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 You gave me a day to rest. I think you shouldn't have!!

 I got crazy thinking of a way to make you believe me, I am so worried, I feel like now that I know it, you'll know it soon too. I'm so scared, I don't want you to get hurt, you mean more that the world to me, if this may be... you know what I mean.

  I couldn't even get out for a walk cause the weather was too bad and that made my mood worst!

  I figured out a way to execute my plan, I'll go back to the tree and if I find them thee, I'll take a pic and send it to you, if not, I'll figure it out another way.

  I spent a real bad journey, but the eveninng gone better cause Zack came to visit, he bought pizza with him and we made a teen wolf marathon. I know I know, but it turned out that we're both huge fans. We had great time together, at least he made me think of something else.


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