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  I'm upset, I have to say. For the first time in my life, I'm so mad at you!

  You fired me, just like that, without even listening to what I might have to say. Couldn't you think for a second " I'd give her a chance, maybe she has a good explanation!". Because, yes, I had a lot to say but I was paralyzed, I was the hostage of fear, and I couldn't free myself till it was too late.

   Today was the day when I cleaned my desk, while walking in the corridors of the company, I heard so much... people were careless about what I could feel, they were talking like I wasn't there, some of'em were even pointing at me with their fingers, they didn't care how bad it could hurt me, I guess they think it is easy.

   Now, I am seen as the employee who's trying to steal my superior boyfriend who's no one else than my boss. I love you, it's true, I know I can treat you better than she ever could. (Usually I'm not that confident but I am sure about this: she's not right for you, she's not you're one and only). What  else I know and I'm sure of is that I'm not a boyfriend stealer!

   I'm so pissed off because of that, this rumor if so damn far from the truth. I feel eshamed too, I'm, now, the type of person who go without being unnoticed, and thanks to you if I can say, I'm now in the top 10 of subjects of the week and maybe of the month, who knows!!?

   They say she is your love, I was happy for you at the start, cause I thought she's a good person but now I'm asking myself: are you gonna keep her?

   I think you won't ask me why when I say that I don't want to see you with her, it's because of a phrase which has 7 letters, the same phrase I wish you'd tell me one day, it's the same reason why I don't want to see her in your embrace, she is standing where I should!

    I'll say it now, I can't move on, I tried so many times, I couldn't when you were out of my life, how could I now that you're in again?!

    I want to be at her place, I think I'd fit better than her even if I'm not as hot and pretty as she is! I want to help you pass the hard times and I need you to be here for me too!

    Amelie and Zack can't do much for me in my situatin, it is you that I need!

   Can't you understand?!

    I'm sorry, this page is wet too...

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