Twenty six

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  It's been a while, it's been two weeks to be exact.

   I missed writing my thoughts. I don't have a minute for me anymore. I've become so busy at work. Jimy's always asking for my opinion, I'm making a lot of researches to be sure to get the best for our company.

   Speaking about work, I didn't see you our last collaboration. Jimy and you meet often, he asks me to come but I just can't, after all what happened there, I can't make a step inside that building. He never forced me to come, he could do it, he's my boss after all, but he never did. I feel like I'm more his associate than his employee, it's a good thing. I love working in this company, I think I found my place!

   What's new?

   I went back to that box club and I met that guy from before, I imagined the worst, but I was wrong. He appologized and we are friends now, his name's Lucas and he's really cool, we train together sometimes. I'll meet him in few minutes.

    What about you? Is there something new? Are you ok? do you think f me like I think of you?

To the last question, I can answer for you, it is "No", yu're busy too as a boss and you spend your free time with your girlfriend, you don't have time to think of me.

   It's been so long, I want to see you, I want to talk to you, I want to holdyou , I want to hear the three little words from your mouth. It kills me to know that I can't... Life can be rude sometimes.

   Just know that if you need me I'm here for you, here at the same place witing for you for so so long, know that I love you!

  I have to go, either Lucas will be witing for me, he hates to wait.

Bye love, hope we'll meet soon!

If You Only Knew... [completed]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя