twenty seven

19 6 0


  My wish has been granted!!

   Lucas didn't come to the gym so I had to train alone. I decided to work out with some weigh training.

  It was alright at the beginning, but later I started to be tired and that iron bar became suddenly heavier so I was about to release it and before doing that I called for help but I knew that no one could hear me cause they all had their headphones on their ears with the music at its highest volume.  

 I said a little pray and released it but it never hit me, I opened my eyes to see what was the reason why I didn't feel it and I saw a hand, I raised my head a little to see who it was and it was you!

  BUT HOW?!!! WHY??

  I think I never blushed like that in all my life, you put the iron bar on its place and then came back to me to help me to get up cause I didn't move an inch, I was surprised and confused.

  You took my hand and pulled me close to you till one inch was left between our faces, I didn't move, I wanted to but I couldn't, you paralysed me. A little smirk drawn itself on your lips and you released me. You told me that I trained enough for today and you took me home.

  We went home on walk cause it's nearby, I don't know about you but for me it is. While walking you took my hand and by doing that you woke up the tousand butterflies in my stomach. We didn't talk. I wanted to ask you what were you doing there but I stayed quiet.

  When we arrived, you came closer and kissed my cheek and wished me a good night and you left without waiting for an answer.

  At that moment I felt my heart skiping a beat. Do you want me to die??

   I wanted to say thank you, thank you for saving my life. And thanks to you I know I'll spend one of the most swet nights of my life.

  I love you,


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