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   What a long journey!

  I wish I could tell you about it around a good dinner that I prepared especially for you cause I know that your day was longer and harder than mine but I can't so I'm just gonna write it like I usually do!

  Today, one of our best customer came and we had to take care of him of course. I think you're good friends, you were always laughing and joking like you knew each other from long ago or maybe was it just business?!

  I was with Nicole following you everywhere you were going. I didn't contest your order but to be honest I prefered not to be there, Nicole was the one who explained, everytime I try to say a word she cut me even if I knew better than her about it, I'm not boasting, it's just that I studied his folder for a week to find the best arrangement and the best way to make our curve raise up but I couldn't say a word I couldn't even whisper. I was mad and annoyed, I felt so small and stupid beside her, a true perfaction!

  But I had to talk about the work I did, the trick I found, I didn't want all that week spent on hard work to be for nothing and vanish, so before he went back I pulled a yellow envelop which contined my work. The customer asked me about it but Nicole said it was nothing and that you shouldn't care about it and you, you sent me dead looks like a was a child who almost made a big mess. I was sad to see that, I thought that you trusted my work at least.

   By the way, the man said it was an amazing idea, he thanked us and proposed a dinner to talk about it cause he had to go at that time.

   I saw that you were pround of me, I felt so happy, at that moment I was in heaven and now we have a dinner with the customer.

    A dinner with you, could I ask for more?

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