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 Wow, my wish became true, I can't believe it!!

 Remember when I said that I wanted to see you again and work with you??

 It's actually what's happening!!

 You are the CEO of the company! I was so happy when I knew it.

 And you know what's my fevorite part? It's the fact that your office is just above mine so I can hear you when you walk, that means that I can feel when you're here and we are close to each other.

 I said that I was happy that your office is just above mine, but I also can hear other footsteps and I can recognize heels steps, that means that I know it when a woman comes in and I'm jealous deep down.

 This evening, around 4p.m, when I finished working, I was about to go back home when I heard those heels steps so,as courious as I am, I hid to see who she was, I hoped with all my heart that she's just one of your employer, just like me, and guess what my wish, again, became true, she was an employer like me, but she also was holding your hand, you were smiling to her, just like a couple do, she was your girlfriend, unlike me!

 You can't even imagine how bad I felt, it's like someone just took my heart out of my chest and broke it in two before replacing it where it was, this person was you, you the one I always loved, broke my heart again.

 It's the second time I get this feeling. The first was when you left.

 As far as I remember, you never dated when we were in high school, you were barely talking to girls, just like you did with me, but as I told you before, it was Ok for me, as long as I could be with you.

 What am I suppose to do now? now that you've got someone in your life and you seem happy with her?

 I know that, based on the fact that I love you more than anything, your happiness matters to me, I should be happy for you, what makes you happy makes me happy, but I can't help hating that girl with whom you were earlier. Yes, I'm clearly jealous.

 But, to be honest, I understand your choise, she is so pretty, so womanly, so willowy, so tall, she has the body of a victoria secret's model and she looks so smart, no wonder that you want to be with her. 

 And what was I expecting???!

 I'll tell you, I was expecting that you would've waited for me, that the day we would've met again would've been the best day of my life, no, the second best day of my life, yeah, the first would've been the day when you would've asked me to marry you!

 Yes, I was expecting all of this, but here's the sad reality, none of these stuffs are going to happen. This is what people call a wide awake dream, the things I dreamed of only happens in love stories, in these perfect movies that make all your worries fade away while watching them, those ones that make you believe in love, the same ones that make the sad reality harder to swallow and more painful.

 I told you once that love stories were my favorite, especially  "Letter To Juliette" ,remember? I guess that the answer is no, I mean I don't even know if you remember me!!

  This morning when I was introduced to you, you acted like you never knew me before and when we were left alone, you still had the same atittude. 

  I wanted to tell you all what happend in my life since you weren't a part of it anymore and I wanted you to do the same. I thought that, with time, you became a more talkative person. I don't know about that, cause we didn't talk at all, you just told me what I had to do and asked me to leave.

 I wanted to make up for the loss of time but I guess, you didn't share me the envy!

 Above all, I wanted to ask you if you remember me! but I was scared of the answer that I actually guessed : no you don't...

 This thought made me cry, I couldn't help it, so now, this page is a little wet.

 I'm sorry, I love you, Always and forever!

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