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  I didn't write for five days, guess why?? 

  I'm actually by your side, you're sleeping, to be exact you're in coma and you're in hostipal since 4 days. Let me remember you of what happend:

   We were going to the airport, a taxi took us, at that moment it was all fine, you were as usual, not talkative so I was listening to music.. it was all fine. But that was the calm before the storm.

   Once we got out of the taxi, we walked toward the airport, I was walking before you, suddenly I heard a cry suffocated,  I tured around to see what it was and found you lying on the ground in a pool of your blood. After this, everything gone so fast, the ambulance came and took you to hospital, I came with you, and didn't leave your side for these 4 days. Jimy came to visit you, Amelie came too, she brought me some clothes..

  If you're worried about the cooperation then let me tell you that it's all fine, they understand what happend and they're sorry for you.

   Hey, don't you think that you slept enought, wake up!!! I'm worried, we all are worried.

  Doctors are saying that you're fine, the knife with what you were attacked didn't cause any dangerous squelae, they said that now, it's all up to you. So please wake up!!

 I love you, 


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