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   So, as I decided, I told you want I saw. Guess what... You didn't believe me!

  You said that all of it was my imagination cause I was tired, cause I came at work with a face full dark circles.I didn't sleep much, I was thinking about this crazy situation. At least you didn't yell at me, that's what you usually do.. instead you told me to go back home and rest for the rest of the day, you even smiled at me, maybe it's because I'm tired that I'm saying that, but I think that this one was sincere. It warmed my little heart.

  Yes I am tired, yes I didn't sleep all night, but it wasn't for the reasons you think, I didn't sleep cause I was worried about you, I thought that you'd believe me and you'll be broken to learn that. I spent the whole night thinking of how to comform you and I even thought that I'd use stupid sentences as " there are many fish in the sea" .. just because I thought it could snatch you a smile at least for few seconds cause I know you and I love you.

  I have to figure out a way to make you see what I saw so you could believe me, before it gets worst, before you start to live together, before you get married and before you have children together!!

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