewell at us "take care little eevee's" the umbreon looked at me "talk to the king he will help you! Don't worry" then they were gon. The jolteon's moved aside to let us enter the castle, one of them glared at me "umm Nicholas who is this?"
He smiled "she's my friend, she's the reasion i left, i saved her life last night" they all started laughing "haha did you hear that? The little prince thinks he's a hero!" One of them wiped a tear away form luaghing "ok Nicholas what really happend?" I glared at them (i don't get it why are these guys so rude? Diden't they grow up on manners?) "he's not lieing! He really did save me!" I yelled "ya,ya tell that to someone who believes you!" I gritted my teeth as we walked by them. Once we entered the palace my mouth droped open "WOW! It's so big in here!" Nicholas sighed "aww not really, when im king those guards will be the frist thing to go" i felted puzzled "so your ganna fire them?"
He laughed a little "well they are really mean, if they don't respect me then i will fire them"
I noded "well i guss that dose sound fair" more jolteon's walked bye then they stoped when they saw us "Nicholas! We were worried about you, go see your dad he sent search partys out to look for you" i felt really nervus there were a lot of jolteon's around here. Nicholsd noded "come on Sondra!" He ran up the stairs and i followed him then we apreached a thrown and a jolteon was siting there, when he saw us his eyes lit up then he got up "Nicholas! My son were did you take off to last night?, as a prince you have a responsibility you can't just take off when you want!" Nicholas's ears went down and he looked a bit upset
" but dad i had to leave, Sondra would have died if i diden't, and the guards refused to help look for her"
I felt puzzled by that "hu? What do you mean?" I asked and Nicholas looked at me "when your dad came to ask for help they told him to get lost and woulden't help." I felt a bit upset by that "oh..." king Chariles looked upset "i will have to have a talk with those guards, but Nicholas you need to stay here untill you are at least one moon older you hear?"
He had his head down "yes father..." then Charles looked at me and my heart pounded "aw you must be Sondra then it's nice to meet you, i see you made friends with Nicholas" he smiled. I bowed my head down in respect and he looked a bit concered "were do you live? your parents must be worried about you"
I looked up at him "i live in Evergreen.... but i forget were my den is " he got up "i think i might know who your parents are, might they be Jacop and Blossom?" I got happy "YES! Thats them i really miss them!" Nicholas looked happy and Charles headed towards the stairs "come Sondra i'll take you back myself" Nicholas ran up "can i come i want to see were Sondra lives!" I laughed "hehehe" he noded "ok, but only if you promis to behave yourself"  he got happy "i will i promis, then can we go hunting after!" Charles laughed "come Nicholas i want to show you around Evergreen"
I was trying hard not to laugh (i like Nicholas he's always so positive, and silly, mabey a bit cockey sometimes but it's fun to watch.)
We walked out of the palace snd headed towards my home.

Once we got to my den, my parents came runing out of the den "Sondra! Oh our precious doughter!" I ran up "mom!, dad!" I huged them and started crying my dad looked at Charlies "your majesty" he bowed down "thank you, we are forever greatful!" He laughed "you should thank my son he's the one who saved her" he smiled my parents both looked at Nicholas and smiled "thank you Nicholas "we're really grateful to you young prince, please come viset us once your old enough, we see you like spending time with our doughter" i laughed then Charles noded "well we best be going i got to teach my son a few things about being more responsible, because he has been takeing off on his own lately." My mom noded "oh i see, well take care and thank you once more it's been a great honour to see you, your majesty!" I waved my paw in farewell "by Nicholas!" He was walking away with his dad he turnd his head to look at me "bye Sondra i'll see you next moon."

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