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dont even smile, stop being cute.
we both know its not healthy for me.

play : healthy - PRETTYMUCH

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lee felix

i always ended up being awkward, just because i always came in unexpected time, at unexpected situation. there was this one time when i actually storm up to the girls changing room, panicking and searching for jihae just because i actually called by one random teacher.

as a child, can you imagine how horrifying that is? but turn out, she was praising me because of my english essay, but i still punished because the other girl reported me for being sneaky , as if i really wanted to do something to them.

i didnt even spare a glance, what a full of themselves, the girls.

so i ended up actually didnt realize i walk up to the men toilet, wearing the same mickey headband.. even when im actually mad about it.

the mens in there, actually let out a small chuckle , and i knew its look ridiculous.

walking out, im about to throw a nag again to jihae even when it is my fault, just to catch another awkward situation , there.

hwang hyunjin, kim seungmin and ailin together. han jisung and.. isnt that his mother? and there is ma jihae, looking uncomfortable and smiling insincerely..

whats going on?
" is it a family meeting between the hans and jihae? " ailin voice entering my ear. oh, thats sure coming from the honest ailin. a bit nosy..

" of course not! we also spontaneously met, i came with felix actually. " so this is the part where i should appear , but for fun..

i decided to laid back a bit.
maybe this time i should be a kim seungmin number 2 , i knew he must be analysing what happened now.

ailin nodded, while hyunjin.. just stood there, staring at jihae. seungmin, sure like my prediction.. analysing what happened.

jisung, on the other hand look somehow flustered. startled is an understatement .. and mrs han look suprised as she stared at her son.

something new? i guess..

" oh, there is felix. " seungmin called out to me, as i actually standing not that far from them, but maybe a shocked jihae is too bad at sight.. and maybe because seungmin is the only sane person there, without mixed feelings.

" oh, felix here also? so, this is your boyfriend, jihae-ssi? " mrs han spoke. i heard something in her tone of voice. oh, another mystery things.

" of course not. he is a childhood friend. just recently met back. "

ooh, this getting interesting. the stone, hwang hyunjin responded. jihae just nodded, pushing me to say something. " true , mrs han. i had nothing with her, except for embarassing childhood story.. and weird things she done. "

which earn me some pinch at the back.

" thats nice to hear, to have beautiful friendship."mrs han commented . oh, and i actually forgot. its not mrs han anymore.. we already, actually eliminated that, but that still leave a deep scar in me and jisung heart, thats another story.

" anyway jisung, i let you to have some time to your friend . i will see you at home, okay?"

that left us only standing at static on the same point from minutes before. i had some ideas on what to do today , as a good prankster always do. maybe its not a bad idea to be bad, but this time maybe i could sort whatever messed up in this nonexisten love triangle that i sensed.

yes, the matchmaker, lee felix on action.

- 🌸

jihae never been in such a flustered condition. when ailin asked that question, what confusing is her eyes flew to hwang hyunjin, but whatever she saw dissapoint her.

did he actually lost believe that they build? did she actually took so long?

or did he change his heart, maybe ailin is more worthy to be with than her ? she didnt wanted to assume, but seeing him just turned away when felix said they should explore the park together, hand in hand with ailin she had to admit, part of her died a bit.

maybe its only an illusion for meanwhile time. its nice to know what love is, if it can spoke.

" you look afraid again, ma jihae. " with the voice entering her ear, she immediately snapped to the reality. jisung stood there , in front of her as if he examining her face. only them there .

" aaa-aa? of course not? "
" tch, you know you can lie. "
dont lie, you dont look good when you lying.

" let me teach you another tip, angel" he said, as he held his finger to her chin, before pushing it facing him. he chuckled a bit before continued " you should always chin up. no matter what. because when you chin up, there is confidence in you, and you will look braver as ever"

" so, should we follow the others? "

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lee felix

" so did jisung actually fall for jihae? " i asked seungmin. he just stare at my eyes, as if he saying are you blond or you are dumb?

we dont actually left jisung and jihae alone. all we do is only stepped a back far, sit on some bench while watching how jisung actually waited for the blank jihae to responded back to reality. whatever chin things he done was actually shocked the shit out of me.

and seeing how seungmin reacted, maybe he had something for jihae which is my mind too dumb to realize it at first. " thats a sad things.. "

" do you actually thought that there arent any possibilities of them being together? " seungmin sudden question let me think a bit.

why would him, as hyunjin wingsman saying that. even i knew hyunjin and jihae whipped for each other, why the hell he asking me that?

" eyy, that can't be"
" trust me, there is. it just time and action will actually tell which one had more. " the last thing he said before he stood up, following jihae and jisung that apparently already walked away from us.

there is? " ya, wait for me! "

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an update!

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