happy birthday, cambridge boy

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thankyou for being born,hwang hyunjin ✨☁️

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thankyou for being born,hwang hyunjin ✨☁️

today is such a disaster.

he literally forgot to set his alarm and when he opened his eyes, allen already called him for the 12th times. today was the day where they are going to find group for their assignment, and if not because of allen, he would be doomed for life without someone he actually know in group.

his motto while in highschool was to not fuck up but all this time on his first year of university, he just go fucked up here and there. he didnt failed class,yet— that was surprising considering how busy he is to actually balance all in the company and his studies.

how beautiful it is to be that busy on his 20th years old alive.

"hey sam,you okay?" the door opened and he just know that allen already back from their class. he didnt wake him up since he got morning class before their shared class together—but he did try call him continuously. but hyunjin was too tired to even heard his already loud ringtone.

"i slept in. thankyou for today,allen. not sure how i am going to survive this semester,but then god send you." he said in one breath. he heard noises from allen side of bed,before he replied— "you are so busy,man. get some rest before your next to-do list."

and then his figure was gone to their shared toilet.

hyunjin sighed again. luckily he didnt have anything to do today— at least. no class,no meeting. hopefully he can get some more rest today before he settles the assignment that were due in next few days.

cambridge was hard—but again,leaving korea is already the hardest part he ever do. maybe cambridge is nothing for him.

"sam,you got a package. its huge." he heard allen voice from the door—and walked to him. the box was big,but it wasnt heavy. he signed to the mailman,before placing the package to his desk.

only to find an almost crushed chocolate cake with 20 candles beside it.

"oh crap. i almost forgot it is your birthday today! no wonder adeline just keep asking where you are when i met her." allen spoke. hyunjin was surprised. not only allen forget his birthday.

he does too. it is march 20 today and he didnt even remember the supposed biggest event of his life.

" happy birthday,sam. sky sent you this by the way— this arrived on our mail yesterday."

of course seungmin would send something. he never forgot. he was distant but he always there.


a notification greeted his phone—and he find himself grinning on it. it was the same as everyone's (—that he just realized, flooded in) but this one at least, made his day less shitty.

even months passed— she will always have this effect on him. maybe today wasnt the best, but it was better.

because at least,he had a reason to miss her more.

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jijijihae_ happy birthday to the cambridge boy @/samhhj

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