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 If you only knew how much I miss you,

  How much I miss your smile and your laugh, even if they weren't always there. I wonder if it has changed, I wonder if you smile or laugh more often than you used too. I think you should cause you're so georgous when you smile and so perfect when you laugh.

 If you only knew how much I miss talking to you, even if I always felt like you never hear me, like I'm talking to a goast, or something that can't answer me, you were only nodding and sometime saying few words. But it was enough for me cause I could be your friend but you were and still are the one I love!

  Yes, I love you, I always did!

 Remember the day we met? I was walking in the hallway of high school searching for my class, I was the new shy first year girl and you were in your last year, some bimbo girls came to bully me, you came toward us and you made them stop bulling me with just one look, what a dark gaze! I will never forget it, I saw it also few time after but I never asked any question cause it was too scary!

 And when you were about to go with your girl you gave me a "maybe" nice gaze, that's when I felt for you, you protected me, those girls never bullied me again, it was thanks to you.

 I said maybe a nice gaze because it was the first and last time you looked at me like that, but I won't forget this one too, this one look that made me melt like butter. 

 I never saw that look again, instead, I got accustomed to your cold gazes, but I will lie if I say that I didn't hope to see it again.

 I miss you, I miss evrything about you, even your cold attitude!!

  But this will change tomorrow, I'll be coming to your country, to the city where you live, I did the same studies as you hoping that one day we'll work together, yes, I would've done anything to spend time with you.

 After you left high school I never saw you again, it is one of your old friends that told me where you actually are.

   I'll start my new job in a week, the boss is very nice, he gave me sometime to get used to my new home and to know the city a little bit.

 I wish I could tell you all I wrote in this diary face to face but I'll never have the courage..

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